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Red Dragon

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Everything posted by Red Dragon

  1. Yes, you have exposed the secret agenda of the nationa Media. The all hate the Bills and Western New York. Every day, instead of taking an objective look at the less than average talent on this team and writing informed articles, they instead spew forth lies about the Bills in their never-ending attempt to discredit our football team, fans and home. Each day, in meeting rooms throughout the country, the moguls of media meet to discuss what fresh batch of mis-information will be released each day.
  2. Why is what the media says about the Bills important to you? Do you receive some sort of satisfaction or ego boost if the media praises the Bills?
  3. Green Bay, Indianapolis, Houston, Jacksonville, San Diego, Jets, Miami, Tennessee, and Baltimore. The only possible wins I see here are Houston and Tennessee. They will not be good enough to win on the road, or beat any playoff, or playoff caliber teams. Let's revisit this when the 2007 schedule is released, and make your predictions for the first half of that season.
  4. None of the above. If he comes out early, I would rather have Adrian Peterson.
  5. Take a look at the schedule, and perhaps you can let me know which games they will win. Since the Bills are incapable of winning on the road, there are eight losses just at first glance, but I do think they will beat Houston (although they barely beat them last year at home). I think they will beat the Jets and Titans at home, but do not have enough talent to beat any playoff teams, so you can put New England, Jacksonville and San Diego into the loss column. Regarding the other home games against teams that had winning records, Miami and Minnesota, the Bills aren't talented enough to beat them either. The only other game they have at home against a team with a comparable 2005 won-loss recored is Green Bay, but I still don't think the Bills can win this one either, probably because of the difference in the level of quarterbacking between both teams.
  6. BS? Did you see anything that indicated that the Bills will not be one of the worst teams in the NFL? They will be lucky to win three games this year.
  7. This is the opinion of the brainwashed. The new owner can do what he feels is necessary in regard to ticket prices, but nobody should be "willing" to pay more for tickets. Until it is otherwise proven, it does not seem possible to me that this team cannot be profitable. Futhermore, to be willing to be 'willing" to pay more to watch one of the worst teams in the NFL is insanity. If the Bills can no longer thrive in the new economics of the NFL, they can move the team to another area that has "willing" fans. I have been a lifelong Bills fan, and enjoy watching them play, but there is absolutely no way I will allow myself to threatened by this organization. Western New York will survive without them.
  8. Well stated. Some of the people on this board are more interested in insulting others rather than engaging in serious discussion.
  9. Was it the worst Super Bowl ever? Probably not, but it was damn close. My memories of the older games are fairly dim, but I'm sure that there were a few games in the 1970's that were just as bad, from a pure entertainment point of view. And I seem to recall a few games in the early 90's that were pretty bad as wekk,What I can't remember is, is if they they were as poorly played as this one. Sure there were some blow-outs, but at least one side played well. Yesterdays game was not only boring, but was also poorly executed. As a matter of fact, with the exception of the last quarter of the Indianapolis-Pittsburgh game, all of the Playoff games have been boring. The NFL is failing to live up to it's own hype. Throughout December and January, we were innundated with those awful Don Chaedle commercials telling us how great the Playoffs are, only to be treated to yesterdays debacle. Was this a showcase for the best two teams in the NFL? Probably not, but by looking at the rest of the so-called playoff teams, I doubt the game could have been improved. The NFL needs to take a long, hard look at it's product, and find ways to improve the game, before NCAA football surpasses it as America's sport of choice. Each of the BCS games were better than the Super Bowl, and there were several non-BCS game that surpassed the Super Bowl in quality as well. Most of the games on the NFL's weekly schedule are unwatchable, and seem to serve only as a delivery system for beer ads. The game is getting increasingly boring each year, as there is little diversity between teams and systems. The whole presentation of the Super Bowl, from the hours of pre-game hype all the way to the trophy presentation (what was the deal with that podium?-it looked like a flying saucer!) was not only unwanted, but also embarrassing at times. Who thinks of some of this nonsense? As for me, I am a good American, and watch the game out of obligation rather than for entertainment. The game rarely lives up to expectations, and is slowly becoming a parody of itself. The amount of time that I spend watching the NFL decreases each year. Unless the NFL can find a way to restore their product to it's former glory, in a few years, I will be completely devoted to NCAA football.
  10. Moron or not, you cannot argue with his record as a Bill. If you were a Bills fan back when he was starting, I guarantee that you rooted for him. The team was a winner when he was the starter, and a loser since he left. He was the first of many poor decisions made by the Bills admistration. I'm not asking you too root against the Bills Sunday, but you should cheer Flutie the way you would any ex-Bill who had accomplishments such as his.
  11. Moron or not, you cannot argue with his record as a Bill. If you were a Bills fan back when he was starting, I guarantee that you rooted for him. The team was a winner when he was the starter, and a loser since he left. He was the first of many poor decisions made by the Bills admistration. I'm not asking you too root against the Bills Sunday, but you should cheer Flutie the way you would any ex-Bill who had accomplishments such as his.
  12. I can't wait for this Sunday, when the Pats are eventually beating the Bills by a wide enough margin, and Flutie is inserted into the game. He will be a reminder of the last good teams Buffalo had, when they were competitive in each game, and actually made the playoffs. Say what you like about his shortcomings (no pun intended), but after he left, it has all gone downhill for this team. If only Flutie had been chosen over Rob Johnson, the disastrous personnel decisions made after his departure would not have happened.
  13. t The Bills are an embarrassment, and so are their fans. It is because of experiences such as this that I avoid the attending the games. I used to be a season ticket holder from the late 80's to mid 90's, however the behavior of the "fans" became intolerable. It is truly a disgraceful situation.
  14. Unless the Bills finish in the bottom three, Ferguson will not be availab.e
  15. Absolute brilliance! As a frequent victim of censorship, I appreciate your point of view. Lets get rid of the unnecessary visitors of this site who have nothing to offer but tired opinions and insider references, and let people who have serious opinions express themselves.
  16. If the Bills has a linebacker as good as Bruchi, perhaps their defense would not be as bad as they are. I would be proud to be your new Tedy Bruschi. I love all the mis-directed commentary in regard to ESPN's coverage of the New England debacle. Way to focus on the real issues, "fans"! Most people only grudgingly accept the truth about their true natures, so if my Top Five list upset you, perhaps you should look inward and realize that you need to change. The stadium needs less middle-aged adolescents, power drinkers and clowns.
  17. Your are incorrect. I do not want the fans to be quiet. I just want the fans who's behavior annoys me and others to either control themselves or be eliminated from the stadium.
  18. I post when I feel it is necessary. I am not a so-called football expert, so I normally keep my opinions to myself when I feel I do not know what I am talking about. If only others would follow my example, the stadium would be a better place. Instead, I have to deal with armchair quarterbacks, little league coaches, and guys who played high school football posing as experts. And then, when they add some beer to their brains, the magic begins.
  19. Some of us do not think that people acting "silly" around us is an enjoyable way to watch the game. I don't take it all way too seriously-I just don't want my experience ruined by fools.
  20. The Top Five Most Annoying Fans at the Ralph. 5. Face Painters & People who Dress in Costumes - Can somebody please tell me what point of this is? Does it add value to your game experience, or to the experience of others around you? Does the team "feed off it's energy" No. It is pointless and embarrassing. 4. First Down Guy and the Guy Who Invokes the Crowd to Stand - These are the guys who insist on, with some sort of exaggerated arm motion, pointing out to the rest of us whenever the Bills make a first down. I have eyes. Sit down and keep your arms to yourself. Even worse is the guy who, before a critical play, turns to the people behind them and invokes them to stand and cheer. I have news for you my friend, this is not the Nuremburg Rally - I choose to cheer when and if I want to. 3. The Uneducated Fan - These are the people who place blame on players or referees without the complete knowledge of how a play was designed, a player's individual responsibilities, or the rules of football. They need to keep their mouths shut and hide their ignorance. I know I do. 2. True Believers - Fans who can never accept that the Bills are going to lose a game, despite the score or the time remaining in the game. These child-like fans are constantly coming up with scenarios of how the Bills can overcome the odds and pull out a miracle ("All we need to do is to block this field goal, return it for a touchdown, recover an onside kick, and then complete a Hail Mary". Sound Familiar?) Most of this is a result of the Houston comeback game (I was at that game, and did not leave at halftime like most of you "fans" did). Miracles rarely happen. (Some would say they never do. In the words of William Jennings Bryan,"Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of will"). Accept the Bills defeat and move on. 1. People who do The Wave. Let it die people. It was fun in the 80's but it is ridiculous now. What is more perplexing are those who insist on doing it when the Bills are on offense. What are you thinking? That extra crowd noise somehow helps the offense? Have you ever noticed that when a wave is attempted, it usually dies when it reaches the mid-field, lower level seats? Maybe the fans in the expensive seats are better than you yahoos in the end zone, and realize the foolishness of an outdated participatory cheer. I offer this list to you a public service. If you recognize yourself, please realize that your behavior is foolish and distracting, and needs to be corrected. I hope you enjoyed this. I plan to have weekly Top Five lists for your reading pleasure.
  21. Those are plenty of "ifs" for Mike Williams. I believe that the expression that best describes these drafts is "failed expectations". No players from Rounds 4-7 from 2001 are still on the team. Ryan Denney, Ron Edwards, Coy Wire and Tim Anderson has failed to achieve. There are only nine starters from all of these drafts, and one (Crowell) is due to an injury. There is nothing solid about these drafts-it is a record of failure.
  22. I find the everyone's focus on the announcing unsettling. You all should be more concerned with the quality of the Bill's performance, not on ESPN. Concentrate on the things that matter.
  23. The only thing worse than watching the Bills lose each week, is having to watch them lose while they are wearing those clown suits that they call uniforms. While not worst uniforms in the league, they certainly look ridiculous. How fitting for a team that does so many ridiculous things on the field.
  24. Right on Realist! This is the type of statement I have been making for the last week, and have taken tons of heat for. The fans in this community need to take off their red,white and blue tinted glasses, and look at this team as it really is. They are a team going nowhere once again this year. Not only are they playing bad, but they look bad too. Those clown suits that they wear and insist on calling uniforms are embarrasing.
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