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Jon in Pasadena

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Everything posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. Stimulus money FTW
  2. You kidding? We did some of the EFX on DM, as well as Speed, Speed2, Ya-ya Sisterhood, etc. I've seen parts of Sandra that you can only dream of!
  3. Really? I'd heard that and was worried some, but I got my CA refund direct-deposited only 3 business days after the Federal one.
  4. Yay! I officially out-rank a houseplant!
  5. You only need to worry if you start noticing your complexion is clearing up and there's unexplained empty chloroform bottles under the bed.
  6. At least 10x better. I'll vouch for this one as well. I watched it alone in my house at 3:00 a.m. while my family was, eerily enough, in Japan. Extra bonus: at one of the scariest parts, a geji-geji ran across my floor and I nearly shat a kidney.
  7. Not that I brag about getting refunds (not that mine are that big either) but-- I've been scratching my head trying to figure a way to reduce my refund (increase my weekly take-home) without doing something to trigger an IRS audit. Any clever suggestions are welcome. (Don't bother suggesting claiming more allowances on my W-4; I'm already taking an uncomfortably large number). Until I have a better option I'll consider my 0% interest loan to the Gov (which massively outperformed the rest of my portfolio in 2008, btw) to be a necessary evil to avoid getting audited. Not that an audit would turn up anything -- it would just be a massive time & energy sink that I don't want to have to deal with.
  8. That 3K is for ordinary income, over and above offsetting any capital gains (of course following the short-term/long-term rules yada yada) right, Chef?
  9. Sure. A 95 year old Sandra Bullock.
  10. Years ago, back when I was young and stupid, I was going through some turmoil in my life and ended up not filing my returns, and when it got to be like a year later and on the verge of being late with the next year's returns, I ended up packing up all the paperwork I could find for both years and dumped it all on some poor H&R Block guy's desk and begged him "please fix this". I was sure I was going to be sent to Leavenworth or something. The upshot? After all penalties, etc., the Gov (Fed + State combined; forget the breakdown) ended up owing me a few hundred bucks. Nowadays I use TurboTax/efile, and get my refunds direct deposited in 10 days max.
  11. Maybe this is the spark our Defense desperately needs...
  12. Have fun with that. (NSFW)
  13. Robinson was like a "coach on the field". You know -- old and slow. RJ was double frustrating because he actually showed some flashes early on, like the one we won against the '49ers, or the one we should have won the previous week against the Rams. My recollection is we lost when the D let yet another QB (Tony Banks?) run it in for a TD.
  14. We've let quite a few slow QB's lurch into the endzone over the years. Peyton Manning and Chad Pennington are two of the more horrific examples seared into my brain.
  15. Taking your question at face value.... If you type an address into the search field in maps.google.com, you can often "zoom in" all the way to "street view" which is a series of photographs shot from a Google van as it cruised by that address. You can see exactly what the storefronts and what-not look like. But they're only updated every so often, so they're not necessarily current. Also, not always available for a given location. Prsumably, "Bayou" is a business that moved in at some time subsequent to the latest drive-by Googling.
  16. They definitely are somewhat to the left in many ways, but none of them include their weekly market recap. That's like the idiot from some minority rights advocacy group (could have been NAACP, but I'm not certain) a few years ago who was complaining about the "racism" in Hollywood because films include things like black cats, yellow taxi cabs and red firetrucks.
  17. Fail. The leadoff line in the article is "Stocks managed gains for the second week in a row despite tumbling Friday, as investors pulled back after the recent run." [emphasis mine]. Wow, those commie bastards almost just admitted how much they wish they could pick VA Bills's pocket and give the $$$ to ACORN to fund sub-prime crack house development. CNN's aftermarket FRIDAY business headline almost always summarizes the WEEKLY stock market movement. Whether it's up or down. And often puts it in context (down for 3rd week in a row, up for 2nd, whatever). Finally, in the context of the wild swings of the past 6 months or so, 122 pts on the DOW is hardly a "hammering". More like a faint tapping.
  18. It depends on what the definition of "pork" is....
  19. Never cared for the stuff myself; made me feel stupid and nauseated, and that's not exactly something I strive for. That said, I have no problem with legalization provided that severe penalties are enforced for actions that threaten public safety (DUI/DWI, operating heavy equipment while impaired, etc.)
  20. I can't spend much time on these boards, so when I have a clear shot, I gotta take it.
  21. If you had the slightest clue how utterly ignorant this statement is, you'd not only change to a new handle, you'd also change your IP. Better yet, your ISP.
  22. You read English at the rate of 0.8 words per second? So, what's your first language?
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