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Jon in Pasadena

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Everything posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. ...Stay onsides.. stay onsides ....
  2. Shakira's hips are so... wiggly 🙂
  3. Death, taxes, and the Raiders being horribly disappointing.
  4. ***** Jonnu Smith and his Buffalo Wing hating ass
  5. And he wasn't even taunting. More like explaining to the the guy that "If you ever again tackle my QB oob, I will rip off your head and ***** down your neck!' 🙂
  6. Bills should try the same this Sunday on Patty, and if we get flagged/fined for it, then we should crowdfund a split-screen ad running the two plays side-by-side with an endless scroll at the bottom saying "NFL = Not Fair League!!" That would be funny.
  7. Always amusing to see the media darling QB flavor of the month turn back into a pumpkin when they have to face a half-decent defense
  8. Our collective nostrils thank you for your sacrifice!
  9. Whole milk all the way, baby!
  10. They give Darwin awards to the kinds of people who think those things are important.
  11. CJ going to go boss some nurses around.....
  12. Early whistle
  13. Holy *****
  14. And there's #2 .... Because Dan Campbell is not a man who wastes plurals.
  15. He literally told Melissa Stark "We need to get some turnovers" and Carlton Davis instantly intercepted CJ.
  16. Dan Campbell speaking things into existence
  17. Six more for the Christmas ornaments
  18. Or they're trying to color coordinate with a 2022 GSXR 600
  19. What in the name of all that is holy are those things the Texans are wearing?
  20. I should have worn brown pants today.
  21. Tell the little ***** he's grounded!
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