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Jon in Pasadena

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Everything posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. The very first Defensive series after halftime (after our 12 second scoring drive), our D gave up a 6+ minute drive. They did it to themselves. Edit: oops, my bad. Our first Defensive series was actually a 3+ minute drive. The second Defensive series was a 7+ minute drive. Our 12 second TD drive was sandwiched in between. So those 2 series right there put us 10 minutes into the hole in TOP; nothing to do with the Offense.
  2. For those who like the "defense is always on the field and tired out" excuse, I'd just like to point out that we're currently winning the TOP battle... ...the big question is can we keep it up after halftime ??
  3. I hear that Air Horns produce good results.
  4. That's offensive and terribly unfair....to dogsiht.
  5. Don't go forgetting my favorite of the bunch: BillyJoeGunrack "Playbook? You mean that telephone book thing y'all threw at me my first day here? Wait, y'all were kidding when you told me to 'read' that, right? I mean y'all were just funnin' me right? No? Uh......" Hobert
  6. I am in the foothills north of L.A. where the Station fire is now >20,000 acres, and the firefighters up here are also STUDS...The Engine companies on the ground are holding their lines and heroically defending people's homes. We are less than half a mile from one of the evacuation zones, but there's very little chance the flame-front could make it this far. (I've been watching it burn West-to-East along the ridge-lines for the past 4 nights.) The terrain here is way too steep to get into on foot to try to suppress the fire (it blew right through the dozer line they set up like it wasn't even there) so they've been attacking it primarily from the air - flying non-stop helicopter and fixed-wing aircraft for 3 days trying to keep this monster down. I was outside on my front lawn today watching the little tankers drop their loads, when I heard this huge roar and looked up.to see a DC-10 flying sideways through our little valley spewing Phos-chek or similar ..pilot must have thought he was friggin' Han Solo or something...crazy!
  7. I was thinking that "BJ" sounded too much like.....BJ
  8. ...which will prove to be a fairly accurate barometer for the season.
  9. We have a perfectly balanced offense: cannot run *or* pass We have a perfectly balanced defense: they can run/pass at will on us. Yippee.
  10. Looking on the bright side, the Bills managed to avoid looking like chumps on national TV for almost 5 minutes.
  11. Hmm, considering the state of English Dentistry, she'd probably have fit right in, across the pond. I'm fairly certain they never got beyond the Blacksmith & tongs phase over there...
  12. I think the CARS program sucks and has nothing to do with trying to protect the environment at all. My 17-year old Saturn burns massive amounts of oil, spews heaven knows what horrors into the atmosphere, *barely* passed smog by a whisker and only because I disconnected the vacuum lines and stuck my fingers over the intake/outake ports for five minutes while the evap test ran, yet it's apparently not a clunker, because it got 28 mpg combined in 1993. But as a taxpayer, I get to subsidize the folks trading an 18mpg car in perfect operating condition for a new 22 mpg car. Yippee.
  13. Yep. As recently as a few hundred years ago, people in Western societies went directly from kids to full-fledged farmers, kinghts, princes, or whatever, as teenagers. They certainly didn't "sulk around for a decade". Duh!. Also, gotta love the "proof by assertion" in #9....
  14. Terrible mess of an article. Most of the items in that list have had solid evolutionary explanations for many years. (Example: W.D. Hamilton did an excellent job of explaining the evolutionary basis for altruistic behavior in terms of kin selection.) Many of the topics are addressed by Stephen Pinker in his books, c.f. "How the Mind Works."
  15. I have been to Lake Titicaca and the answer is no, they don't. They do, however, have battery-powered satellite TV receivers, which I found hilarious.
  16. No, I'm pretty sure those are Queens...
  17. If Ahmadinejad nuked Israel and happened to end up vaporizing East Jerusalem including the Dome of the Rock Mosque (3rd holiest site in Islam) he'd for sure galvanize the Arabs. Galvanize them right up his Shiite ass.
  18. The little 8-note riff at the very end gives it away.
  19. I think he meant a "source" who lies a lot. You know, like Soprano.
  20. Interestingly, that was the only one that gave me trouble. I got all the others instantly. But then again, I'm a) a weirdo who tends to hear & remember songs by their bass lines, not their melodies (drives the wife crazy), and b) an ex-bass player, so that helped. But I can't argue too much with your premise; I should listen to music from that era more often than I do.
  21. You don't see how the fact that idle chit-chat distracted the pilots to the point where they didn't even notice they were stalling their aircraft, and then proceeded to crash and kill everyone is "that big a deal" ? Yes, pilot experience is paramount, and part of being an experienced pilot is knowing when it's OK to talk, and when to STFU and just fly the damned thing. Chatting in the middle of a trans-oceanic flight at 40,000 feet in clear weather is one thing. Chatting while trying to land a small aircraft in the middle of a !@#$ing blizzard in winter in Buffalo while the wings are icing is something entirely different.
  22. Sounds surprisingly similar to my high school camping trip to Missouri. Now that was a torture-fest.
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