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Jon in Pasadena

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Everything posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. They should both be put down. And I don't mean the dogs.
  2. And now that poor beer can has chlamydia.
  3. http://www.xepisodes.com/southpark/episode...ed-Chicken.html Warning: NSFA (not safe for ANYWHERE!)
  4. I've been trying NOD32 on the wife's laptop, and I think it's better than Norton or McAfee.
  5. Avatar - 3D = 0
  6. Completely made it up, of course.
  7. Female cop was 6'3" Marium Varinauskas
  8. A few weeks ago I took my 3-year-old to the second-run theatre to catch a Saturday matinee, figuring that I'd probably have to sit through something lame like Princess & the Frog or Alvin the Squeakuel. Bless his little heart; He looked up on the marquee and saw the poster for "The Blind Side", got all excited and said "Papa! I wanna see the FOOTBALL movie!" So we got two admissions, three hot dogs & a big bottle of water -- for under $10. And the movie wasn't too bad.
  9. Can't beat this for getting every last follicle...
  10. You can say that again.
  11. Fusion is a quite good shave. Cheap refills at Costco last a long while. Used to use a straight razor sometimes, but that became plain suicidal once the kids got ambulatory
  12. I believe McKinney is UFA.
  13. Well, she might redefine the term "space-eating tackle". As in, she'd literally devour the continuum in the vicinity of the LOS. So our RB's need only gain a yard or 2 and we'd still make a first down.
  14. Well, if she did make a couple of hundred large off it, I bet that easily covers the cost of a lap-band, and then presto! instant hottie. Or so the unending barrage of radio commercials would have us believe.
  15. Wait a minute, an idea is coming to me... maybe the Bills have found their new 3-4 nose tackle?
  16. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! HELLS, NO!
  17. That's actually not all that far off from Poz's old haircut...
  18. I used to buy "Oui" for the conjugations.
  19. OK, which one of you jokers sent Brandon/Jauron that copy of "How to win in the NFL with a weak-ass incomplete team and crappy QB's" ? You forgot to tell them it was GAG gift, dumas...
  20. Yeah, negative 3 years too early....
  21. +2 (well, except for the Texas part) TIA
  22. If the refs really favored the Bills over the Fins this game then I say -- Good! Only 19 more times and we'll call it even for the 1970's
  23. Anyone not have a new link that they won't PM me because I totally don't need one? TIA
  24. I only recall two 3-and-out series this half, one of which we started on our own 15 (after the penalty).
  25. Neither is having touchdowns nullified by dumb penalties...
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