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Jon in Pasadena

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Everything posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. When I was a 1st or 2nd grader, a bigger kid kept pushing my face into the drinking fountain one day at summer camp. 1st time: "Cut it out" 2nd time: "Do that again and you'll be sorry" 3rd time: I bided my time and later that day I pushed him off a pretty high cliff. Never bothered me again.
  2. Yeah, I was bouncing back & forth between the shoutbox & catching up on the board posts, so I forget where I saw that particular gem.
  3. I am married to a Japanese girl. And there's no question that the history they are taught in school differs from the one that is taught in ours. Guess what: neither version are the complete truth. There are no squeaky-clean countries to be found in this world.. Nearly all groups of humans, throughout history, have come up with some rationale (Gott mit uns, Manifest Destiny, etc.,) for mistreating some other group of humans. They're all just excuses. And everyone likes to emphasize the horror of the other guys' atrocities while denying or defending their own. It also, sadly, seems to be the case that pretty much all governments lie to their own people some or most of the time. By the way, my brother-in-law works for one of Japan's regional electric power companies (not TEPCO) and he is busy as hell right now. Every time there's an earthquake of any size in Japan, he gets a stack of paperwork as tall as his computer monitor; the current situation has basically ensured he won't even be able to leave his office for the foreseeable future. As a side note, much of the speculation on this board (as elsewhere) about the design, location, backup systems, disaster-preparedness and so on, of the Japanese nuclear power plants, would be characterized, charitably, as "laughable." (Seriously folks, graphite in the core? In a BWR??)
  4. Sure thing, chief: There's an ornery Tomcat that loves to visit my yard whenever he gets in heat, and that bastage yowls from dusk till dawn outside my window. Drives me freakin' nuts. At one point I was seriously considering taking a gun out there with the understanding that by sun-up only one of us wouldn't have a bullet in his head... ...and I'd rather listen to that fugger every night than Christina Aguilera .
  5. BR was in a hurry to go celebrate a TD or something. Seymour was in his way and BR tried to push his way past. Perhaps next time he'll consider detouring around him.
  6. Bet he learned that move in the big house showers.
  7. Wow, I missed how we got to be second-rate. Did we somehow leap-frog over third-rate while I was asleep or something?
  8. Man, if they criminalize taking a dump, I don't know what I'm gonna do...
  9. The first time I saw examples of this guy's "oeuvre" was at some gallery in Santa Monica or Beverly Hills, some place like that. I assumed I'd wandered into a film shoot with a bunch of fake set pieces. Then I found out they were actually for sale.
  10. Was he also Vram Yvel, or was that an entirely different dyslexic?
  11. Here's a totally crazed idea. Perhaps the AP or another media organization could come up with a couple of new awards: the NCDROY and NCOROY. (The NC stands for "Non-Cheater", of course.) The organizers could then, in good conscience, restrict the ballot to those rookies who didn't fail PED tests. And the voters could vote with clear consciences for whomever they thought deserved it from amongst the non-cheaters. And then the rest of us could decide for ourselves which set of awards we give less of a **** about.
  12. OK, now that was a good one.
  13. He only gets one vote:
  14. My personal candidate list for tuchus-probing is very, very short. Half-meter long Asian Swamp Eels were voted off on the first ballot.
  15. Hey, I've lived over 16 years in a $1M+ house! But I only have a HS education
  16. But dead things are cool... right?
  17. Leaving aside the question of who has the most "upside", Fitz is 27, Edwards is 26, Brohm is 24, and Brown is 23. Not a whole lot of age difference there. Any or all of them could play for another 10-12 years easy, if they can hack it talent-wise.
  18. Pretty dumb law, IMO. I agree with Supervisor Gage in that if you can't reign in your kids when they want a happy meal/toy, you are in for a world of hurt as they get bigger. I'm not crazy about McD's, but I do let my boys go once in a while. They share a happy meal, and enjoy playing with the cheap toy for a long time. You have to use some common sense as far as how much, if any, fast food to let your kids eat, based on their body types, metabolism, etc. My 7 yr old is 42 pounds soaking wet. Empirically, it doesn't seem like half of a small fries & some chicken nuggets every couple of weeks is enough to blimp him out. Likewise for his kid brother. Of course, they get plenty of exercise and usually eat pretty healthy stuff, so YMMV.
  19. Drink enough Soju and it will be.
  20. Same thing I've been calling them for the last 15+ years: "Those Five Stiffs"
  21. And if you can't comprehend that there weren't any 1st round talent QB's in THIS draft after SB went #1, and to blow a #9 on a 2nd or 3rd rd talent would have been !@#$ing stupid, then I think YOU are the mentally challenged one. We will probably pick up a QB prospect in a later round, and if not then we may need to wait another year before getting our franchise QB. Newsflash: we weren't likely going to the playoffs this year no matter how many draft choices get thrown away on stupid reach picks.
  22. Don't feed the Trolls.
  23. Sorry to hear that. You should have gone to a co-educational college!
  24. Very nicely done.
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