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Jon in Pasadena

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Everything posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. You'd vote for Stalin and Pol Pot, but only if they were nude? That's just nasty.
  2. Gerbiling is a gateway activity to Dragoning.
  3. [quote name=KD in CT' timestamp='1346008663' post='2541550' btw, here's another link with a pic of the would be hero at the bottom. The girl's family might have a lawsuit for false advertising. http://www.dailymail...hoto-shoot.html That dude looks like he'd have trouble holding up a camera for more than 3 seconds. Must have been working on a tripod.
  4. She's known for her beautifully flowing routines.
  5. I wanted a set of Blue Balls, but they were out of stock, so I just went to Hooters for a couple hours. They should change the promo code to SUCKITCPSC (Actually I did buy a set of nickel bb's)
  6. Starting early plus consistently counting fast from the very first time might gain an advantage. The penalty sequence that ensued seemed out of proportion to the offense, especially considering how inconsistently the rule is applied. I agree that the whole "the game ends when the ref feels like it" aspect of soccer is pretty goofy.
  7. Of course Abby would never in a million years stoop to speeding up her counting to exaggerate the apparent length of time the goalie held the ball...
  8. Nope. Sorry, not into Grannies.
  9. Taekwando or Judo. Big surprise. (not)
  10. Opportunity is still operational and drivable after more than 8 years of operation. Which means we currently have 2 RC vehicles driving around a planet >150,000,000 miles away....
  11. For me, any product placement they attempt to do while Grace Park is on-screen = big-time FAIL.
  12. I live within walking distance of JPL. I thought I heard some whooping at touchdown confirmation. A friend of mine was working in the control room. I saw him on the live feed; he was waving a paper cut-out puppet like a maniac after touchdown. Gonna have to ask him wtf was up with that.
  13. Shocking. Next thing you know, they'll be re-booting Hawaii 5-0.
  14. "Niners ran the ball 28 times on third downs with five or more yards to go; the only teams who did so more frequently had injured quarterbacks (Houston, Kansas City) or sainted ones (Denver)"
  15. Regular depression has a chance of getting better eventually.
  16. Yup. Out here the boys drive the camaros, and the girls drive the 'stangs.
  17. Just ask the guy at the gun shop for "Bobbitt" rounds. He'll hook you up.
  18. I'd think it means "Safety", no?
  19. http://www.sfgate.co.../BAKT1NLP76.DTL
  20. Hint: Where's the Head Coach?
  21. The two most embarrassingly drunken experiences of my life were both due to Maker's Mark. But neither involved bowie knives. (At least not that I can remember.)
  22. Real men don't use safety razors. They use straight razors. And they swig tequila while using them.
  23. So a Liberal, a Moderate, and a Conservative walk into a bar... The bartender looks up, and says "Oh, hi Mitt!"
  24. Why do you think I had kids? They're my official toothpaste tasters! Don't know too much about current D.C. traffic conditions, but riding in a sidecar in L.A. would definitely be suicide. I am a strict Neo-Darwinist, so the squids on ricers issue really doesn't bother me too much. It's a self-correcting problem. (Although the paperwork would be a drag, if I squished one with my car.) The best thing to do when driving a car, and approached by a MC traveling at a high speed (or any speed, really) is to do nothing. Like I always tell my (nerdy) passengers riding pillion: "When I'm driving a motorcycle I'm desperately solving a dynamical system of partial differential equations in my head. Every time you lean, wiggle or even breathe hard, you change a bunch of the coefficients in an unpredictable way. And for the record, I'm not that great at PDE's to begin with -- so KNOCK IT OFF!!" I'm amazed that I'm still alive too, but motorcycling is only about #10 on the list of reasons. Some of it is age + having a family. My riding style has calmed down a lot compared to my 20's. And, umm, 30's.
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