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Jon in Pasadena

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Everything posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. Good job, Bluechipper. You're going to have a lot of fun. Can't believe my first is gonna be 3 years old in a couple weeks, and he's getting a little brother about the same time. (Hey what can I say, I get frisky around July 4th ) You're going to try to impregnate R.Rich?
  2. Disclaimer: I have never watched an episode of "Survivor", and have only seen a couple of photos from this season in TV Guide magazine... I know Bruce Kanegai pretty well, as we are both black belts in the same Karate organization. I think it would be more accurate to say that Mr. Miyagi was trying a little too hard for the "Bruce" look! Despite his small stature, Bruce is as tough a sumbitch as you'd ever hope to meet. In real life, he regularly out-runs, out-climbs, and out-fights pretty much everybody. I am constantly amazed at how much freakin' energy the man has. He's a mutant, I swear. It's like how kids have this infinite reservoir of energy, but Bruce somehow never lost that. And his Karate kicks ass, too. True story (sorry if they covered it in the Survivor bios): Couple of years ago, Bruce somehow got himself nailed good in the lower leg by a rattlesnake. By the time he got to a hospital the venom had done a lot of damage, he was pretty well out of it, and the docs wanted to amputate. A whole posse of Bruce's fellow black-belts (including my current instructor) took the docs aside and, how shall I put this, strongly suggested to them that they reconsider. Needless to say, Bruce healed up pretty good!
  3. Just going off memory here, but I think the Patsie that got flattened by 'Sco was the Safety, Eugene Wilson. Still, not a bad job considering RP must be giving up 30 lbs or so.
  4. Figger'd that one'd be coming. Obviously the (total) reference was to the weight only. They'd be the same height if they were side-by-side. Allthough end-to-end might be...interesting...
  5. 5-4 and 225 (total ) ain't bad... ... if they're twins!
  6. No -- having a healthy happy child of either sex is the best thing ever.
  7. Yeah, maybe, if they're idiots who can't spell.
  8. Hey, maybe in practice this week they can dump a bucket of wings down Crowell's shorts and tell Mike Williams about it. Bet that'll teach Angelo how to shed blocks in a hurry!
  9. No sweat. I even gave you the factor of 2 in the K.E. term. I, unfortunately, had to sleep through many years of Physics courses before deciding not to do it for a living.
  10. "Know any good pick-up lines?" "I'm no good at dancing 'cause I have two left feet."
  11. Uh, no. Unless you are perversely co-opting "F" to mean Kinetic Energy. "F" generally stands for Force which = m(dv/dt) for a moving object.
  12. I'm pretty sure that "Blue" the blue's clues dog is supposed to be a female. Not that there's anything wrong with that...
  13. Hmm, do you also have an affinity for snails and white flags? If so you might be French...
  14. And I'm positive you're speaking from (multiple) experience(s)! Dammit, I need a new avatar. This thing's just too....cheesy......
  15. Well I am NOT a doctor (nor do I play one on TV or film, although I sometimes mess with digital images of people who do) but I would definitely recommend getting tested if they haven't already included those in the barrage of tests you've already undergone. And try not to freak out. That turns out (anecdotally) to not be all that helpful in fighting off infections. You want to go more for that strong, deep inner strength thing. Or something like that.
  16. First: stay calm. It could be just some dumb random bug that will go away on its own. But W.N. has made it all the way out here to the Left Coast, so I'd definitely get the Docs to rule it out. And even if you do have it, it's generally quite treatable unless you're elderly and/or immune-compromised.
  17. Have you by chance been bitten by any mosquitoes lately? Chills & sweating are classic symptoms of malaria which would be really uncommon here in the US -- but not unheard of for those of us who travel to dubious places on occasion. Also - West Nile Virus is another mosquito-borne possibility. It can cause painfully swollen lymph glands in the throat (can't swallow) as well as disorientation, tremors, fever and assorted other symptoms. I'd ask about these if I were you. Good luck.
  18. Sorry if it's already been discussed but I found this article rather interesting, considering recent events. Check the date.
  19. While I agree with your main premise that EFX movies usually suck, I must point out that you are blaming entirely the wrong people here. As someone who frequently works with the aforementioned geeks, I can assure you that blaming them for the plot (or lack thereof) of the feature is like blaming the Buffalo Bills' waterboy for the team passing 40+ times in a row on 3rd and short. The geeks just create the EFX that their producers request from them. The people you want to be blaming are the studios for refusing to greenlight anything but EFX-heavy formulaic crap, and most of all the sheepish hordes of filmgoers who keep on buying tickets to go see EFX-heavy formulaic crap. Directors who attempt to distract us from their lack of skill by letting their visual EFX supervisors run hog-wild don't help the matter much either.
  20. They let Newfies make doctors? That is sick! Seriously, that was one sad fugged up story.
  21. Simon, Have I ever told you how much I think you fuggin rock ? 'Cuz I do. Really. I mean, I love ya' man. Uh, in a totally macho and definitely really really straight way, that is.
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