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Jon in Pasadena

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Everything posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. Saw this the other day. Anthony's a pretty funny dude. I think he's way funnier than many so-called professional stand-up comics.
  2. Always liked him on special teams. Don't know if he's got anything left.
  3. He's not? http://www.buffalobills.com/media-center/photo-gallery/Shawne-Merriman-Retires/28258bd1-6c4b-4d58-8276-0032a2a6b952
  4. I've been using the !/usr/bin/env hashtag quite frequently lately.
  5. Used to do the beard + terror-stache but now alternate clean/stubble as mood & schedule dictate. Recently found an ancient photo I.D. with my old Al Quaeda look and was laughing because I don't think I'd have a prayer of getting past airport security anymore looking like that. They'd probably shoot on sight. Hell, *I'd* probably shoot me on sight if I saw that coming at me.
  6. Your credibility just went to negative infinity.
  7. On the other hand, to be fair, Jeff Burris played some pretty good ball for us in the 90's.
  8. "Cute little bottoms...." aw, dammit. Not again..
  9. I think Beyonce's thighs are bigger than Donte Whitner's. Or Frank Gore's, for that matter. Bet she could drive the pile.
  10. Whitner getting lit up like a Christmas tree.
  11. Thanks; that was the point I was (poorly) attempting to get across. I don't really hate on Whitner like some do, just of the opinion that his "kill shot" mentality didn't really translate very well into very many game-changing plays. Yep, forgot about that one.
  12. A little duct tape would go a long way, here.
  13. The only player I can recall #20 ever knocking out was his own bad self, getting trucked by that unstoppable force of nature, ex-Bills 5th rounder Sammy Morris. (I also expect him to get lit up like a Christmas tree in 2 weeks by Joe Cool.)
  14. I think they doubled the Packers Offense? That's pretty incredible in and of itself.
  15. Doesn't matter. No way Packers score 21 pts in 3 minutes against Fangio's defense. (replying to NoSaint,not Jt6P)
  16. SF may go over 600 yds offense tonight.
  17. There has been more entertainment value packed into this game than the last decade of Bills seasons combined.
  18. Amazingly, yes. Helmet probably saved his life, and boots saved his feet (well, mostly; did break one or both legs as I recall). But was probably top 10 all-time worst cases of road-rash ever.
  19. Two words: Target Fixation. The #1 cause of crashes for beginning and/or crappy motorcyclists. You tend to go where your eyes are pointing. So if you stare at the oncoming traffic (or for that matter the outside edge of a tight turn) -- you end up getting way too chummy with it. Same thing applies in an automobile, but the effect is much more pronounced on a bike. After 25+ years riding I have very different reactions: I see where all the moving objects are in the scene, and my brain automatically plots a course that gives me the most clearance possible from all of them, weighted by how erratically they're driving. Definitely steer well away from the center line, as I have had oncoming vehicles cross over into my side of the road more times than I can recall. Tom -- all other things being equal, it's not a bad idea to ride left-of-center to maximize visibility in the side/rear view, but I put very little faith that the average driver will actually see me more than about 10% of the time. Just too small a profile to register. Also, other things are seldom equal, what with distracted drivers, crap in the lane like dirt, oil, wet leaves, couches (yes couches -- friend of mine's brother once hit a full-size Sofa on the freeway doing 90mph on his Ninja -- not pretty), and assorted other hazards.
  20. That's what walking sticks are for -- to jam in the !@#$er's spokes.
  21. Yeah Detroit sure produces some real buffoonery. Thank goodness the Bills have an owner from.... umm, well, uh never mind.
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