Every time I see the Bills running around in those ludicrous red pajamas, I expect to see the Cat in the Hat rolling up on his Dynamic Industrial Renovating Tractormajigger, to clean up the mess.
Oh Lord, don't be doing that or you'll probably end up in Phoenix, and then I'll have to drive all the way out there where we'll doubtless run into my cousins, and then things will quickly run off the rail ....
Yeah the problem hasn't been that we don't know what's coming, it's that we haven't been able to stop it with the personnel we've had available.
I am hoping that we will FINALLY be healthy when we face them in the playoffs this time!
Yeah exactly.
"Oh Noes! I can't believe Brady is showing our entire playbook to our arch-rivals!!"
is exactly what was going through my mind when we did like our 15th straight inside run for 1 yard on first down. 🙄