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Jon in Pasadena

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Everything posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. Casillas is done like dinner. Although he did get mugged on one of those goals.
  2. If I had a nickel for every time I've read that in the last decade+ of futility I'd have ... pretty much all of the nickels.
  3. Never felt the urge to get close enough to check. Guy I knew at a previous job did though.
  4. Man, you'd love Santa Monica Boulevard.
  5. Since when is throwing wiffle-balls at each other from your knees considered to be batting practice? We used to call it "!@#$ing around."
  6. Our defense sucks! Doomed! Our offense sucks! Doomed!
  7. Except for the 'O', 'P', and 'T' that was a pretty fair imitation of e.e. cummings.
  8. But the 17 year old boys got multiple F's, so it's all good. Wait, what?
  9. A new kind of cheese that I just invented that needs to be aged 100 years before being eaten.
  10. The Bills have a pretty strong record over the last decade of drafting players that prevent touchdowns. Unfortunately, most of them are on Offense.
  11. Usually it's the other way around.
  12. Meat Loaf or Steaming Loaf ... decisions, decisions...
  13. I once released a friggin' huge garter snake in the mess hall at summer camp during the middle of lunch. Never heard so much screaming in my life.
  14. Hair trigger, no doubt.
  15. PR stunt before his "King Missile" sample drops?
  16. Someone took the term "codpiece" much too literally.
  17. "It felt a hell of a lot bigger than that coming out!"
  18. Can we go back to hating his guts now?
  19. I bet his girlfriend pulls some strings to get him out of there.
  20. Any of 'em do half a billion $$ in box office? Juno - $231,411,584 X-Men Last Stand - $459,359,555 Inception - $825,532,764 Somebody must think Ms. Page can act. She currently commands a salary of $3M per movie. Not Johnny Depp territory, but not exactly peanuts either.
  21. We used to have Fosters & Fosters parties on Friday or Saturday nights. (Strawberry donuts + Aussie beer. Mmmm.) Leftovers were breakfast, a few hours later.
  22. Sympathy & best wishes from the Left Coast.
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