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Jon in Pasadena

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Everything posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. Maybe they meant in a thermal sense, like she has a high fever or something.
  2. Maybe she was confused and thought she was in a dump truck. Or a little deuce coupe?
  3. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/grandmother-poisons-family-25-year-out-5441463
  4. But if they can sign Neil Young, they'll be cooking with gas on karaoke night.
  5. It's a close call between Dick Feynman and the crazy Arab guy I hitched a ride with from Çanakkale to Selçuk.
  6. I'd definitely let her spot me on the bench.
  7. Deep South version of the old Michael Jordan/Larry Bird McDonald's commercials: "Off the armadiller', off the fence, through the door of the double-wide, through the back of the lounger. Nothing but mother-in-law."
  8. I enjoy watching soccer. But there are two rule changes that I think would improve the sport, especially at pro level: 1. Intentional diving should result in a direct free kick for the first offense, and PK for subsequent offenses. Would serve as a deterrent, and incidentally up the scoring for those who dig that. 2. More transparency on how much injury time is allotted. Players & spectators have a right to know when the game is going to end. It doesn't really make a difference to me if the timeclock counts up, with additional time added as needed, or counts down, NFL-style, with "time added back onto the clock" as needed.
  9. The Nationals or Astros ought to sign him.
  10. Where's the usual "If you're not cheating, you're not trying hard enough." crowd?
  11. I only read PPP for the articles. No, really.
  12. Gotcha. I guess my admittedly sketchy read of SAS's blither was that Kelly was "anti-black" rather than "pro-white" or "anti-non-white".
  13. That was somewhat disturbing. For some reason I kept expecting the Blue Meanies to show up.
  14. Looks like she could use some more "support". I humbly volunteer my services.
  15. Duffer on 8th hole: "Dammit. Now it's a *double* bogey !
  16. Coming soon to a theater near you -- "Epic 2: We're Running Really Low on Leaf-Men!"
  17. Update: The team has been reinstated and can continue in the playoffs. Coach is done for the year.
  18. I thought flexual just mean they were, like, good at yoga or something.
  19. I don't see her??? Is she hiding behind the Hallowe'en decoration?
  20. I think this piece by Peter Bergen is spot on. http://www.cnn.com/2015/02/19/opinion/bergen-terrorism-root-causes/ Left us way too soon.
  21. List of stores to be closed: http://money.cnn.com/interactive/technology/radio-shack-closure-list/index.html?iid=EL Looks like the 2 closest to me are staying open.
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