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Jon in Pasadena

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Posts posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. It is Antivirus Suite, but the symptoms that the person listed, are the exact same that I'm getting so I'm going to read up on the advice that he/she is getting. Needless to say, I will def have Norton in place once I get rid of this virus..
    I've been trying NOD32 on the wife's laptop, and I think it's better than Norton or McAfee.
  2. The only movies I see in theatres are ones that I believe a tv/computer screen won't do justice.


    My last 3 have been Avatar (not worth it), Quantum of Solace (not worth it), and Dark Knight (worth it). Even then, I don't bother with the IMAX or 3D nonsense.

    Avatar - 3D = 0

  3. A few weeks ago I took my 3-year-old to the second-run theatre to catch a Saturday matinee, figuring that I'd probably have to sit through something lame like Princess & the Frog or Alvin the Squeakuel. Bless his little heart; He looked up on the marquee and saw the poster for "The Blind Side", got all excited and said "Papa! I wanna see the FOOTBALL movie!" :thumbsup:


    So we got two admissions, three hot dogs & a big bottle of water -- for under $10.


    And the movie wasn't too bad.

  4. One will do. With the addition of Green and Bell and Merideth on the roster one of the top 5 rated tackles would do. Question is whom and when. If they wait until the second the top rated guys will be gone, but the tackle position is deep and they could find a starter as late as the third round, but should'nt wait that long to pick one. I'm wondering if they should pick up another guard for insurance of Wood or if they move Wood to center and guard does'nt have much depth on our roster now. I'm still baffeled by the Incognito move as he would have been the starter for the next 5 years and would have made the Wood transition to center easier. Now the dolphins have their steam roller to open holes in our suspect DL. Is Seth Mcinney still on our roster? Not that it much matters just wondering?
    I believe McKinney is UFA.
  5. :D
    Well, she might redefine the term "space-eating tackle". As in, she'd literally devour the continuum in the vicinity of the LOS. So our RB's need only gain a yard or 2 and we'd still make a first down. :rolleyes:
  6. You know the sad thing about this is this is her get rich quick scheme. She wants to be the fattest person in the world hoping that the reality shows will start calling. The world if full of !@#$ing idiots.
    Well, if she did make a couple of hundred large off it, I bet that easily covers the cost of a lap-band, and then presto! instant hottie. Or so the unending barrage of radio commercials would have us believe. :rolleyes:
  7. The very first Defensive series after halftime (after our 12 second scoring drive), our D gave up a 6+ minute drive. They did it to themselves.


    Edit: oops, my bad. Our first Defensive series was actually a 3+ minute drive. The second Defensive series was a 7+ minute drive. Our 12 second TD drive was sandwiched in between. So those 2 series right there put us 10 minutes into the hole in TOP; nothing to do with the Offense.

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