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Jon in Pasadena

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Everything posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. I'll keep that in mind next time I want to !@#$ a broom.
  2. Naw, you want to go down to the Mission for those. Or not.
  3. Probably. Maybe you should brush up on the PIT maneuver, and use that next time.
  4. You dumped... your hand? Did you man up and tell it directly, or just "un-friend" it on fb?
  5. Just wait until the PE teacher has a few too many nogs at the Christmas party and starts dancing around shirtless.
  6. Great minds are in tune.... and so are ours. I think every state is racing every other state to graduate their seniors earlier and earlier to give them some kind of competitive edge. I figure it's only a matter of time before they lap themselves, and we end up right where we started, Sep - Jun school year.
  7. Yeah, but they finish in May. Or did you mean early in the a.m?
  8. Well, I left work to go get mine and saw him safely home, but I can't vouch for the rest.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H07zYvkNYL8
  10. First day of the new school year, and my younger kid is trapped at elementary school because a bear wandered down out of the mountains and was cavorting around the perimeter of the campus. All the "walk-home" kids were made to wait in the cafeteria until someone showed up to get them. It's gonna be that kind of year.
  11. Follow W.C. Fields' budget: 1) Spend half on gambling, alcohol, and wild women. 2) Waste the other half. YouYour friend will be rich in life experience.
  12. I just learned how to say "Holy !@#$!" in Mandarin.
  13. Arguing with bills fans on DK Valentine's old BBoard; amber monochrome text, blinking cursor (block OR underscore, yay choices!), 9600 baud if you were lucky, no graphics. Man I tell ya, those were the days! /ducks
  14. Good lateral movement. Not sure if starting material, but probably will work in a pinch.
  15. Well... not necessarily. I have a mathematician friend who can barely balance his checkbook, but has proven like 10 major conjectures and won the Veblen prize in Geometry.
  16. Update: The ME has ruled that this was a suicide. Sad. http://www.stamfordadvocate.com/news/article/Medical-examiner-rules-Cos-Cob-railroad-death-a-6436349.php
  17. I'd forgotten about their Satanic pentagram logo. That was a nice touch.
  18. Du mußt herrschen und gewinnen, Oder dienen und verlieren, Leiden oder triumphieren, Amboß oder Hammer sein. I guess old JWvG was the anvil this time....
  19. Over 93,000 fans packed the Rose Bowl in Pasadena for Tuesday's friendly (FC Barca vs. LA Galaxy). http://www.lagalaxy.com/post/2015/07/21/la-galaxy-lose-fc-barcelona-2-1-sold-out-rose-bowl-stadium
  20. Holy crap, what a fizzle today.
  21. As the owner of a degree in Geophysics, I offer you my heartfelt condolences.
  22. Mexico was given their QF match by the refs. Ticos got jobbed.
  23. They're obviously just playing "Let's be French!"
  24. For a laugh, try changing the playback speed setting to 0.5
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