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Jon in Pasadena

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Everything posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. I read the guy could get 11 years if convicted and sentenced to the max. What is that, about a year per waffle? Hope they were memorable.
  2. I knew the etymology of "sinister". Duh. Fortunately many of the 50 states are no longer living in the early Christian era, hence we no longer call children evil based on their handedness. Children are evil based on their other behaviors. You idiot. (PS, I am dexterous.)
  3. Maybe he was thinking "2 + 3 = 5" ?
  4. "We can't understand why everyone's always picking on us and calling us ignorant hicks." -- Okies
  5. That's less than 19 inches per carry, and projects to 88 rushing yards for the entire season.
  6. This tidbit jumped out at me: It was Roby's fumble recovery last night that won it for Denver. Guy has good ball awareness -- they should block the crap out of him.
  7. This thread is ghey. But Chris Pratt seems like he'd be a fun guy to do a bar crawl with.
  8. TT = Tittie Tittie, Boobie & Wood. Now there's a party.
  9. From the last line of the article:
  10. What kind of dog was it? Dachsund = yes. Great Dane = no.
  11. Hit it and quit it.
  12. In 1975 he was voted "Most likely to do get arrested on Federal charges before his 40th anniversary" and he didn't want to disappoint everyone.
  13. Probably. But at least the Xenomorph had the good grace to keep its friggin' internal organs inside itself. I think the first time I had octopus was when I ordered one at some Greek restaurant in Tarpon Springs (a community largely founded by Greek fishermen, as I heard it). Grilled whole, and served with lemon wedges that you squeeze the juice over the 'pod. Fantastic. You're doing it wrong.
  14. I.Knew.It.After.Watching.The.Video. EDIT: In my reply to TRBJ, "this point" refers to the point TRBJ is making. Sorry if that was unclear.
  15. If I may pass along one bit of wisdom that was given to me by the guy who taught me to ride.. The most dangerous time for new riders is after you've been riding about 6 months. Your skills and road experience will be quite a bit higher by then, and there's a natural tendency to relax your guard a bit. That can be fatal. In my case, right on schedule at the half-year mark, a snot-nosed kid in his Civic crapmobile shot out from a side street and made a left in front of me without looking, at the perfect point where my sight-line was blocked momentarily by a parked van. I steered to avoid him, and would have just missed the rear of his car if he'd kept going, except of course he slammed on the brakes mid-turn. That was 28 years ago, and it taught me a very important lesson: always reduce speed whenever your sight-line is blocked, even for a split-second. I was lucky, but many other new riders are not. Good luck and keep the shiny side up!
  16. Thank you. I'm amazed (and a little bit scared, frankly) that this point wasn't obvious to everyone.
  17. I was more referring to the part where they grow up to 30 feet arm-span and 600 pounds, but your point is good too. Trust me, you do not want to see how a starfish feeds on its victim....
  18. Oh boy, are you gonna hate this
  19. My younger son just read a "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" story, where the family is on a road trip, and while they were staying at some low-rent motel Rodrick accidentally mixes up the room safe and the microwave. Maybe it was something like that. Ok, that was wrong. Very wrong.
  20. Ah. Well, I've never lived in Altadena, though I have friends there. There are some real nice pockets.. .and some less so. A lot has changed since the 80's in the foothill communities. (I'm not in Pasadena anymore either, but still close enough that I didn't bother to change my handle.) Personally, I love being 5 minutes from hiking in the mountains, 45 minutes from the beach, an hour from skiing. My commute is an 11 mile motorcycle drive over a scenic mountain pass. San Diego is also great, and only a couple hours drive. We just went down there last Saturday and hung out with friends. Ever been to Asti's in the Gaslamp? The kids liked the food, which is always a plus!
  21. The point of JO's show was that today they are, contrary to what you might expect, still alive, kicking, and draining lots of fools of the little resources they have. Maybe the IRS could tighten up the parts of the tax code that deal with "churches" just a wee bit without causing a massive collapse of society...? Yeah, and the really awesome part is laughing at the lame fools who're gonna end up paying for the dumbfolks' medical care and other life expenses after they've given all of their $$ to the hucksters! Wait, hold on...
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y1xJAVZxXg
  23. I live in the foothills, and it's great. What's all the nightmarish stuff that I'm apparently missing?
  24. This one's my fave: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uT3SBzmDxGk LOL kid @2:36
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