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Jon in Pasadena

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Everything posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. Not true. Flutie inherited a 1-3 team: Rob Johnson had a relatively decent outing in week #5, beating the San Francisco '49ers by a score of 26-21. RJ's stat line for the game was 19-27-254-1-0 He got injured right at the start of the week 6 game vs. Indy. Flutie took over (&won) and the rest is (becoming depressingly ancient) history. But your larger point about botching the QB situation in '99 still stands.
  2. Nothing personal JfH, but I sincerely hope you end up throwing up your breakfast every week until the end of the season!
  3. Age will do that to you. Oh, wait, maybe you meant your internet stream.
  4. My favorite Dareus play so far. I loved that play. I believe my exact words were "Where the eff did he come from ?!?"
  5. Yeah, but If you subtract off the ones where he blatantly pushed off the DB, he only has about 3.
  6. There's a twist worthy of O.Henry at the end of it.
  7. You definitely do not want to know the terrifying yet strangely compelling sequence of images that flooded my brain when I read the phrase "Mollydooker Velvet Glove shiraz."
  8. Must be cool to see the future like you do. Tell me, if the refs hadn't made that horrible blown offsides call against Ohno on her dead breakaway, would that also have been a sure goal to put Japan up 1-0 ?
  9. Unless he was raping babies he didn't deserve that.
  10. OK...which one of you jokers put Loctite in my boxers? Was it you, Barnidge? Dammit, it WAS you!!
  11. Did the Sheriff begin his remarks with "Oh please, Br'er Fox..." ?
  12. You never know. Maybe Anna will do that for an encore.
  13. Of course I wouldn't. But maybe the OP hasn't met Rich. (I've never met Rich either, but I've seen the pictures. I'm also pretty darn sure the answer would be "No" anyway.)
  14. From the article: "He was coming from his 21st birthday party..." I'll bet he was.
  15. "The Wretched" - Nine Inch Nails "Cold and Ugly" - Tool
  16. Cinder blocks are inert. Elemental sodium would be much more entertaining.
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