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Jon in Pasadena

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Posts posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. I wanted a set of Blue Balls, but they were out of stock, so I just went to Hooters for a couple hours. :o





    They should change the promo code to SUCKITCPSC


    (Actually I did buy a set of nickel bb's)

  2. How do you speed up counting after doing it 6 or 7 times before? The ref can hear the cadence. Only thing I can think of is starting too early, like the Canadian keeper said, not starting the count until she sets... But that is such a gray area anyway. 6 seconds is 6 seconds... How the heck can they routinely give 15?


    Anway... Kinda odd, it is soccer... Weak teams that are grossly overmatched can grind an already boring and slow game to a complete crawl... Then the clock melts away. Seems so crooked, you think everybody in the stadium should see the refs official time! I got no problem if the ref will give those extra seconds to the keeper... But tack them on to the end where the game is being played. What goes around should come around.

    Starting early plus consistently counting fast from the very first time might gain an advantage. The penalty sequence that ensued seemed out of proportion to the offense, especially considering how inconsistently the rule is applied.


    I agree that the whole "the game ends when the ref feels like it" aspect of soccer is pretty goofy.

  3. It's powered by Plutonium instead of solar panels. It's plan to work for years.


    So many things could go wrong, it would be amazing if this could work for a few weeks, let alone a few months.


    Opportunity is still operational and drivable after more than 8 years of operation. Which means we currently have 2 RC vehicles driving around a planet >150,000,000 miles away....

  4. I live within walking distance of JPL. I thought I heard some whooping at touchdown confirmation. A friend of mine was working in the control room. I saw him on the live feed; he was waving a paper cut-out puppet like a maniac after touchdown. Gonna have to ask him wtf was up with that.

  5. I just went through the last of these razors, and man did they destroy my face! I bit the bullet and bought some more gillette fusion cartridges, but I've really been interested in getting a real man's shaving kit: good safety razor, brush and shaving cream. I have never used one before, but I'd be willing to drop at least $50 for the up front cost to give it a try. Hell, I just paid half that for a pack of cartridges. Someone bump this thread in June when its time to restock so that I can bite the bullet and get a real man's kit.


    Real men don't use safety razors. They use straight razors. And they swig tequila while using them. :ph34r:

  6. I do everything by that philosophy. I don't even think I brush my teeth without assuming someone's trying to kill me.


    Motorcycles (other people on them, that is) scare me for that reason - speed/distance judgement is usually off - as well as around these parts there's just too many idiots on Japanese crotch rockets actively trying to kill themselves without anyone's help.


    And every person I've ever known who's regularly rode a motorcycle has ended up with an extended hospital stay (and in one case, a segment on "Rescue 911".)


    And I still want a vintage '40s BMW with a sidecar.

    Why do you think I had kids? They're my official toothpaste tasters! :devil:


    Don't know too much about current D.C. traffic conditions, but riding in a sidecar in L.A. would definitely be suicide.


    I am a strict Neo-Darwinist, so the squids on ricers issue really doesn't bother me too much. It's a self-correcting problem. (Although the paperwork would be a drag, if I squished one with my car.)


    The best thing to do when driving a car, and approached by a MC traveling at a high speed (or any speed, really) is to do nothing. Like I always tell my (nerdy) passengers riding pillion: "When I'm driving a motorcycle I'm desperately solving a dynamical system of partial differential equations in my head. Every time you lean, wiggle or even breathe hard, you change a bunch of the coefficients in an unpredictable way. And for the record, I'm not that great at PDE's to begin with -- so KNOCK IT OFF!!"


    I'm amazed that you are still alive. In a car I am terrified of SoCal drivers let alone on a bike.

    I'm amazed that I'm still alive too, but motorcycling is only about #10 on the list of reasons. :blush:


    Which is the way to do it but most motorcyclist don't. The way they weave in and out of traffic on the freeway is insane. Those mother!@#$ers are whacked.


    Some of it is age + having a family. My riding style has calmed down a lot compared to my 20's. And, umm, 30's.

  7. What he explained is the number one cause of motorcyles getting hit by a car too! That is, they are in the opposite lane of traffic going the other way when the car turns right in front of them. The driver will claim "they just didn't see the bike." Not siding with the car, but motorcycles and bikes seem to come out of nowhere... I find it plausible that the car doesn't see them. I never got the whole "start seeing motorcycles" campaign. How can you start seeing something that you can't see or process fast?

    As a long-time motorcyclist I can attest to the truth of this.


    The speed/size ratio of motorcycles is something that most car drivers' brains simply cannot process fast enough to react appropriately. My MC philosophy, which has enabled me to survive 25+ years of motorcycling in California, mostly in L.A., goes well beyond this however. I don't merely assume car drivers don't see me. I drive as if they do see me... and are actively trying to kill me. The second some cager asswipe starts doing anything goofy, I don't stick around to see what kind of festive cluster-!@#$ is going to ensue. I just go immediately to warp drive and put at least a couple of miles between us. (But I also do try my best to minimize lane-splitting, lane-sharing, and other behaviors that enhance the likelihood of a bad situation.)

  8. If the Christian judge invokes the biblical code over the Constitution, then he's absolutely conflicted.


    There are no shades of gray here. There is nothing prohibiting the guy from exercising his right of expression in mocking Mohammed. It may be in bad taste, but it's perfectly legal. Getting assaulted for that is not legal. At least not in the US.


    That American citizens (I assume) evidently don't get this leaves me hovering somewhere between shocked and horrified.


    Maybe they'll grok it when one of their behaviours incites some !@#$tard to assault and injure them with no consequences to the assailant? Maybe??

  9. I lived there, too. Two houses in from Elmwood, across the street from the hospital. Within a very short period of time, the ambulances and noise really have no affect on you. You barely or don't even hear it. It's kind of a remarkable phenomenon but it's true. It's a great, great place to live in Buffalo, IMO.


    <Entire building shakes & rumbles as the "L" roars past>


    Jake Blues: How often does the train go by?

    Elwood Blues: So often that you won't even notice it.


    <Entire building shakes & rumbles as the "L" roars past>

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