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Jon in Pasadena

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Everything posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. I thought this story was pretty cool: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YB0xM9cgr8
  2. That's a fireable offense. Like, out of a howitzer.
  3. He'll be back.
  4. By any chance does your buddy have another recipe involving dry ramen noodles and pickle juice?
  5. Thanks for this; I think "pulling guard duty" is going to be my new euphemism.
  6. House prices in SoCal have gone completely bonkers. They're now surging over the pre-crash peaks. I bought in late 2007, right before the massive crash, and had good folks on TBD wishing me luck. Last I checked I was up 30% over my purchase price, and I'm afraid to check it now, because it's probably up even more. Thank heavens for Proposition 13 or the taxes alone would eat me alive! Of course it's all relative to location; the Inland Empire hasn't rebounded as much as the Foothills, etc. Palm Springs would be nice for retirement. I was out there with relatives this Spring.
  7. Maybe they could get it to pass by amending it to state you can only bang hookers?
  8. Pretty sure that was Combo. Hilarious stuff, that was. I miss those days. :-(
  9. Bills clock management is a tire fire.
  10. Oh right !! Been way too long since I've seen TLY. Totally forgot that character's name.... Just funnin' anyway...
  11. Any relation to Dave Campbell?
  12. Avion Black leaves both those guys in the dust.
  13. Prolonging the agony ...
  14. I am going to throw up a *lot* of good food. :-(
  15. Lambeau isn't pretty for most other teams.
  16. True, but IIRC our Bills somehow played him pretty tough the last couple of meetings? Ouch. Gints #28 got lit up, there.
  17. I'd agree with that, subject to score & clock.
  18. Do you still like it from the 37 yd line? Where's your cutoff? Serious question.
  19. Agreed on all points. Good thing AR decided to go into ludicrous mode today.
  20. Situational football. Down by a score in the 4th, sure. Early in the 3rd with the lead and a hotting up Aaron Rodgers? Debatable. Fortunately they answered right back after the Gints TD.
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