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Jon in Pasadena

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Everything posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. I think they finally finished dying: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2018/08/07/fetus-american-airlines-plane-laguardia-airport/922668002/
  2. Paul McCartney was the 7th highest grossing rock and roll act in 2017. Stones were 9th. #1 was U2, who average a spry 57 years of age.
  3. California had 842000 vs. 14768000, which is 5.7% I would expect the ratio to be close to that 5.5% figure in most states; probably a bit lower in exceptionally snowy places, and a bit higher in warm weather places. When I lived up in the Sierras and commuted to work over Donner Pass I owned 3 motorcycles and 0 cars/trucks, but I am a crazy!@#$er..
  4. According to this site, in 2016 North Carolina had about 3,546,000 registered automobiles, and 196,000 registered motorcycles (rounding to nearest thousand). That's 5.5%.
  5. Yep, just looked it up. The whole 2005-2007 seasons and off-seasons. So it is definitely possible to "train up" a spread/air-raid college QB to run a pro-style NFL offense, assuming the base talent level is there, but with only 1 season and 2 offseasons so far, it wouldn't be shocking to see Mahomes struggle for a year or two as the starter.
  6. How many years did Rodgers sit on the bench and learn the offense before starting?
  7. Nothing inherently wrong with a V4 Duc. The (now 11 yrs old) Desmosedici RR was a great bike. I'd kill to have one of those babies. You can always trade up later... if you're alive and kicking! That's the 2018 959 Panigale in stock red. A very nice bike. This is actually the same bike in Corse trim which I also like a lot:
  8. Ah - the new one. Frankly, I haven't heard too many people raving about this latest incarnation of the V4 mill but that could be due to the newness factor. It's a looker for sure. But there's no way in hell I'd recommend an 1100cc sportbike for a first time pilot. 1100's are just...different. Once you hit the powerband, **** happens before you can finish a blink. If you do go that way...good luck!
  9. What are you looking at? Those specs are in the ballpark for GSX-R, S1000RR, YZF-R1, or if you're really loaded, a used Superleggera or Desmosedici?
  10. Probably the time I decided spur-of-the-moment to do a half-century bicycle ride down in Mexico (despite 1. never having done a ride that long and 2. not owning a bicycle), and figured my car could make it there and back even though it was overdue for an oil change (yes I was young and stupid). Ended up smoking the car's engine and having to *push* it back over the U.S./Mexico border under the frowny faces of both border patrols. Then had to arrange to get it towed somewhere, then ended up replacing the whole engine. I think I slept for about a week straight after that trip from hell. (Not my worst trip from hell, however.)
  11. Weren't those on like season 3 or 4 of Star Trek Voyager?
  12. Been driving (not riding -- pet peeve; I know everyone says "riders" and "riding" but to me "riding" sounds like you're just a passive participant not in control; I know, I'm nutso but "riding" a motorcycle is *not at all* like riding the bus!) motorcycles for >30 yrs, mostly in hellacious L.A. traffic, or on twisty mountain roads. Driven on coastal highways, desert dirt roads, mountain logging roads, L.A. freeways, 1000 mile road trips, Donner Pass in winter, through Firebaugh a few times where I almost got hit by a football traveling at Mach 2 ? , & many other places. Been down/fell off plenty of times, mostly early on in my biking career, in all kinds of conditions. Been down on sand, gravel, ice, wet leaves... Been hit by cars, trucks, and once by flying debris shedding off of a truck that was crashing creatively on the 134 freeway. Sum total of all my crash-related injuries: A few nicks and scrapes, and one probable concussion (my first year on my first bike, a Suzuki 550E road-racer held together with love and baling wire.) I will say this: motorcycling is not for everyone. If you doubt your ability to hold it together when **** starts going down, you probably ought not to be on a bike. Also, it is critical to *always* wear the best safety gear you can afford. I don't give a crap how "hot" the weather is. The cooling tech available now is incredible. They have vents that route cool wind through your helmet, and similar for jackets. I stay plenty comfortable. People who drive helmetless or shirtless or in shorts or in flip-flops are tools. They *will* get !@#$ed up. It's just a matter of time. If you decide to go for it, I highly recommend taking some AMA certified training courses. Totally worth it. Cheers!
  13. I'm thinking we go 14-5, Josh Allen is Super Bowl LIII MVP, sunshine and roses in a perpetual summer in Buffalo, and then my !@#$ing alarm goes off.
  14. That would be one cramped booth.
  15. I was wrong -- they did it one match early... that defensive spaz that led to Croatia's 2nd goal was pretty sad.
  16. Laguna Beach might have been Robert Woods. https://www.instagram.com/explore/locations/376407/monarch-beach-resort/
  17. I have a Nexus 5 made by LG that's still going strong after 5 years. (Some mechanical wear and tear like the external power button croaked, but I worked around it.) Viagra?
  18. They need a new booking agent.
  19. 2-1 Now it gets interesting!
  20. Just imagine what the score would look like if Belgium wasn't "A dumpster fire of no talent."
  21. How cool was Eric Dier on England's 5th kick? Talk about pressure...
  22. England won a PK shootout. Pinch me.
  23. Aaaannnd.... England concedes a goal in stoppage time, right on schedule.
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