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Jon in Pasadena

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Everything posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. For the last few weeks my 80-something year old Japanese mother-in-law has been staying with us in SoCal. She's not sure why they haven't been hit too bad yet compared to other countries. It could still happen. Some of it is probably due to still low testing numbers. Some of it may be voluntary self-quarantining for the good of society. We'll likely know more in a couple weeks. At this point they are apparently planning to start the new school year on schedule (about a week from now.) From my own experience, Japan is the most sanitary country I've ever visited. Most people with even a common cold will wear a mask in public. I personally think this helps a lot by cutting way down on the amount of virus-dripping water droplets being sprayed everywhere onto common surfaces. Also, the public restrooms are constantly being scrubbed down and sanitized. True, it's a little weird when an old lady comes in and starts cleaning while I'm taking a whiz, but better that than the Wuhan...
  2. Have you seen how close those guys stand to you while they're yelling at you? (My manager is Italian ?)
  3. Yeah, we had to cancel our trip to Big Bear that was planned for next weekend. I just got the hang of snowboarding last month, and was really looking forward to some accelerated skills growth, and now it looks like it might be next season before we're up again. ?
  4. https://www.politico.com/states/california/story/2020/03/15/california-calls-for-all-seniors-to-stay-home-closure-of-bars-and-wineries-9421938 Governor Newsome has called for closure of establishments serving alcohol, and curtailment of restaurants, as well as home quarantine of the elderly. Currently still on voluntary basis but situation is evolving rapidly.
  5. ...and they just closed all the libraries for the rest of the month. Woo-hoo. Or should I say "Wu-WHO".
  6. This morning the Los Angeles County Office of Education recommended to all school districts within the county to close all schools until at least March 27th. Most likely all 80 school districts in the county will comply. I know that ours has already made the announcement, and expect the surrounding districts to make the announcement soon. About the only things still open are the county libraries, and who knows for how much longer that'll be true.
  7. https://yarn.co/yarn-clip/967db6ad-640a-4f5a-8c7e-2c324bee9dd8
  8. I lived 2 blocks from the original TJ store for 14 years, and walked there nearly every day. I didn't even know it was a chain - it was just my funky cool neighborhood market. The first time I saw another TJ location I was like Now they're everywhere it seems. Really good business model, it would seem.
  9. Just found another reason to always carry at least one sharp knife.
  10. Did we ever actually find out why Ed is a horrible person? I can't recall...
  11. Yeah, we get bears too. A few years back one wandered too close to campus on its morning walk, and I ended up locked into a classroom with a bunch of 3rd graders for an hour I would rather have taken my chances with the bear.
  12. Those are not slow. I'd be surprised if you could catch one.
  13. A few weeks ago I actually saw a guy on my Ring totally yeet a package off my porch, but I think he probably had just delivered it to my place by accident and realized his mistake. I guess the motion detector wasn't tuned quite right, because it only picked up the guy removing the package, not placing it there initially. But yeah, with the lion roaming around, porch pirates had best avoid our neighborhood between dusk to dawn....
  14. We've been getting those also; saw a big one trotting down the street the other day bold as you please. In the daytime, too. Not more than once.? Close - about 20 minutes north of Los Angeles.
  15. A neighbor a couple blocks away caught this last night on their Ring: https://share.ring.com/6781008973864411432_stamp.mp4
  16. No idea, but after our 4th or 5th I should be able to remember it!
  17. I am in Costa Rica, and just drove back from the beach like a crazy person to get to a TV in time, and the broadcast will be in Spanish but I am watching!
  18. I don't think it counts as a muscle car if it's the sphincter muscle.
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