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Jon in Pasadena

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Everything posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. Macros. He had a lot of pre-canned answers he could choose from. When he had to craft a new response, he had a lot of pre-assembled phrases which could be combined together. Creating an entirely new answer took more time. The program he used was actually pretty sophisticated, and was updated throughout his life. Random fact: I nearly tripped over him once in the aisle of a darkened lecture theater. I looked back to see who was the idiot sprawled in the aisle like that, and my head pretty much exploded.
  2. "This is the squirreliest 1-on-1 I've ever done" - Shnow "This is the manliest 1-on-1 I've ever done" - T-Bass
  3. Could someone point me at the hospitals that are showing higher immortality? 'Cause I wanna go to one of those...
  4. ?? We have two semesters, and the school year ended three weeks ago.
  5. Where's the pics of her getting disciplined? (Asking for a friend.)
  6. Yeah, then v2.0 shows up with a hypodermic and chases down the vaccine refusers...?
  7. Here is an interesting idea being proposed for opening the economy in a controlled way, that should still have a positive effect on controlling the spread of the virus: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/11/opinion/coronavirus-reopen.html I expect that something like this, maybe not this exact plan, will be adopted in many areas. Right now I am trying to make arrangements to get into the office for the first time in nine weeks, and it is unbelievable how many hoops I need to jump through to get authorized. I just need to pick up some equipment, and it is being vetted all the way up to SVP level.
  8. I edited my post to add that it appears that worldometers is including all of the "probable" Covid-19 deaths where other sites are not.
  9. You better call up worldometers.info and tell them they wrote down an extra 5121 deaths for NYS because they have it at 20861. Where are you seeing only 15740? I see now that different sites are reporting wildly different mortality. Anyone know the source of the discrepancy? 33% difference is ridiculous... Maybe they're including the "probable" cases of Covid-19 death, but other sites only the "confirmed". Good to know.
  10. I thought this was interesting: https://www.livescience.com/coronavirus-protection-using-tuberculosis-vaccine.html
  11. Pretty sure you meant 0.5% not 0.005% 0.005% of 2.7M is only 135 people. Over 500 died just today according to worldometers. Also, I get a value more like 0.8% 20861 / 2700000 = 0.77269....
  12. Maybe she's looking ahead? With the obesity epidemic in America, give it a few more weeks and maybe the virus will be too chubby to fit through the holes...?
  13. On first listen I didn't catch any more Hamlet references, but he did drop "Merchant of Venice" and "Lady Macbeth".
  14. Not me. I'd rather have 1 good thing than 10 crappy things. If I can't afford a good thing right now, I save up for it until I can. Imagine that.
  15. Woke up my 14yo the other day and said "Hey, let's watch Groundhog Day!" We did, and he loved it. Then the next morning I woke him up and said "Hey, let's watch Groundhog Day!" And got most vicious side-eye.
  16. Several, apparently, including HIV and SARS. The two predominant working hypothesese for the anti-viral properties of Chloroquine seems to involve raising the endosomal pH to inhibit viral /cell interaction, and in addition functioning as a Zinc ionophore. Here's a few references: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(03)00806-5/fulltext https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5461643/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4182877/ I would expect the antibiotic benefits to be more relevant in controlling secondary bacterial infections that opportunistically attack the epithelial cells once the virus has weakened the immune system. But I'm not a doctor, so I'll defer to them on that.
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