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Jon in Pasadena

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Everything posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. A "Keon Coleman" decay is so slow that NIST qualifies it to radioactively date the longest possible measurable time interval. The only thing it's good for is dating the Universe itself, and even for that it's probably overkill.
  2. This is what happens when you let some damn hobbits go all destructo on the Lord of the Rings...
  3. That was the joke. token ~= tokin'
  4. AR is just the token white guy
  5. "ItsNotTheKill_ItsTheThrillOfThe" Chase /Berman
  6. Yeah if Damar somehow turns out to be a decent safety, that's like found money.
  7. At least it was for a guy who could snap him in half like a matchstick. It would suck even more if it was for a soccer player or something.
  8. Takes financial advice from Antonio Brown.
  9. People can't even manage to refrain from slow-broiling their own *CHILDREN* in cars. Good luck expecting them to be capable of caring for other creatures.
  10. Maybe one day they'll be rich enough to purchase a smartphone, and use google/apple maps. We can only hope.
  11. And then do blindfold listening tests to see if a human audience can distinguish that from John Cage's 4'33"
  12. I play a headless, fretless, stringless bass. Only I can hear it, but man do I sound good!
  13. #InchingHisWayToDallas
  14. I'm all about giving people more agency to make their own choices, so I just leave it at a 45 degree angle. Sometimes I need to tighten the hinges, which is why I always have my Swiss Army knife with me.
  15. Well yeah. Cornelius Bennett was only like 2 years old during Cookie's last season with Denver. Was probably already hitting harder than Edmunds, though.
  16. #DicksOutForTua
  17. In a way Von is betting on himself this season, by voluntarily reworking his contract to lower his guaranteed $$ and replace with incentive-based bonuses. But at way worse odds than the DPOY prop.
  18. "You can't see something that you can't see" - well I certainly can't argue with that logic 🤣 I am constantly scanning all my mirrors, as well as what's in front of me. Usually I can see what's coming up on me. Sometimes the timing is just bad and you get a "surprise". I hate surprises. Agreed that highly congested areas with poor visibility are death zones. I avoid those whenever possible, no matter how many wheels I'm rocking. And for sure, many people driving every type of vehicle, including the 2-wheeled variety, are just idiots, and drastically increase the odds of a disaster by their poor choices. Another favorite: when I'm in my car, people in the lane to my left have an uncanny habit to almost, but not quite, pass me but then match my speed exactly while their front turn indicator is perfectly lined up with my A-pillar, and their rear turn indicator is in my blind spot. Then they get all bent out of shape that I'm not slamming on my brakes to let them in because... telepathy? If you want to pass me, PASS ME, goddamit. Show me your ugly ass with the rear indicator flashing. I'll let you in. I promise. There's nothing wrong in general with being cordial when safe and appropriate, however in my OP I was making reference to the comic I linked, where the author demonstrates how there are situations where taking actions that you think are being polite are in reality unsafe and inappropriate. When operating heavy machinery, including motor vehicles, just do it by the book so you don't confuse people and get someone killed. I dunno, don't you tell big boats where to go or something like that? Do you randomly break protocol sometimes for the sake of "politeness"?
  19. Don't worry about it. All motorcyclists who survive past their first six months have learned the lesson that car drivers are mostly blind. (Including myself, when I am driving my car, although I am more aware than average.) Fortunately we have sufficient acceleration to get the heck out of Dodge when we spot Ray Charles weaving down the road. Bicycles on the other hand....
  20. Another one I thought of, sort of a superset of the "wave you into traffic" case: Expecting me to parse whatever the ***** ASL monologue you're gesticulating at me from 30 yards away with the afternoon sun in my eyes. These people also have tinted windows 100% of the time. Just assume that your headlights, brake lights and turn indicators are the only communication devices you have. Because they are. (Hand signals are acceptable on those rare occasions when your blinker dies mid-trip.)
  21. This one *really* resonates with me, especially when I'm on the motorcycle. You want to be polite? How about obeying the ***** traffic laws, idiots!! (I searched but couldn't find this topic, but mods feel free to merge if there is an existing one.)
  22. So some board members (not me!) have been discussing the merits of picking him up. That is now off the table. It's not that deep. 🤷‍♂️
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