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Jon in Pasadena

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Everything posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. Like when Michael Corleone kissed his brother Fredo on the lips. That went downhill pretty quick.
  2. Tell me about it. One of our league opponents features a 6'6 TE who's grandpa was Merlin friggin' Olsen. My kid had better work on his vertical! 😅 (Dude also plays DE, so our OL can get in on the fun, too.)
  3. It is definitely a challenge to play on the line at that weight, and proper technique will certainly give him the best chance to succeed, but if I were to give one piece of advice based on our experience this past year, it would be to get him into the weight room for strength training as much as possible (of course consult with your pediatrician, trainer, etc. on what is the best/safest program for your son.) My kid is not the largest, but he busts his ass in the weight room and is probably top 5-8 strongest on the team. It helps so much for two important things: 1. Cuts way down on injuries to have more core and arm/leg strength. 2. Gives you an upper hand over larger kids who just rely on their size to bully smaller opponents. Last game a player on the other team who outweighs my boy by like 45 lbs tried to cheap shot him after a play was dead by jumping him from behind. My kid just grabbed him, flipped him completely over his head and body-slammed the poor SOB. Didn't mess with him after that! 😁
  4. Thanks for the good wishes! Tomorrow night will be a good test. Our next opponent is ranked quite a bit higher than us, but we'll try to keep it rollin'...
  5. If we allow that to be for regular season + playoffs, and we win the AFCE that's 20 games total which works out to a nice round 375 yds/ game. I'd do back-flips down my street if that happens.
  6. I'm glad you can still spend get together from time to time. They grow up too fast!
  7. If you have the personnel for it, it's brutal, but effective. When we looked at the film of our opponent's offense their last few games we calculated they ran like 92% of the time. Either power, counter, or toss/reverse over and over and over and over....
  8. Just for laughs: Last week we had a comeback win for the ages in our second game. The opponent had legit NFL-sized players (265lb fullback, 310lb OG, 315lb OT, etc.) They run that nasty-ass old double wing offense. Boring but effective. They're used to just steamrolling smaller teams like us. We were down by 21 pts three different times in the 1st half, but then our D slammed the door, and we came back and outscored them 36-8 in the 2nd half. Craziest HS game I've ever watched. My kid had 18 tackles (2 TFL) and after two games he's ranked 2nd in league, 16th in California, and 79th nationally. I know that can't last, but we are enjoying the heck out of this season as long as we can. What a great sport! 🙂
  9. Then he must have mastered the "Transmogrify" incantation.
  10. My offense runs entirely through the Tight End. "Skinny post" is our favorite. Heavy set... not so much.
  11. Isabella all purpose yards: N/S = 20 E/W = Half Marathon
  12. I kind of like the color. Anyone know if they come in Men's ?
  13. I had totally forgotten about that welding term, thanks!
  14. Count yourself blessed. I always imagined it derived from the (very) old days when dropping a dime meant making a long distance phone call. So if the QB makes a long distance hookup with the WR, he dropped a dime. But I have a very vivid imagination, so it could have had a totally different origin,.
  15. Horrifically, my company's management. I die a little bit every time I hear it.
  16. It's been a minute since I last heard that one.
  17. Just toss some pickle juice on that sucker and he'll be fine.
  18. Another vote for Star Blazers (Space Battleship Yamato) A couple others I liked: Astro Boy Prince Planet
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