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East Brady

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Everything posted by East Brady

  1. Figured you might use the service revolver, don't do it, there is nothing bills fans can do. Sucks, the guard was sitting right there, I'm with you bill, big mean SOB's that play 12+ years. Oh well, they'll never learn. Maybe they have another peters lined up some where.
  2. Wow someone was actually paying attention, I wondered! You're too funny Bill! I did notice someone had it down as a tie. Everyone is on board with a win over Seattle, big mistake I think, same as the w's in Arizona over the wiz. coming off a trip to St. Louie the week before. I am not going to get overly up or down this season, for any reason, at least thats the goal. It starts with the draft this saturday, I don't care who they pick. La Billz Not sure about the playoffs but I think it will take Trent a month or so to really get this offense going, as usual with this coaching staff. The win over N.E. comes from them resting everyone, not because we're that much better. As for the other 5, they all suck now, so they should suck more by December.
  3. Sept. 7 Seattle Seahawks 1 p.m. Loss Sept. 14 at Jacksonville Jaguars 1 p.m. Loss Sept. 21 Oakland Raiders 1 p.m. Win Sept. 28 at St. Louis Rams 4:05 p.m. Win Oct. 5 at Arizona Cardinals 4:15 p.m. Loss Oct. 12 Bye Loss Oct. 19 San Diego Chargers 1 p.m. Loss Oct. 26 at Miami Dolphins 1 p.m. Win Nov. 2 New York Jets 1 p.m. Win Nov. 9 at New England Patriots* 1 p.m. Loss Nov. 17 (Mon.) Cleveland Browns 8:30 p.m. Loss Nov. 23 at Kansas City Chiefs 1 p.m. Win Nov. 30 San Francisco 49ers 1 p.m. Win Dec. 7 Miami Dolphins (at Toronto) 4:05 p.m. Win Dec. 14 at New York Jets 1 p.m. Win Dec. 21 at Denver Broncos 4:05 p.m. Win Dec. 28 New England Patriots* 1 p.m. Win
  4. Not according to the Bills website; The Bills' most important matchup could potentially come in the season's final week (Dec. 28), as the Bills host the Patriots in what could be a game with major AFC playoff implications. As a reminder Buffalo's final six games of the regular season (Nov. 23-Dec. 28) are subject to flexible scheduling. That means Buffalo's home games against San Francisco (Nov. 30), Miami (Dec. 7 in Toronto) and New England (Dec. 28) could be moved to Sunday night as part of the league's flexible scheduling initiative. The NFL will provide notice 12 days prior to the date of the game as to whether such a change will be made. Game tickets can be purchased by calling 1-877-BB-TICKS, online at www.buffalobills.com or at the Bills ticket office at One Bills Drive. Individual game tickets go on sale July 19. Hope they flex the Toronto game, just to piss off the canadians, would be to funny.
  5. What's it like to be you GG? Lets see, I pick you out, feed you bull sh-- for what, a week??? Then you sloowly but surly take the bait, hook line and sinker. Then you dropped your pants in the middle of Main St. America(I knew you would) and took a ROYAL CHIT on what, 150,000,000 of your fellow Americans!!!! Your are truly a F@#@kin IDIOT. You haven't figured it out have you??? You are an all time classic, now that I've let you sit and fester for a day after I took a giant chit in your cheerios, let me clue you in. How is it that I, a stupid ritalin, crystal meth, tequila swilling drunk can soooo f up your little world???? My buddies(e mail chain) and I have been laughing our asses off for a couple days now. Do you realize about 30 guys in the garage where my buddies work, read this chit and almost died laughing, but yet, they can't decide if they should kick your ass or just laugh harder. First of all, It's YOU that's paying for everything, if you're in the right tax bracket. Let me get this straight, your saying that it was good to: A.) cut corporate taxes B.) ship the jobs to china C.) ship the cheap sh-- back to wal mart D.) hand out credit cards to anyone with a brain or not E.) approve mortgages to these people, $200-$300,000, F.) rake in the profits and spread them around to CEO's(golden parachutes, stock options, ect.) are you still with me?? Then, after the bogus loans reset and the housing market(scam) drops, they demand payment on the mortgage, and the credit cards that the banks SOLD. But, the people that lost jobs, had, FLAT "real wages" for the past 25 years because, the corporations stripped out the jobs (after all you can't pay a mortgage payment with the blue cross blue shield card if you had one). Then, Wall St. wants money, and the people want money to avoid foreclosure--which actually helps the bank more than it helps the home owner because, the house is over valued, or the bank can take it and maybe get .50 cents on the dollar. Are you still with me?? Meanwhile, the inner cities are crumbling and you're paying for food stamps, medicare, rent etc., to unemployed folks with multiple kids, no jobs and, who knows, probably a credit card. Joe six pack, Mom and Pop, Main St. America,(royal chit from you) they're all struggling with the higher cost of living, working 2 jobs trying to make ends meet, some credit debt, but the jobs are not the same as the ones they lost, no health care, few benefits etc. Sound like Buffalo? Still with me?? Meanwhile Bush is spending a Trillion in Iraq, he's paying for prescription med's for people under, what, 82,000 a year? S.S.'s going broke, the banks are broke, mom & pop are broke, the U.S. government is in debt out their ass, health care is through the roof. The corporations that you guys moved off shore aren't paying chit in tax's like they used to. You guy's are beating each other over the head for an extra dollar in corporate profit(crumbs). You over educated genius's are running the show. ABSOLUTE F'N Brilliance!!! Still with me? Guess What Genius: You are going to be paying for All of it! Welfare Food Stamps National Health care The War Foreclosure Bailout Bank Bailout S.S. Bailout Pell Grants Veterans Admin. Another War? Rebuilding the inner Cities Shall I continue? Millions of guy's like me; We're humming along, sitting right in that nice cushy zone out in the country, raising family's, paying off the mortgage, going to Bills games, trying to save some. Not much in fed. income tax's. Buying HDTV's drinking a beer etc. And we're 6th in standard of living, pathetic. Duuude: There's a lot more of us than you. Keep it up, take another chit on Main St., it should really go over well. Am I going to champion the middle class that you keep Chitting on? You bet your god damn ass, keep it up Genius. The best are the guy's that didn't chime in, I guess they're not so foolish after all. You'd better start making some more money GG, because you're going to need it. Ohhhh, to freakin funny.......read's like a nervous break down!!! Welcome to Free Market Capitalism, you work for us now. You can pull your pants up now, I've just removed my foot. Ignorant Tool
  6. Which question is that????????? Hint.................................................................Smartass?????????? Maybe you should answer the questions I've posed to you. Why should I link it , then you'd claim ignorance. Does it not state, US DEPARTMENT OF LABOR??? Explain your theory on the great monetary policy that has left millions behind, you know, the people that are referred to by various names. Explain this: In constant dollars 1982; 1978................avg. earned 310.41 2004...............avg. earned 277.57 I'm not going to play your stupid little game of comparing, us to them. You are not a very bright guy are you, do you enjoy being nothing more than a step and fetch-it??? Should I pity you in the near future when we are paying for all the crap that your monetary policy is leading to? Or, should I laugh at your stupidity as you stomp your feet in anger at the coming tax increase and higher prices at the store?? What's it like to be a pompous ass????
  7. From the N.Y. Times, gee I wonder why they can't make the payment? Average family income, adjusted for inflation, has continued to advance at a good clip, a fact Mr. Bush has cited when speaking about the economy. But these gains are a result mainly of increases at the top of the income spectrum that pull up the overall numbers. Even for workers at the 90th percentile of earners — making about $80,000 a year — inflation has outpaced their pay increases over the last three years, according to the Labor Department. “There are two economies out there,” Mr. Cook, the political analyst, said. “One has been just white hot, going great guns. Those are the people who have benefited from globalization, technology, greater productivity and higher corporate earnings. “And then there’s the working stiffs,’’ he added, “who just don’t feel like they’re getting ahead despite the fact that they’re working very hard. And there are a lot more people in that group than the other group.” In 2004, the top 1 percent of earners — a group that includes many chief executives — received 11.2 percent of all wage income, up from 8.7 percent a decade earlier and less than 6 percent three decades ago, according to Emmanuel Saez and Thomas Piketty, economists who analyzed the tax data. REAL WAGES 1964-2004 Average Weekly Earnings (in 1982 constant dollars) For all private nonfarm workers Year Real $ Change 1964 302.52 1965 310.46 2.62% 1966 312.83 0.76% 1967 311.30 -0.49% 1968 315.37 1.31% 1969 316.93 0.49% 1970 312.94 -1.26% 1971 318.05 1.63% 1972 331.59 4.26% 1973 331.39 -0.06% 1974 314.94 -4.96% 1975 305.16 -3.11% 1976 309.61 1.46% 1977 310.99 0.45% 1978 310.41 -0.19% 1979 298.87 -3.72% 1980 281.27 -5.89% 1981 277.35 -1.39% 1982 272.74 -1.66% 1983 277.50 1.75% 1984 279.22 0.62% 1985 276.23 -1.07% 1986 276.11 -0.04% 1987 272.88 -1.17% 1988 270.32 -0.94% 1989 267.27 -1.13% 1990 262.43 -1.81% 1991 258.34 -1.56% 1992 257.95 -0.15% 1993 258.12 0.07% 1994 259.97 0.72% 1995 258.43 -0.59% 1996 259.58 0.44% 1997 265.22 2.17% 1998 271.87 2.51% 1999 274.64 1.02% 2000 275.62 0.36% 2001 275.38 -0.09% 2002 278.91 1.28% 2003 279.94 0.37% 2004 277.57 -0.84% Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Gee, I wonder why they can't make the payment, Idiots? Tell me some more about your favorite Monetary policy. You do realize in '64 there was most likely one wage earner per household, don't you? Who's buying all the big screens? Have you figured it out yet, Dumb ass? Should they cry while the bank crumbles?
  8. Ha Ha Ha Ha, sooo who shall we kill next? It seems that your beloved monetary policy is teetering on the brink. Should we shed a tear for the swine banker currently rattling his tin cup on the hill? Should we shed a tear for the swine banker at BS, 10$ a share? Would you rather we shed a tear when he jumps from the buildings or puts a pistol to his head? Maybe you could explain your beloved FED's monetary policy which has led to a flat line of mom& pops "real wages" for the past 30 odd years. While the DOW has risen, your beloved banker has dined at the public trough. Is it any wonder that mom & pop have no savings? What is it like to be so naive that you readily lick the hand of your master as he lies, cheats, and steals from the public? Are you so ignorant that you are unable realize it is the very policy that you so happily support which is leading you, down the road to the nanny state for which you despise? Maybe you can look down your nose at mom &pop again. Then, you can point the finger of blame at them for your pathetic policies that have placed you and your beloved bankers in this predicament. After all, it was about your profit margin. If your lucky, they may be able to purchase your dumb ass another 3-4 years of time. Have you noticed? They are parking the trucks at this very moment.
  9. Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan has always opposed an increase in the minimum wage because it "increases unemployment and is not a very effective tool" to raise living standards. On February 20 he expanded on this thinking, and in a rare admission told Congress that "the sense of job insecurity is having a pronounced effect in damping labor costs." This is good for Wall Street. It means that workers rather than bosses are bearing the brunt of holding inflation in check, since wages comprise about two-thirds of consumer prices. Consequently the Fed can keep interest rates low without overheating the economy. Under these conditions Wall Street performs well, because investors and speculators need a stable dollar and easy money more than they need growth. Your beloved Greenspan in action circa '92........ http://www.namebase.org/ Dig it out yourself...........of course you could always SCREAM CONSPIRACY, that works for most around here. Looks like the stable dollar and easy money days have come to a screeching halt. Your soooooooo precious. Buying gold these days?
  10. Thanks for displaying how out of touch you really are. Have you pumped any diesel fuel lately, talk to farmers much, how about talking to a coal truck operator, priced propane lately? A word to the faithful one, they are not shopping at walmart these days. Last time I stopped at wally world the place was empty. You'd better hope they don't park the 18 wheelers come labor day. Maybe you can post a link to the big bankers that have soiled your napkins, seems you'll be needing a case to wipe your ass in about 6 months. If you haven't noticed, the paychecks are spread a little thin. What's wrong, your pompous ass getting a little tight, maybe you should powder it.
  11. It's really not that complicated, people are getting sick and tired of the chit being dumped from the mountain top.
  12. I see that you have faith in the ability to be repaid. Won't happen, unless your happy getting penny's on the dollar. What's wrong you afraid of the fall out? Let it crumble. Should be fun about labor day. The brothers are coming to collect. Hope you don't live in a city. Ah, what the hell's another Trillion?
  13. FT, you must reg., cut and paste job, sorry.
  14. "People close to the situation said the Fed and Treasury feared further problems among securities firms could destabilise the financial system and expose US taxpayers to sizeable losses on the new Fed loans." Sounds like a great deal to me. Get your ass's greased tax payers, because there's a nice big buttbang coming from the swine that walks the halls of congress.
  15. Here you go loser's, whats the tab going to be this time??? Central banks float rescue ideas By Chris Giles and Krishna Guha in London Published: March 21 2008 22:02 | Last updated: March 21 2008 22:02 Central banks on both sides of the Atlantic are actively engaged in discussions about the feasibility of mass purchases of mortgage-backed securities as a possible solution to the credit crisis. Such a move would involve the use of public funds to shore up the market in a key financial instrument and restore confidence by ending the current vicious circle of forced sales, falling prices and weakening balance sheets. Doesn't sound like a loan to me.
  16. What, you boy's missed the memo last night for yet another giant expenditure of weapons and troops into Kosovo? Don't worry, they'll let you know about in the coming months. Signed, sealed and delivered late yesterday. Party time!!!
  17. Oh really, are you going too be around this fall when the Bush gang makes off with the loot? Just part of the cycle, every 8-10 years. Looks like 98-99 all over again, back then it was called what? You and the clinton gang will be dancing in the streets soon, how's that build up in Kosovo going? All that's missing now are the bombers, party time baby! Lets kill some serbs, yea baby!! Bombs Away!!!! You must swell with pride watching that piece of human garbaaage dance the dance??? Are you PROUD yet???? Get the pitchforks ready!!! The table is being set, for yet another huge buttbang on We The People. It's like clockwork. My ass is getting a weee bit sore from the screwing the clint-bush crowd keeps handing out.
  18. "The Fed will allow investment firms to borrow up to $200 billion in safe Treasury securities by using some of their more risky investments as collateral." Is that a sure bet, looks like code for, dumping their bad crap on the tax payer, again. 2%... where is my 2% loan, backed by chit. Oh, thats right, personal responsibility. Party time in NY for the swine bankers. Looks to me like their bungholes are getting a little tight from all the chit they've been peddling. The people are getting a little sick and tired of the bankers chit. We the people have never made a dime off the fed. It's been one butt bang after another, have you check the books lately?? Get the pitch forks ready, we just might be having us a xmas party Romanian style '89, in about 6 months. Conspiracy, we have a Conspiracy.
  19. http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/080320/fed_credit_crisis.html?.v=6 Looks like all's well in in NY. Bend over tax payers and get ready for another butt banging from the swine that controls the money. Of course our friendly locals will hail all that is great and wonderful about the private bank that rapes the nation. Frankly, my ass is getting a weee bit sore from the screw job being sold by the con men running the show. Of course this will be called a conspiracy by the clint-bush's. Not since the 1930's.......nothing has changed, has it con men? K-Y jelly for all americans, party time on wall street. Sharpen the pitchforks.
  20. What a pathetic piece of chit: Don't worry Clinton, Gore, Kerry,and Obama will do the same thing.
  21. Just some more ramblings from another crack pot congressman, just for you GG, still accurate today, nothing has changed. We, the People, are at fault for being passive and allowing this to continue. Rep. Louis T. McFadden (R. Pa.) rose from office boy to become cashier and then President of the First National Bank in Canton Ohio. For 12 years he served as Chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency, making him one of the foremost financial authorities in America. He fought continuously for fiscal integrity and a return to constitutional government (Reference 1). The following are portions of Rep. McFadden's speech, quoted from the Congressional Record, pages 12595-12603: "THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD, A GOVERNMENT BOARD, HAS CHEATED THE GOVERNMENTOF THE UNITED STATES AND THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OUT OF ENOUGH MONEY TO PAY THE NATIONAL DEBT. The depredations and the iniquities of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks acting together have cost this country ENOUGH MONEY TO PAY THE NATIONAL DEBT SEVERAL TIMES OVER." About the Federal Reserve banks, Rep. McFadden said: "They are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers; foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers; the rich and predatory money lenders. This is an era of economic misery and for the reasons that caused that misery, the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks are fully liable." Again, nothing has changed. Maybe we should haggle that phony left vs. right crap???
  22. Don't worry guys, Clinton, McCain and Obama will carry on as instructed, nothing will change.
  23. Glad to have made post #14,000 a funny.
  24. I think I'll just sit back and watch Bush and the next idiot in Washington head over to the Saudi's and hold hands, dance in a robe, begging for some relief.(What a pathetic display that was) While you guy's worry over the collapse of the bogus banking system that has placed trillion's of tax payer back dollars into the middle east and china, etc..Go Fed go. Is my typing and grammar great, nope. Perhaps you could enlighten me on the wonders of the Fed., while they continue to screw everyone in this nation. Ah what's another few trillion tax payer backed dollars going to hurt. Is the Federal Reserve Bank a public or private institution, and why are we paying them interest? Spare me the left vs. right crap.
  25. So I see you to are fat and happy with the private bank known as the Fed.? Typical insult presented by someone that is totally entrenched in this phony system, yet I have you and molson six pack rubbing each others balls, funny stuff. Hey maybe you can enlighten me with some of that very funny left vs. right crap. Have you read the "Primer on Money" issued by the US Congress in '64 or you just going to fluff it all off as chain mail. Oh wait, those are 50 year old papers issued by the House Banking Committee, just another bunch of crack pots. “If the people of the nation understood our banking and monetary system, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” Henry Ford Abe Lincoln issued money to fight the civil war, instead of borrowing it from the elite at 29%, all easily passed off as crack pots by you guy's. Thats it keep borrowing from the Fed and all will be right in the world. All hail the mighty Fed, what's a little more interest. Clinton good Bush bad. Bush bad Clinton good. I love the everyone's an idiot arguement. Carry on. I'll be sure to forward you that non existent chain mail. Funny stuff. Who's the chosen one this time clinton or mccain. Clinton good McCain bad. McCain good Clinton bad. Funny stuff.
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