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East Brady

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Everything posted by East Brady

  1. word here in pittsburgh is hyperextended knee .....the steelers will not miss a beat with batch or maddox because they actually have an off. line that can play real smashmouth football....One would think Donahoe learned something before they rode his ass outta dodge about drafting lineman ........if anybody wants to see smashmouth football watch the winning drive from last nights game ....bettis up the middle was unstoppable !!!!!!!!!!!.....Maybe someday the Bills can do that??????
  2. San Diego is about to get a little Bettis up the you know what tonight...... we'll see if they can handle it???????
  3. Ahhhh .....thats why he's called and op/ed columnist ...opinion.....editor.....means write your version of the facts not just report the stats......Expect him to be real sour for awhile ..isn't he from Boston.........GOOOOOOO Red Sox ...........NOT..............
  4. Who gets to push the wheel chair??????
  5. I am smiling and laughing trust me ,,,,I just hold back a little with the hated jets coming to town as we all know how they can ruin a party in a hurry...........viiinnny.......viiiinnnyyyyyy......vinny and the jeeeeeeeeetttttssssssssssss............there is much work to be done, hope'n chris and mikey will be ready to play on the line ............
  7. 3 intercepts in the first half turned into 21 points....
  8. I didn't relize these guys were drafted in the first round after trading away picks and all to get them????/Also noticed that they have much more help than any of our qb's have recieved lately namely better coaches and lineman ..........
  9. Well then maybe you should name those MANY qb's that are drafted in the first round after trading away picks to move up and make the selection that have spent 2-3 yrs and come in and played very well???? The problem with this switch is IMO they could have kept drew and opened the job up to the best man and we would be further along with drew...The fact remains you have to play to develop isn't bs..... otherwise the fortyniners would stick with rattay and further more they would have benched a. smith after the 3 pick in the first half today..because after all he could just sit and learn.......while I always love beating the fish and jets this team is going nowhere fast ...better hope they don't play another half like the second half today or jp will be back under center by nov. 1 ...........Judging by the bills second half today not only is Holcomb but many other bills aren't ready to start and play in the NFL ...as a matter of fact vinny will have a very good day next week if they play like that ........the jets are much better than miami on the road just ask last years steelers ........
  10. Norwood was money ....he just missed that one ....he won alot of games....the jury is still out on lindell in that department..........
  11. Kool-Aide hangovers are really really wicked!!!!
  12. Philly looked tired two road games in arow.as for the line they sure didn't look good last week or that pass at the goal that drewster threw at the feet of the rec. on 4 down .......don't worry the old rubber band arm will stiffin up in philly!
  13. The Jets game was in New YorkThe same place that they Beat Miami 3 weeks ago We better be nervous as it is a division game ,after the way the bills played in the second half I wouldn't bank on anything....Same problems as the first 4 games....this defence plays o.k. with a lead but not to good from behind they are over rated .....Jerry Gray is a river boat gambler and vinny can still make them pay the dealer,,,,it will be another nail biter,,,if the ref had ruled that fumble down on contact the game may have gone the other way it was that close!!!!!
  14. Ralph is the head coach Donahoe is the asst..head coach Mularkey is the asst....to the asst....head coach That is why he was hired over other canadates ...they wouldn't play the game..... just ask chuck knox.......
  15. The avatar will be gone at exactly 4:05 pm sunday afternoon!!!!! No need to worry!!!!! I once sat in a bar in Oregon with a bunch of raider fans and all hope was lost ....... the next thing I knew I was going Fn nuts as Bisquit and the boys started the comeback of 1990 .......what a day that turned out to be one Bills fan and lots of raider fans .....the bar tender couldn't stand them and she thought I was going to get killed.......funny thing was they were in such a state of shock that I could say anything I wanted ......I did ......Free drinks for me after that for WEEKS ...............Bills 17 Fish 7 .........GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!
  16. I smell a..............TROLL
  17. I think thats why everyone's so upset about the current state of affairs....I'd take four more chances anyday......anyday seems such along way from today ......
  18. Just wondering ...How do you become an ex bronco fan after two superbowl wins?????Hell we lost 4 straight and we love it ....Can't get enough as a matter of fact.....
  19. San Antonio is only going to get the Saints by default against the NFL's wishes ,,,,,Orlando will never get a team because that cuts into the bucs and jags cash ,,,,El Paso isn't in the mid Atlantic besides its El Paso,,,,Sacremento =California, is still bankrupt thats why they have Arnold and they are currently trying to raise 1 billion new tax dollars to fund crazy under funded state retirement system for everyone and their brother, ......and Virginia Beach while I love the place, really is for lovers ......generally speaking Virginia is made of old money and they like it in the bank... thats how it gets old, just ask the Redskins..privately funded by JKC.....We have a good stadium that will need to be replaced in the next ten years and nobody in their right mind in Albany will let the bills move when someone from Buffalo steps forward to buy the team...Thats just the way I see it ...For all we know Ralphy has put it in writting, in the will, that the team goes to a locally based owner first, just to pissoff jerry jones !!!!....I'll believe it when I see the Mayflower trucks heading down I90 with all of us crazy assed fans chasing behind,,, shotguns in hand, ready to kill...Elections in N.Y. are bought and paid for in Western New York, thats how the Aud was replaced .You can't win the state if you can't win western N.Y. which includes Rochester and Syracuse.....Sorry if this seems long winded with bad spelling and formatting .:-)
  20. Yea thats why cleveland,,,jacksonville,,,,and houston, were awarded franchises before L.A.L.A. here we come .............ah not in the next 25 years won't happen L.A. doesn't care, plenty of other problems in L.A. in case you haven't noticed California is bankrupt.......thats why they have ARNOLD...............:-)
  21. My problem with it is; Mouldy should have sent the media to mularkeys office and kept his mouth shut .........he is after all 100% behind the coach ...at least thats what he said....this time..... Haven't we been down this road with mouldy before....
  22. Do you mean like last week when losman dumped it off to williams and mcgahee after our great rec's were covered and we gained or lost 1 or 2 yards ????? Saban will have that play covered also.....Try listening to the radio broadcast with AVP for a different perspective on the game TV guys call the game off of the monitors.... radio guys watch the field......
  23. Right on oldtimer,,,,and the oldman lucked out when he had bill polian then ran him out of dodge city when bill refused to put up with his nonsense and the team began a slow decline as polians players aged followed by bad drafts....Bill seems to have good teams where ever he's been...ralphy is more concerned with bragging rights at the west palm tennis club if he beats the fins then sticking with the plan they sold for the last 10 months.....Wilson will never win the big one he messed with that chance 15 years ago .......
  24. Odds makers don't move the lines ,,,,,,gamblers do...................
  25. The game plan will not change...Stop the run and blitz the qb one's young and green the other not to mobile.... I fail to see a need to change the game plan with this OL it doesn't matter... if you stop the run cold the passer is there for the taking...just ask saban
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