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East Brady

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Everything posted by East Brady

  1. I don't think the lines gave up as much as they were worn down.........it's never been the same since rusty jones was canned by TD and the meathead..........conditioning?????
  2. You'll be saying yourself in about 6 weeks trust me!
  3. To be honest I would have liked it either way ....kick and add 3 cool ......... go for it and make cool .....bad spot by the ref not cool .......everyone wanted willis on the field in those spots no complaint from me ..... FORWARD PROGRESS Bad spot
  4. I agree and further more pittsburgh didn't play half as good as NE today ...We are going to pick that miami secondary apart and distroy clepper .screw the dolfags this is a different team and mularkey is going to hear about up close and personal f him ........
  5. As compared to what that great display of genius mularkey put on display in pittsburgh thursday night...I think not ..................
  6. The momentum would have swing a little more our way but if you think NE would have folded you underestimate Tom Brady.............
  7. Good point that I over looked
  8. Watch the replay willis headed up the middle but its was already blown up and he took it outside to the right, further more he got the 1st down the spot was very very bad plan and simple .......
  9. Thats total B.S. because we got the 1st down the spot was very BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Your full of B.S. because we got the 1st down the spot was very bad!!!!!!!!!
  11. Get used to it , after what ralph did to the league by calling the cops on them ......I mean the politcians ...well you get the idea .just get used to it .the nfl has always been rigged to control the final score for vegas.........bills cover when everyone bet NE.go figure!!!!!
  12. right on bro screw these whinners it's about to happen !!!!!!!!!
  13. choke this is no choke they are on the road against N.E. get real
  14. It's what 17-14 after 3 ...hang in there boys its goin to be a wild ride I'm stickin with my 31-30 pre game prediction
  15. Trouble stopping the run yea...... but no heart ..thats bull sh--...
  16. we need to throw on 1st more play action
  17. Then maybe you should switch over to that exciting detroit game or maybe you can catch moulds somewhere?????
  18. WE're playing lights out for DICKEY BABY just as advertised regardless of the outcome!
  19. Robbed on the spot we had the 1st ..I love the play calling!!!!
  20. WOOOOOOOOOOO............LETS GOOOO BUUUUFFFFAAALLOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Murph and Kelso are going nuttts!!!!!!!!!!!! Wee get the ball to start the half.....I like the felling of dicky baby making the adjustments more than the meathead!!!!!!!! LETS GOOOOOO DICKEY BABY TURN'M LOOSE POUND THESE BASTARDS !!!!!!!!!! By the way Kelso rocks as the color man !!!!!!!!
  21. I smell a big turnover coming clements on the pick ...LETS GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Kelso has been saying this all game !
  23. shut the fusk up dude keep cheering while you can GOOOOOOOOO BIIIILLLLLS !!!!!! SHOBEL IS EATTTING THEM ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Place wings on a broiler pan so they don't sit in the grease also if you want you can pull them just before there done and place them under the broiler. turn them a couple times and there finished in 10 minutes the key is to get them out of the grease at some point.......experimentation is fun......:-).........deep fried wings are deadly enough........
  25. Bake at a high temp...about 475 for an hour should due it!!! check after 30 minutes proceed accordingly there after!
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