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East Brady

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Everything posted by East Brady

  1. No I haven't, but thats not the point and it doesn't fit the theory. I'll stick by my prediction..... And further more they will win all their home games, gotta pay for that stadium.....whatever superbowl is up next goes to N.O.
  2. Chester Taylor will tag the Bills D. for about 125 yards....... Pray for snow!
  3. Averages are great but they gave up 21 last week and ranked 11th is nice after 3 weeks but they have been out played in the 2nd half of 2 games just like the offense . We're close and everyone needs to be a tick more consistent.......GO BILLS !!!
  4. Mind if I borrow that for my email from the east coast?? You guys crack me up!!!
  5. Bet the house , college fund and the penny's in the cookie jar that won't happen...... just turn the channel or put on some music.........by the way Roger Waters was great sunday night!
  6. Prediction: New Orleans will be in the championship game based on 6-8 questionable calls by the officials........bet the house on it!
  7. Attempted suicide ......brace yourselfs for the 24-7 nonstop round the clock TO coverage .....I'd suggest you turn down the volume and pop in some music.......
  8. Great post........and the altimate craddle rocker of alltime is none other than the great JERRY MARCBRITE ..the absolute worst ref there ever was , he'd always appear on the big MNF games or your top sunday game of the week ........if jerry was working you could bet the house that there'd be a hand full of critical calls blown in the game, while being told over and over by the announcers that jerry was the best of the best . I actually called the NFL offices to complain about him being scheduled for a bills playoff game in 92-93 ,I was telling(yelling and screaming into phone) them that the game was fixed if they had him doing the game ect ect ...jerry wasn't at the game thats all I know .....I believe he is currently director of officiating. F..........Jerry Marcbrite!!!!!!!! If there's BIG BIG BIG money on the game than Jerry Marcbrite was their man!!!!!
  9. That's to complicated for most tailgaters...............hey look that guy's stealing someones tag ....oh he'll be pissed .ha ha ha ha ha... A.............holes!!! Thats all you can say ......sorry to hear that .
  10. And then Bettman(from the NBA) goes to the NHL and shuts the league down, gets a salary cap and the next thing you know out of the smokey back room they emerge and Sidney Crosby is headed to the bankrupt Penguins ..........payback to Mario, I think Not............
  11. Is this a real question ..........you forgot to mention the 9-11 Patriots and all the favorable calls they rec'd along the way to that superbowl win... Rigged ..you betcha!!
  12. Isn't that because Fairchild has seemingly shown more ability to use players such as Parrish versus the way in which mularkey attempted to use them????And this after just 2 games.....Go figure.......:-)
  13. The way I see it is the Rooney's allow Cowher to deal with his asst. coaches and that is how mikey came to be hired.......as far as TD is concerned, wasn't this the crux of the fallout with regards to the chit canning of TD .........who was going to have final say on the asst. coaches....... Cowher has had final say on asst. coaches for along time.......switching out coaches as needed.
  14. Well that "some guy on tv radio" actually Played in 4 superbowls ......His opin has more weight than yours especially since he actually played for the BILLS.........oh well I guess your right again ....... have another cookie you earned it ............
  15. After Big Bennie's performance last year I would hope Saban would have taken that advice and listened ...............Or does the great-one (saban that is) suffer the same problem that the other great-one TD has (I know everything syndrome) ??? It's either that or Mularkey actually thinks Fat Bennie is good?????
  16. Thats all pretty funny simon because the way I remember it, down here in stiller land, mikey was going to be replaced and that talk quited down as his name came up for various HC jobs ... As far as the stats go since he left the burgh and with a young qb they are 1-1 in AFC champ. games and 1-0 in the superbowl ..wish we could say that ......f the stats....... Further more; are you really sure TD hired cowher or was that another Rooney deal, that they allowed him to pin that feather in his cap ????...me thinks it was the latter!!! Prediction: Donahoe will never be hired for another GM job in the NFL.....we'll see him working alongside the likes of Pat Kirwin before long.......
  17. Hmmmm.thats pretty funny because I thought I heard Kelso state on the game broadcast that in the past the bills would have Nate on Chambers allday but this D does not work that way and each corner would stay on their side of the field or in otherwords no flip flopping ........I'll take his word for it sense he actually played the game and hangs with the Bills prior to the game....... He's actually been a very good upgrade over the last few color analyst ..give it a try.....
  18. This is why Kelso said on the radio, that is never called OPI .... it should not have been a penalty... I'll take his word for it . He actually played in the NFL......
  19. Well according to the miami fan who just called sirius radio he doesn't thinkk they'll win a game this year with the pepper and he made very good points....... I like Jeff Fisher's chance's this week at least he can coach!!!! Come-on Tenn. finish off the Dolphins!!!!!!!
  20. I was thinking the same thing and that was happening everytime JP came off the field after making good plays .....This is Big Dickey J's team and it's showing...... JP has a solid Holcomb like day and Holcombs Arm is complaining....go figure????
  21. But the funny thing is, if this was Holcomb you'd be totally stroking yourself allday long over your percieved genius..... I'll take the road win and the threat of the deep ball.....
  22. Not with London Fletcher around....... All JP has to remember is Houston ........
  23. ROOKIE OF THE YEAR!!!! OOOPS meant to say REACH!!!!
  24. But it's looking like his first year under an NFL coaching staff.....
  25. Gee I thought I heard murph and kelso say that jp was 10 of 12 here in the second half??? That sounds like good play to me!!!! Although he only threw 1 td, the other 2 wiped out were equally if not more impressive.... Hey, I thought that was a dolfin that bullet to Reed passed through ??
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