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East Brady

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Everything posted by East Brady

  1. Hi, my name is Gringo, may I wash your Balls?
  2. You forgot to mention, Schaub has a monster TE............
  3. Hey Joey has been looking pretty good with that crap team in Miami......or maybe they should switch back to clepper...................
  4. I've thought the same thing, but then realize that, it would just be a move sideways because we have a cannon armed qb that can actually run. Byron has a better surrounding cast and thats what this team needs.
  5. If you feel the Bills have any chance of winning in a shoot-out next week brace yourself for a long day. Only chance they have to beat the colts is by playing exactly the way they played yesterday. No mistakes(turnovers) and oppurtune D. win the turnovers and make a couple of plays late in the game to pull out the win......just the way I see it, sorry.
  6. If we do beat Indy you just know that Houston would blow us out..........that is the Bills MO........
  7. It takes forever to comeback from that injury. He's done.....
  8. come on man ..get with the program, he's paid millions to talk like an idiot!!
  9. Has Brett ever won in Buffalo...........?? Don't think so............
  10. The Torture Never Stops!! The Torture Never Stops!!
  11. Sounds like the guy was covering his head with his hands and arms, causing the injuries, he's lucky they didn't flip the porta-potty over door side down, now that would have been deadly.......Never use a porta potty after a football game.....
  12. Only wish that guy had something to scream about these days...... LOVED IT!!!!
  13. One reason, L.A. is a great place to hold the superbowl every 5 years and the Rose Bowl is a total dump and basically unusable for the modern super bowl party that they love to throw. When it's all said and done it will cost at least 1 billion to build in L.A. and the NFL likes other people to pay for their ball parks. A new stadium can and will be built in Buffalo when the time comes for one reason only, and that is Politics. The governor that lets the Bills move out of state will never get re-elected. You can't win the state house without the western N.Y. vote and building a stadium would be very favorable to the union vote in western N.Y.. IMO
  14. You might be right and I haven't looked it up, but 2billion dollars for the texans (Stadium + Franchise fee) I think not......2 billion to field an NFL franchise in L.A., is a bad investment, otherwise it would have been done by now....and the cost of land just keeps rising, day by day...
  15. What a fool, all they had to do was show up at the game and buy a club level tick for 5 bucks outside the stadium..they'll be givin'em away by 12/24/06.....merry christmas......
  16. This is nonsense, with the league refusing to pony up 1,000,000,000.00 to build a stadium in the L.A. area, adding in the cost of buying, say the Bills for, 800,000,000.00........looks to me that the cost of placing a team in the L.A. market area has reached the point of BAD investment..... Unless of course Bill Gates needs a new hobby, I don't see anyone willing to take that sort of gamble as it will be damn near impossible to turn a PROFIT. The cost of buying and then relocating a team has already passed the point of good business investment, unless of course someone needs a new HOBBY..... Hey L.A., get used to NO NFL FOOTBALL, the voters in cali. will never pay for the over inflated real estate that is needed to build the stadium and the billionare owners aren't paying either...
  17. It's all propagada, those two buildings in N.Y. are actually still standing. The media and the gov. are conspiring to not tell you the truth.A new president will change everything,we'll go back in time to the glory days of internet scam IPO's and sex scandals.
  18. Damn thats quick. Belick to take over....Per Sirius report
  19. #1 Danica Patrick driving car #1 pulls up (Indy Racing League) #2 Dale Earnhardt driving car #2 with Jay Z (NASCAR, Daytona 500, famous racing family, sponsor, BUDWEISER BEER) #3 They drive coastal highway acting like they are going real fast, in real fast cars. They are actually going about 10 mph. Jay Z lips the title track to his new cd - show me what-cha got. #4 Camara pans to cloud in sky forming crown ....King.......Bud- King of beers....show me what-cha got ....show me what-cha got..Everybody dancin around slam'n Bud Select's...show me what-cha got..... #5 Commercial for new CD and BUD Beer. #6 You Brits keep sending over really OLD dudes pretending to be cool, first the Rolling Bones and now some guys claiming to be the WHO(lock the doors save your money) #7 At least Dale and Danica can drive-unlike the Bills!
  20. Thats was the BOMB,ah right, 2 of americas hottest drivers cruisin around at what, about 10 mph in those cars, stupid.......Also after the game they ran the Bud commercial with that rap, has the CD even been released.......somewhere Neil Young is play'n this BUD's for you!!!!!!.........It's all about the MONEY and I ain't a buy'n!! I guess JAY Z showed me what he got and He GOT CHIT!! Disco was more creative than RAP!!
  21. YEA .go BEARS had em in the survivor pool ...pulled that one outta my ass!!
  22. Ah , I'm not going too bother looking it up but wasn't Art Still from the Chuck Knox era?
  23. What's the dif, the bills SUCK and it ain't chang'n......NEXT
  24. Why does everyone call Gandy a turnstile, that would suggest he actually moves....He's more like a telephone pole, players just run around him and make a play. After how many years now, McNally can't build a compotent line???
  25. My point was that all I've been reading is that jp sucks and was agreeing with K-mikes observation from being at the game...It doesn't surprise me that they weren't open...I was actually agreeing with him and his observation from being at the game...
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