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East Brady

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Everything posted by East Brady

  1. Boy that's the America I'm Waiting, haven't we been doing this for about the past 50 freakin years. Things are looking great out here in the hinter lands. How's about we spend another 50 trillion in borrowed money because some ass in washington lied about the facts.
  2. So War is the real reason for voting for Mr.Wonderful?? More WAR yaaa thats the answer.
  3. Did I miss something, don't recall hearing anything from the Deadman????
  4. What's going to happen when the Euro crumbles to the ground right alongside the dollar there Mr. Wonderful???
  5. You are a good guy Dean, yet so f'n NIAVE. Eric Holder was instrumental in getting the PATRIOT ACT rammed up your ass Dean, get a f'n clue. Yet lap dogs such as those under Mr. Wonderful's spell will be selling the expansion of P.A. in the next go around. Classic.
  6. Ha, Ha, Ha, f'n classic. The big question about that is, what did it have to do with Hillary's, Children's Defense Fund?? Eric Holder is a SCUMBAG of EPIC PROPORTION, CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN BABY YEA!!! Lets hire another BAGMAN!!
  7. If he was still alive he'd be putting out tons of video and cranking out the prop. That's why we only hear from his little buddy and that is also questionable. Silly naive americans still haven't figured out the mega propaganda machine that they pay for everyday, it really is very amusing to watch. Not to mention the fact that the intelligence fellers wouldn't be able to stay in Afganastan and produce yet another WORLD RECORD POPPY HARVEST and SELL THAT BOTTY AROUND THE WORLD TO FUTHER FUND THEIR BLACK OP'S. Funny that the Taliban actually crushed the poppy trade, how's that possible, yet the U.S. Military says they aren't able to get their hands around the problem. Stupid !@#$cs. I wonder why Mr. Wonderful is sooo determined to expand the war?
  8. How does he sit down with a Dead Man??
  9. I was going to say about the same thing. Singletary has them playing with emotion, very intense football. S.F. looks to be heading to a very strong finish. Wouldn't be suprised to see them beat Dallas this week. If you're a gambler, take S.F. and the points every week.
  10. Good one, I hear he's batting .950.
  11. What's the point, oh I get it. Time to put my nuclear middle finger back in place of uncle sugar cookies.
  12. Sure am for smaller vehicles, then again I guess you don't do much research on repairs and such. Know any great wrench turners, genius? I'll let ya know when she hits 400,000, we drive'm to the junk yard!
  13. Thats the kicker it wasn't cheaper, but for the same price I got more options. With the employee discount I would have had to move up 28 thousand before the discount. I could have then gotten the price down to 23,500 but I said f the Canadian UAW. Most of the gm trucks and vans are from the north. By the way I also run a full sized chevy van with 205,000 and no major breakdowns, hard driven also, can't beat the 350c.i.. Many members of my family work for G.M. to this day, it was a tuff call, don't think I could have done it if my Dad was still kickin, out of respect. 35 f years.
  14. Yes, in 04 when I was shopping for a mini van for the wife I checked the product origination sticker. While looking at the Chevy Venture it said 80% Canada, the Toyota said 80% U.S.. I then made the decision and said to myself, F the G.M. employee discount and why should I care about the Canadian UAW workers, plus the Toyota said the only major component imported was the tranny. I want my tranny made in Japan for obvious reasons, 160,000 miles later, 1 new battery and some oil changes. No bailout for the big 3, let them file chapter 11 and get it started. On a side note G.M. opened a new assembly plant in Russia a couple weeks ago, F them.
  15. Things are looking great. Can't wait for the change. "The US will be forced to issue foreign currency-denominated US Treasures in its hour of need," said Mizuno. "The US cannot finance its deficit by itself. The US financial system cannot survive without foreign investors. We will see 'Obama Bonds' in the future." http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Japan/JK19Dh01.html
  16. I thought we drafted a 6'6' guy to throw the fade to when in the red zone, oh well guess we were mistaken.
  17. The sad part is, he had all freakin night to sit in the pocket and pick them apart. Not sure what the answer is for that display.
  18. Jauron sucks, Fewell sucks, and Trent God really sucks. Time to call Marty, he'll come and get us to the playoffs at Ralph's low wages. PATHETIC COACHING!!!
  19. Mr. Wonderful has no business speaking to the nation at this time, that is why he is referred to as the president elect. You should be asking the dumb B word Nancy and her little buddy Harry why they continue to f you in the ass everyday and lie, cheat and steal, with their buddy's George and Hanky. F you six pack, you are an idiot. Great little video from Karl the man, regarding their rolls from last weeks hearings check it out, a must see!! http://market-ticker.denninger.net/archive...rauds!.html 4.2 trillion so far: http://www.cnbc.com/id/27719011
  20. As for GM, they have not been fully funding their pension fund for years. The pigs in washington nor the unions leaders never forced them to do it. As I remember, it was always treated as a source of cheap loans, kinda like the s. s. trust fund, full of IOU's. I believe the 700 bill. bailout has a provision to buy up the union pension plans.
  21. Mr. Wonderful will not roll back any of the wrongs rubber stamped by the dem's in congress. He and they will only add to those laws and take advantage of the ones already in place. Its the american way.
  22. Don't feel bad, here in PA. we are facing a 3 billion def. and the poli's didn't think it was necessary to get back to work and try to get a handle on it. They said it could wait until January. We are now a member of the club, wooot.
  23. Trade Trent to cincy for Carson Palmer.
  24. Hope you didn't miss this one: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...ml?hpid=topnews "The sweeping change to two decades of tax policy escaped the notice of lawmakers for several days, as they remained consumed with the controversial bailout bill. When they found out, some legislators were furious. Some congressional staff members have privately concluded that the notice was illegal. But they have worried that saying so publicly could unravel several recent bank mergers made possible by the change and send the economy into an even deeper tailspin. "Did the Treasury Department have the authority to do this? I think almost every tax expert would agree that the answer is no," said George K. Yin, the former chief of staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the nonpartisan congressional authority on taxes. "They basically repealed a 22-year-old law that Congress passed as a backdoor way of providing aid to banks." The best part of the op's article: President-elect Barack Obama's economic adviser, Jason Furman, also didn't respond to an e-mail and a phone call seeking comment from Obama. In a Sept. 22 campaign speech, Obama promised to ``make our government open and transparent so that anyone can ensure that our business is the people's business.'' Promising to have the most transparent administration is code for "we are going to lie, cheat, and steal at will, we will tell them nothing". My prediction: Mr. Wonderful will bomb more country's and steal more tax dollars than any administration in history. As we have witnessed in the past, congress will do nothing, as they continue to do nothing with regards to arresting the criminals.
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