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East Brady

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Posts posted by East Brady

  1. Fine then its $200 bucks (or more) less going to Rupert Murdoch and News Corps pocket who exclusivly have the right to the Sunday Ticket package . They have the exclusive rights to sell that product to brain dead sports fans.


    I still don't get how any of this forces the bills to move to LA.. As a matter of fact, the way the bills are playing, I'm prob. going to be making a depost when I come home over the holidays on a couple of seasons, and I can't go to all the games. But I know those who can and will use the tics I don't.


    Like I said it's Ralphs team, he owns it, and no matter what anybody does, he doesn't have to move or sell ect. ect. If someone like Tom G. buys the team is there any doubt he will get the state to build us a new stadium, because if they don't, he may just blow another 100 million on a run for office and you can't win the state house without winning western N.Y........Is there any doubt Tom G. would win at this point in time ??


    Dude put the beers back in the frige and relax, none of this will make the Bills go west....

  2. The defense didnt get an interception, return it for 10 yards, then fumble it away to the Chargers.




    I certainly wouldnt. As soon as he caught it and took 2 steps I was screaming "fall down!"


    I would have to re-watch the game but at the time I thought it would have been about 57yard attempt??

  3. This board was anti-Clements just a month ago ... jee DaQuix knows nothing huh  ^_^


    Oh well. GREAT hit early in the game by Nate.


    That hit was huge and after going to the game last week I'd have to agree,........pay the boy!!


    I watched nate all day last week, there just wasn't any light there for those other guys....


    The coaching staff seems to have made some changes since the bye, plus the play of the rookies seems to be allowing him to do his thing now.....

  4. Regardless of what happened last Thursday,

    as of right now, I'm saying Ravens - Cowboys.

    We'll see who gets hot / stays hot going in.


    I wouldn't be surprised


    It won't be the colts and that is a good thing IMO


    Balti.- SD depends on Home field


    Dallas looks to be real solid right now and there is alot to hate about that group of a-holes.....

  5. You are correct but its hard to get to upset when the team is this young and starting to play some pretty good football....... I will chalk it up to learning experience, and hope for the best effort each week the rest of the season, and look forward to what looks to be a very promising 2007......Play hard and don't quit we will win our share......

  6. Some really questionable calls today. There was also a pass inf. call that should have been. I know the college crews blow a lot of calls too, but at least the NCAA comes down hard on crews when they make major blunders, for example the Sooner-Ducks game this year. I hope the NFL at least talks to this crew.


    What are they going to talk about... Which teams they want Ed and the boys to help make the super bowl??


    Ed Hoculi is the modern version of Jerry Marcbrite and thats no easy gig to pull off......


    The better team did win today though and we can't get to down about that......we need 3-4 more players to win some of these games .

  7. Not entirely, but the agenda is clear (L.A.). Why give the cut throats more of my hard earned dough. I'd rather give a huge tip to my bartender/friend then to  these CS corporate vultures on Park Ave and News Corp.


    Come on now , I agree that the refs sucked and screwed the game but Direct Tv and the corporate scum can not force the Bills to LA That is Ralphs Call, and whatever is in his will or what he does before the time comes and we just don't know the answer.


    My hunch would be that ralph screws them in the end, when he somehow keeps the team here for a very long time, regardless of what they think or do to influence that outcome.....


    Ralph IMO does not like the new guard that is running the league these days remember he is an old AFL owner and it shows in the way that he has fought some of their assine moves.....

  8. I'm sick of putting down $200 a year to see the league give us Bills fans the fist. Next season I'm saving the $$$ and going out to the bar and watching the game and hanging with friends. Screw the NFL and DirecTV.


    I don't get it ....your saying the ref's suck ???

  9. I was not an Atrain guy in the off-season, nor did I think he would contribute much.  I've come around a little.  I still think WM is the better back, but if I need three hard yards against a tough defense I want Atrain instead.  He just plays harder.


    I feel the same and that is the problem with willis....... IMO he is just not a very smart football player and it shows....sometimes you just have to slam it up in there and he just doesn't know when that is ....LT sure slamed it in there at times today and made yards when there weren't many to be had ......

  10. Are you kidding me?  After the adjustments that he and his staff made at halftime?  The blown time out was a brain fart, but all in all, Jauron has me as confident in the state of Bills coaching as I've been in half a dozen years.


    I agree with that and for what it's worth the game was lost because SD scored when they had the WIND and we did not......Young team, lite on talent and experience playing about as well as can be expected, I feel good about where their going in the next year or two........

  11. Can someone explain to me what is up??


    Chargers are the real deal ..some bad refing we had a sack fumble rec. called rivers down then gates gets generous spot on 3rd chargers punch us in the face anyways ...they are making the plays ....to many weapons to cover everyone ...real bad field position for us great for them ...


    Not looking good thats about it .......


    chargers are the real deal thats for sure :thumbsup:

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