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East Brady

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Posts posted by East Brady

  1. BIG DICK J. is simply coaching his QB and by example his team.........


    With Mularkey coming to town, Seems to me he just wants the boy to RELAX a bit.....


    All this news has got me, VERY pumped up for the fins.......


    Lets just hope the team responds in a very very BIG way.....


    Bills 36 Fins 17.......Go Bills!!!!

  2. I don't have any animosity toward Marv for that whole mess but both Ralph and Billsnation acted like complete jackasses creating a poisonous atmosphere that no player or coach would be eager to bring their families into. When the fans and the owner are acting like that and good people are getting sent packing after one bad year, it's no wonder that this franchise has struggled so often for so long.

    I wish every fall that Ralph would sell this team to an owner with the strength to find the right people and stick with them through rough weather. Until that happens this franchise will never be a consistently strong one.


    Ralph spent 5 years riding the rough seas with that ass Tom Donahoe, How much longer was he supposed to ride it out with the guy, 5 more??


    It was Tom Donahoe that created all of those problems, it was Tom Donahoe that had total free reign to call the shots and it was Tom Donahoe that sent Drew packing after the one O.K. season that he actually had.......


    Of course you will tell me how great these guys are. They were such good people, but actually you have nothing to base that on, other than the words spoken about them in the media by some other

    great guy working in the league..........Since when does anybody in the NFL actually come out and say, hey that guy is a total ass, I worked from him in bla bla bla and he was a total ass......


    Everyone in the league, is always washing each other's ass ..


    Tom Donahoe the great, has yet to be mentioned for any postion in the 30 other NFL cities......


    Gee I wonder why, with that stellar reputation and all, one would think he'd be a hot prospect for something other than, Sirius NFL Network, Hey Pat Kirwin look out, Tom the great Donahoe is lookin for work........... Or wil it be ESPN Draft Coverage, didn't they have Jerry the great Glanville workin there for awhile.........


    Spare me the Great People got fired for no reason lecture....it is tiresome.


    Oh by the way, Marv didn't seem to have any trouble getting good people to return his calls about a coaching vacancy........

  3. Um...for that, you'll have to go back to Boys' Town.


    If I was that kinda guy I would already be there....... :doh:


    Prediction: In a very short time, say 10-15 years from now, small market teams will not even be able to afford to pay the signing bonus's of the top 10 picks in the draft....


    Teams will actually trade away those picks to the likes of Dallas and Washington, NY, ect. ect. just to avoid paying some unproven talent 50mil plus 20mil per season to see if they have IT.


    Ralph IMO is actually warning the fans of ALL TEAMS such as the Bills, that their days are numbered if things continue on the coarse that has recently been laid out by the latest CBA....


    IMO it is a shame that ONLY Buffalo and Cincinnati voted no on this latest issue......It makes one wonder what the heck their thinking about in other cities like Cleveland, Baltimore, Jacksonville,

    KC, Indy,Tampa, ect ect...........


    The NFL has reached the height of its popularity......There isn't any money left to be squeezed out of the fans in many of these cities, greed is a bad thing..........



    Its time for the return of the old AFL............



    There is a difference between being cheap and being fiscally responsible..........


    I support Mr. Wilson........... :beer:

  4. Makes me mad!


    Rw said "We are lucky to make 7 million a year"  WTF!!!! 7 million?  Last time I checked 7 million is a F'ing lot of money!  :beer:

    Cry me a river  and sell this team!


    Go re-read the article...........I could be wrong but I believe he was refering to income from the sale of Lux. Box Suites.............


    The article is in reference to the increase in salary cap that is going to occur from the league lending money to build one stadium that will generate 50,000,000 per season for not one but 2 teams...........That is 100,000,000 per season gross ..........why should the NFL lend money to the Giants and Jets when the very sale of the new boxes should more than cover their expense's????




    I could be wrong ...feel free to slam my ass......

  5. I think he took lessons in public speaking from Nate Clements. :beer:


    Actually sounded to me like he was awaken from a sound sleep just before the interview.


    Made some good points about dancin around after sacks ...said he did want to be the guy that makes a fool out of himself....


    Feels he should be pro bowl but doesn't try to draw attention to himself, likes to let his play do the talkin....very humble ...sounded pretty tired......... :thumbsup:

  6. Thanks. As a Bills fan I am sure you can understand :P


    Bill had the Jets back on their heels from the outset yesterday. The Jets briefly answered back but your guys shoved back WAY harder and the Jets had no answer at all.

    Pretty awesome display by the Bills.


    Damn, I thought you were the guy on top of the GW.Bridge....good luck we shall meet again!!


    The Great Mangini is vastly over rated ....Mangini=Sabin...... :(

  7.   I want more passes to prove he is a QB.


    You will never give it up, will you? I want more turnovers to prove he isn't!


    Unbelievable, HUGE freakin ROAD WIN, HUGE.....Boy, that Romo fella looked great last night throwing the ball, all freakin night......


    Nobody is getting carried away, when the proof is right there, for anybody who cares to OPEN THEIR EYES.... :(


    If there is any doubt that the Bills are a team on the RISE, than I feel sorry for those people......

  8. Mangini did not get out coached today...three horrible turnovers by the Jets QB was the turning point.  The Jets defense did not do a great job of containing the run either.


    Great win by the Bills, they were the better team on this day.


    You have to be kidding me.......With all the injuries we had on D, Jaurons staff put the Bills in the right game plan, made the half time adjustments and frankly, totally embarrassed a veteran QB into making those mistakes.........That is the very definition of being Out Coached, plain and simple. To put it any other way is just plain cheesy....


    The Great Mangini was Out Coached for 60 minutes, thus resulting in a total Ass Thumping at home, with huge playoff implications.......The Jets choked and frankly, did not look ready to play..


    Big Dick Jauron had his Team Ready To Play, Mangini Did NOT!!!!

  9. There is a legitimate difference of opinion, IMO. I am not sure who is right. I am not sure anyone knows the answer. I think it is somewhere in the middle. People on your side of the argument think that Willis dances, he he loses yardage that he would have gained had he run harder. People on my side or the argument think that he runs depending on what he sees. Today, he had little, but decent sized holes. He could run hard into the hole and break into the linebackers and safeties. A couple times he broke free. To your way of thinking, he could do this more than he does. To my way of thinking, he couldn't. He dances when there are no holes. But he doesn't when there is a hole, which is infrequent. Today, there were a few thin holes and he hit them and we had good and once in awhile great results.


    The difference between what you see and what I see (and I am not sure which is more true) is that you think he could do this a lot more often. I think he can't, and that there are not holes for him to run through, And that if he didnt dance, and hit the hole hard, he would get a few more yards but lessen his chance for a breakaway run. 


    I don't think he ran much different today. i think he saw holes and hit them like he always does. If there wasnt', he would have danced. if there were these holes against other teams, he would have exploded liked he did today. You may be right, I may be right. It's an opinion. No one on earth knows the answer.


    Oh come on now Dog........your dancin just like Willis with this response ....... :thumbsup:

  10. I finally have to agree! :thumbsup:


    I will never understand why some of you guys appeared to cheering against your own players...

    And he still has a ways to go but this coaching staff certainly knows how to read the map......


    IMO the NFL is mostly about coaching......the last 6 weeks have been a perfect example of that..

  11. We basically dominated,,,,,,,,,,  And it was fun!!!


    Basically,, basically, basically.......that WAS TOTAL DOMINATION ....wait until you guys watch the replays , hope you had it tivo'd.......we dominated the lines, the coaching, and the qb play......just to name a couple of areas............woooooooooo!!!! :thumbsup::nana::lol:

  12. "He took three sacks instead of dumping the ball off.  144 net yards passing...and 77 of them don't count, since they came on one play to Evans, so he really had only 67 yards net, which is horrible.  This win is the worst thing that's ever happened to the team since the last win."

    Have I covered all the counter-arguments from the window-lickers now?  Anything I missed?  :angry:


    That wasn't just a win it was THE WAY THEY WON.......POUNDED the freakin chit outta the Jets.....


    POUNDED them and I mean POUNDED the Jets!!!!!!!!


    What a GREAT win for this TEAM!!!!!!!

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