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East Brady

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Everything posted by East Brady

  1. I just sent you another pm with email address
  2. We are very vocal if you still have them I'm on kine right now and will send another pm
  3. yes I sent you a pm let me know i'll stay on for a bit
  4. I'm not in Buffalo and can only imagine whats being said on the local radio. I listen to sirius mostly and I have to tell ya there is a lot of postive and respectful comments being made. It's very impressive actually, but I do think that some of them are just covering their bases, just in case we pull it off.
  5. I will eat some crow, just for the fun of it, but I did post this awhile back: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=55143&hl= It should give me a crow free pass, but I will admit, I really know nothing.
  6. I'll say it again, the league does not like it when Ralph calls the COPS!
  7. One of the biggest screw ups in Buffalo sports history, and that is a fact. I'd bet Rusty was already on a plane headed to chi-town before Ralph even heard the news that he and Donahoe had fired the man.
  8. The pro bowl has sucked ever since they allowed the fans to vote..... I never watch the pro bowl...... Only the players and coaches should be allowed to vote.
  9. Hey simon, you really need to stop with this crap. You keep harping on this percieved, poor treatment, of your man Mikey, and the harsh treatment of his wife and kids bla bla bla. Do you in fact, know what actually happened in these cases. Were you there to witness any of this? Is this just some more over hyped crap, spewed by an equally weak minded, and soon to be dead, legacy media, that is doing everything they can to drum up paper sales and evening news viewers? This kinda crap goes on in nearly every NFL city. Just last year the good folks in Pittsburgh went nuts doing these very same type of things after Tommy Gun lost a game or two. They harrassed his kid at school, threw toilet paper all over his house and garbage onto his front lawn. Would you call the Pittsburgh organization desperate and dying, with a pathetic and weak minded fan base? It was this same organization that was about to fire Malarkey before the Bills took him off their hands....Oh and by the way, they are also the very same organization that told Tom Donahoe to pack his ass on down the highway, one of their very own insiders, raised him from a pup......he learned everything he knows from the Rooneys and they said, we've had enough of your crap, beat it!....GO FIGURE! Spare me the TD MM lectures it is over....move on. By the way, give me a call when Big Tommy D. gets the type of full control he had here in Buffalo, it will never happen.
  10. Hey Joe, maybe you should lay off the six-packs??
  11. Thats ok earlier today I said I love Peyton ....... and it worked!!! Brady is the bomb oh I love Brady Nick Saban really is a genius I love Saban
  12. Same here friend , and who says we can't be last years steelers, its happened before and will happen again.What better way to crush the evil forces of NFL greed, in the memory of Lamar please oh football gods, be with us at this time of need.
  13. Makes no difference, the 7 loss's are all the same....We are here in the present and the task at hand is to keep our wits about us and BEAT Tennessee.... Nothing more to lament...just beat TeNN. and the stars will continue there unusual alignment, starting tonight, GO INDY, I love Peyton.....
  14. With the loss of a great friend in Lamar Hunt, a friend to all teams, such as the Bills, we should all be very thankful to have an owner such as Mr. Wilson, who is willing to go to great lengths to try and preserve our birth right........The Buffalo Bills. God Bless Mr Hunt and Mr. Wilson........Keep up the good fight Mr. Wilson!! We Stand With You in your battle against, GREED!
  15. Both of Jacks. running backs were injuried yesterday...... Taylor pulled hammy and is prob. done for awhile ... Jones Drew lower leg injury late in game , never returned limped pretty badly.... Jags are TOAST.....Del Rio's teams choke late......GO BILLS!!!!
  16. I think we have a very good chance if we take care of business and it seems the team believes this also......So for next week we just win and become big Miami fans for the day and that will make me happy, I just want to see this team have a chance going into the final week end.....Also next week starts monday night, lets go colts, and I see the bengals losing 2 of those games starting monday.....
  17. Pitt. will beat Baltimore at home so you can just add one more at 9-7...
  18. The reason for that is, they all laughed at us for how long now....going so far as to call JP a bust, marv and the gang a joke ect ect ect......Would you talk about the Bills if you had spent the better part of a year putting them down, and now look, here come the BILLS!!!! They can't wait for the Bills to go away..... And we just ELIMINATED THEIR SUPER BOWL PICK....Ha Ha Ha .... Hey national media, go scrape that egg off your faces!!!
  19. The great thing about the shut out was stopping them and then relizing they'd get another play with no time on the clock. On the second play we stuffed them even harder and it felt to me like we shut them out twice.....I can only imagine how good the team felt after the second shut out in a matter of seconds ....We will not be denied!!
  20. Sure and, IF I did scratched my left nut, my right nut wouldn't have itched......
  21. 3 TDs 190+ yards QBR 141 eat it haters ...........GO JP LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Oh come on now, this post is so over the top unfair it's laughable....After the free spending 90's Wilson hired the genius Donahoe to get us back in line with the cap then went on a spending and trading spree that kept us right below the cap and you are blaming Wilson for not spending enough.........He gave the guy total free reign to build the team and Donahoe failed......And futher more, another win sunday heading into the final 2 weeks, does not spell hapless season after all the changes that took place last year to try and right the ship.......Maybe you should reconsider your stance on the auto workers union that has driven the price of cars through the roof???Wilson is the CEO, but Donahoe was the COO, and he was ousted........Place the blame where it really lies and that is at the feet of Donahoe!
  23. I always thought the rivalry was really between the Bills and Don Shula...... Ever since Shula retired, the importance of beating Miami has somewhat faded a little every year.....
  24. BIG DICK J. is simply coaching his QB and by example his team......... With Mularkey coming to town, Seems to me he just wants the boy to RELAX a bit..... All this news has got me, VERY pumped up for the fins....... Lets just hope the team responds in a very very BIG way..... Bills 36 Fins 17.......Go Bills!!!!
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