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Offside Number 76

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  1. Yes those were on porpoise.
  2. Absol/utely. And I just realised that I misspelled "Mormon." How embarassing.
  3. Knocked up a Morman dude.
  4. I'd pay it, given what Beane does with first round picks.
  5. She was my "older woman" crush for quite a period of time.
  6. That was understood. It calls into question the legitimacy of the list.
  7. Or just because they're f*cking good and have shown us, and the Bills, that.
  8. This is a perfect explanation. To add to it, it's only "sanctioned" because player contracts mention it. I could start my own MVP award. No one would care, but I could. (And I'd give it to Dan Campbell even though he's not a player.) WGRZ radio is not a thing.
  9. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/869f4915-f391-4981-8398-000a2dc3f4f4
  10. Depends on the height from which he's falling.
  11. This is their best look. It is classic.
  12. Low-tech and I kind of liked that. Great breakdown of what happened on that play.
  13. Not only that, but there are rumors (iphone news and I don't know how to post that here) that the Colts might be Vrabel's next job.
  14. Yes, he's imprisoned at Shawshank.
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