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Offside Number 76

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  1. She was my "older woman" crush for quite a period of time.
  2. That was understood. It calls into question the legitimacy of the list.
  3. Or just because they're f*cking good and have shown us, and the Bills, that.
  4. This is a perfect explanation. To add to it, it's only "sanctioned" because player contracts mention it. I could start my own MVP award. No one would care, but I could. (And I'd give it to Dan Campbell even though he's not a player.) WGRZ radio is not a thing.
  5. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/869f4915-f391-4981-8398-000a2dc3f4f4
  6. Depends on the height from which he's falling.
  7. This is their best look. It is classic.
  8. Low-tech and I kind of liked that. Great breakdown of what happened on that play.
  9. Not only that, but there are rumors (iphone news and I don't know how to post that here) that the Colts might be Vrabel's next job.
  10. Yes, he's imprisoned at Shawshank.
  11. The real real issue is that LA has palm trees and Buffalo doesn't.
  12. This is probably true. It's also probably true of Kansas City. Frankly, the NFL would probably love it if they moved across the state to St. Louis or down to San Antonio.
  13. Williams got the play call late because the coaching staff didn't have one ready, then, by the time they lined up, the headset was shut off so he couldn't communicate with the staff. He did audible and change the play because he didn't like the over-the-middle routes that were called with time expiring. Had the staff gotten the play to him promptly, there would have been no problem. Had the staff called a better play, no problem. But letting 15 seconds evaporate before sending in a bad play was the error, and on the staff not Williams. Probably not a whole lot, frankly. It seems like destiny.
  14. Yes, they talked about it on the pre-game show. They will be here.
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