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Everything posted by whatutalkinbout?

  1. The Babe of The Day. That used to be fun. Even a Babe of Every Other Day would suffice.
  2. When did it become the responsibility of the federal government to hand you a tarp? No electricity? Is your computer running on magic? I know I'm coming off like a jerk.. This isn't a personal attack, I sympathize with your situation. It can't be good. My problem is, an innoordinate amount of federal dollars go to provide relief to a relatively small section of the country. It's your decision to live in a place known to experience such horrific weather. Your relief should be done a STATE level. The next blizzard that hits Buffalo should be taken care of on a STATE level. We are giving too much responsibility to the Federal Government. Just my two cents.
  3. Uhhhhh...it's Rapist Wit. Jeez.
  4. What do the Bills do for me Personally? I'm sure many of you can echo this sentiment. The Bills bring people together. Even during my irresponsible youth, Sunday was a day that my Father and I came together. From his stories of listening to the Bills of the AFL on the radio or telling me about the likes of Gilchrist, Kemp and Sestak, the team was a lynchpin in an often contentious relationship. There was one time in particular. I had gotten arrested. I was nineteen or twenty. My father picked me up from the holding center in a furious rage on a Sunday morning. I sat in silence while he yelled. I think he screamed all the way until the one o'clock kickoff against Houston. We still watched the game together though. At first it was in a conspicous silence peppered with disparaging comments about Todd Collins. By the end of the game, we had both come to the realization that this too would pass. (Both my issues and the Todd Collins era.) On a community level... The Bills are the one thread that runs through most Buffalonians. They are a common denominator. We've cheered together and hung our heads in despair together. You can be anywhere in the world, meet someone from Buffalo and instantly know that he or she experienced the same crushing feeling when the Titans completed that illegal forward pass. You can look at that person and know that they understand what it's like to be part of something special, like a miracle comeback by a backup quarterback or the tearing down of goalposts after years of futility. It's sad that Red Dragon doesn't get it, because almost everyone else does.
  5. I used to believe that Madden was a robot. Everytime he would repeat himself or mutter something like "The big guys up front gotta be big and that's why you got what you got there" I would chalk it up to a glitch in his robot programming. That being said, I think they replaced the old John Madden with a new improved robot. I no longer find him annoying. In fact, this MNF model is kind of informative.
  6. He is the biggest weapon on an avg. team.....They need to give him the ball more when we are in the endzone. 477846[/snapback] We probably shouldn't wait until we've already scored a touchdown.
  7. Lets start a thread listing the things he believes about sports that only a person with an IQ under 50 would agree with. I'll start... This guy, just yesterday, adamantly stated that the Bills' MAIN goal was to try and trick the fans and the media. Their MAIN goal. Not winning. Tricking us. This is, without hyperbole, one of the most moronic things I have ever heard. You can disagree with their results, but to believe that MM and TD, whose jobs are predicated on winning, are sitting in their offices devising ways to trick us and him you have to possess an IQ less than 50. Keep it going. Believe me, this "mensa member" will provide the fodder. I think his MAIN goal is to prove that he's smarter than the world, thereby eradicating his feelings of inadequacy derived from never being asked to play in any reindeer games.
  8. I'm going to disagree. Carrying the games of a home team creates a revenue stream that the affiliate would not have otherwise. Once the passion of a local fan base is added to the mix, advertising sales become based much less on the numbers (cost per rating point, cost per thousand viewers) and much more visceral. The affiliates can charge more regardless of ratings based on an increased demand. And that's a fact. And facts can be used to prove And you're right, from what I know the nets do lose money on the NFL. Although, I'd have to be an idiot to believe that they don't make it up somehow. A major reason the networks spend billions of dollars on the NFL is to promote their other programming. A home team in the country's second biggest market (assuming increased ratings) would provide a much better outlet for promotion. If the networks are whining about a team in LA it is simply posturing. Overall it makes good business sense. Then you have to wonder why an owner in another market, say New Orleans or Buffalo, with about one tenth the population of LA wouldn't want to move their team. Think about it. While everyone in the NFL is profitable, teams in big markets are making a lot more money than teams in small markets. Why? Local media deals, luxury boxes, and corporate sponsorship are a few reasons. These are worth much more money in LA than in Buffalo. One more thing. Yes, the NFL has used LA to leverage new deals in other cities. However, a team moving to LA will not stop this. It will only fuel it. People in Buffalo/New Orleans/Jacksonville/whatever will feel even more vulnerable. "Hey it happened to New Orleans/Buffalo/Jacksonville, it could happen to us" will be the prevailing thinking. And there's plenty of markets that'll take one of these teams. Portland, San Antonio, Vegas, or others will all line up to put the pressure on the market that won't pony up. It's a tangled web.
  9. You're right, it is about percentages. But national advertisers care about national ratings. Buffalo is not even close to big enough to move the needle on that front. LA is home to 5% of the nations television viewers. The LA DMA (designated market area) is about 5.5 Million. Buffalo's DMA is about 600,00. A forty rating (a HUGE number) means about 250,000 people tuned into a given game in Buffalo. LA averaged an 8.3 rating WITHOUT a team last year. That's 450,000 viewers and they're not even trying. The numbers are not going down with a team there...no matter how apathetic you believe the sports fans in LA to be. Hypothetically, lets say that the ratings only doubled. That would mean about seven hundred thousand more viewers for an LA team than Buffalo can provide in it's best week. That's with a measly sixteen percent of the television watching universe in LA. I don't know what kind of concessions the NFL would have to make to the Networks. A team in LA, without a doubt, means higher ad revenue for the networks. It's a no brainer. NFL broadcast rights tend to be sort of a loss leader for the networks anyway. They use the games to promote their other programming. Besides what owner wouldn't want to be in LA. All that corporate revenue? The bigger pool of potential merchandise buyers? A high income market? Bottom line...There will be a team in LA. It will be good business for the NFL. It could be very bad for Western New Yorkers.
  10. When cnn.com has a link that says "Some of the NCCA and the NFL's best cheerleaders" you click on it. The person who picked these is obviously blind. Or gay. Or likes to tease people. My favorite is number 3. That dude is UGLY. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/multimedi....1.html?cnn=yes
  11. Not sure if this has been brought up yet... http://www.startribune.com/stories/510/5634446.html I doubt it's steroids. Seems more like a weed guy.
  12. ...JP doesn't slide. He can't. His running style causes his upperbody to be out in front. He absolutely cannot get his legs out from under him. Now if someone can tell me why JP can't find a wide open E. Moulds in the endzone or why our D has forgotten how to tackle, I'd appreciate it.
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