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Everything posted by negativo

  1. He's hit on the defensive side, but offensively Whaley still has a lot to prove in my book. I realize this is somewhat of a Whaley/FO advocacy forum, but I'm hard pressed to put faith in a guy who too often swings big, misses, and then hangs on stubbornly to his misses. For me, the jury is still out.
  2. Love the standing Buffalo. Prefer home blues to whites. Our Donahoe unis were the worst in football history. Our vintage classics are the best.
  3. "@viccarucci: The #Bills have cut QB Matt Simms, according to an #NFL source." Practice squad?
  4. Am I supposed to care that I bore you, or that you share the POV of someone who repeatedly misrepresented my posts to fit his narrative? I don't. Thanks for sharing, tho. You may be a mod, but I don't have to bow down to your authority if you attack me. I've been civil this entire time despite being attacked on all sides by a series of hostile apologists for the front office. One would think you'd at least respect that, and respect the fact that I put the worst offenders on ignore rather than return fire.
  5. Addressing the media to refute Graham's "rogue" report? It would be a good idea to put this distraction to bed before the season starts. Nothing good could come from every interview to be about team dissension, or "Bickering Bills II". Regardless of what may or may not have happened, it's time to put this crap to bed.
  6. Hmmm....interesting perspective.
  7. 1. Bills - 12-4 2. Dolphins - 10-6 3. Patriots - 8-8 4. Jets - 6-10 Superbowl hangover, deflategate distractions, age, and improved talent in the AFC East is going to knock the Pats down to an 8-8 season. Dynasty is done.
  8. Cassel, the bell tolls for thee.
  9. You're boring me. We've been through this before over and over again. Apparently, either your blinders are on or you're just dishonest. I'm not going to continue a discussion with someone who is dishonest. You continuously misrepresent my posts, and intentionally misunderstand what both myself and Graham are saying. If it's really because you're not too bright, my sincerest condolences. Either way, I simply don't respect you enough to continue this dead end any further. You're now on ignore, but please feel free to continue blathering your foolishness in a vacuum. You obviously only hear what you want to hear, and see what you want to see, so I'm confident you'll be happy there.
  10. Amazing how the stats fly every time Brown fumbles. Some put together these amazingly creative stats...like, "He's only fumbled and had it recovered by an opponent who subsequently converted it to a touchdown 0.89 times over the past 41 games, which ties him with Everette Bramblefoot of the Canton Bulldogs for fewest since 1922." Dude is on such a short leash you could call it a choker. My guess: Ryan will never dress him, so there will be zero fumbles from Bryce in 2015.
  11. LOL! Something like that, only slightly more significant.
  12. BTW, I went to Graham's alma mater Baldwin Wallace...was a senior when he was a Freshman. Didn't know him. Wish I knew then what I know now...I'd have hazed the ever-loving **** out of him.
  13. The link I posted clearly listed the new director of football ops under the Player Personnel Department, and it was a link from the Bills themselves. I suggest you contact the Bills at once and notify them of their mistake, or just admit it's under the Player Personnel Dept. and be done with it. Either way, what do I care? If football ops, which according to the Bills is part of Player Personnel, and football coaches, are not considered football people at all, than I guess you are correct. It was only a bunch of accountants and marketing guys who wanted to be in on the loop. Don't get too bent out of shape with me if I disagree with this interpretation. Anyway, we agree on one thing. This is becoming pointless, and no longer worth wasting out time. Please feel free to keep thinking your way is right, I'll think mine, and we'll both somehow manage to move on without consensus. No hard feelings...at least from my end.
  14. I hate Graham. Trust me, it's killing me to be taking his side in this dispute. However, since he said these are the same sources that leaked to him the news about Pegula buying the team. Since they are clearly high up in the organization, I'm forced to side with him as much as it pains me. However, you do make a point. This horse has been beaten pretty dead, and it's time to move on now that the season is about to begin. I'll still post reminders of how pissed I am at the Fred cut if we struggle at RB behind McCoy, but other than that I'm more focused on being excited for the opener. This will be my last thread on the Whaley/Freddy dispute.
  15. The company line is that it was a unified decision. Graham is reporting that is a false front. You can decide for yourself who to believe. I believe the Graham report, but it's possible he's giving a bullshat report and I'm being duped. Or not.
  16. Graham's reports say he notified only Terry. Not Kim, not Rex.
  17. I'm not suggesting you agree with Graham's accusation he went rogue, I'm not sure why you even felt the need to make that point. Maybe you became confused and thought you were responding to a different post? As far as football ops, I'm not sure why you keep repeating yourself without reading what I write. I have pointed out to you that one football ops staffer reports to Ryan and the rest is under Player Personnel department. Here, maybe this will help you. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-1/Bills-announce-changes-in-player-personnel-department/24a21e81-0340-47ff-9839-be31e882f40a
  18. Administration is Brandon's side, and probably refers to the M&T fiasco. Football ops I infer to mean Pro Player Personnel, which is the department under which "football ops" is listed. I also pointed out that a new "Football Ops Consultant" by the name of Pat Meyer is on Ryan's staff, and he reports directly to Rex. From the reading I've done, the roles of "football ops" is sort of a hybrid between cap administration and scouting/evaluation. Anyway, we're going in circles. I think we can agree that Graham is saying Whaley went rogue by cutting Fred against the wishes of his football people, and failed to notify them or the operations team before pulling the trigger. One can infer this is a significant hit to his reputation internally if true. Now, you may think that Graham is full of crap. You may think he's just making this up for ratings and clicks. I suggest if that were the case Rex, Russ and Terry would by now have made a statement in support of Whaley and wholly denied the "went rogue" allegations. Their silence is speaks volumes.
  19. I found the correct links and edited my post. I'm posting them below for your convenience. @ByTimGraham: There are a lot of key people in football operations, coaching staff and administration who were left out. https://twitter.com/ByTimGraham/status/639063172104720384 @ByTimGraham: He deviated from the wishes of football ops and made the decision without any heads up. https://twitter.com/ByTimGraham/status/639065107297882112
  20. @ByTimGraham: There are a lot of key people in football operations, coaching staff and administration who were left out. https://t.co/PZck5QEaXf @ByTimGraham: He deviated from the wishes of football ops and made the decision without any heads up. https://t.co/QJSbbUMTev These are the tweets that I find the most damning. He also claimed in a follow up tweet that the coaching staff didn't know about cutting Fred, but I don't have time to hunt it down. Anyway, the point is clear that Graham says his inside sources report Whaley went against the wishes of coaches/football ops and surprised them all when making the cut. Regarding football ops, it's tricky deducing who they report to. Pat Meyer is listed under Rex's staff as "Football Operations Consultant", so the waters seem muddy on who Graham was referring to in "ops". That said, I find it difficult to believe Graham's sources had their panties in a wad because a low level data processing dude wasn't informed. That said, you're right about inference. He is being very evasive about exactly who knew what and when they knew it. I detest Graham, and always have. However, he was right about his sources for Pegula purchasing the Bills and says these are the same sources. Much as I hate him, and disrespect his sensationalist journalism, I'm buying what he's selling on this report.
  21. Rogue Light. Sounds like a good beer! Lol
  22. Your link is bad, but your points are good. I looked up for myself the publicly stated roles of Whaley and Rex and found you are correct. According to Pegula, Whaley has been given authority to select the 53 man roster. Based on that, I will back off my position about Whaley overstepping his authority or boundaries. That said, it's hardly following the open, consultative, unified model Pegula spoke about so passionately. If, as reported, he cut Fred unilaterally and secretly against the desires of football ops, which is headed by Ryan, it's pretty sleazy. Whaley may have final say on the 53, but that doesn't mean he's the only voice that matters. Again, if the coaches disagreed with Whaley as reported, and he cut Fred without even giving Ryan the courtesy and respect of telling him first, is that good for the team? Does that build unity and trust? Why not tell them? A move like that causes turmoil and dissension, not the collaborative unity Pegula and Brandon spoke of when Ryan was hired. I guess it comes down to whether you believe the unified front being put forward by the front office and Rex, or Graham's reports to the contrary. I believe Graham, but understand that you do not. Since neither of us can prove which is true, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.
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