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Everything posted by GripnRip

  1. ED WERDER :lol: :worthy:
  2. I don't get how anyone can watch Bills game and not think Lynch is a top 5 back in the NFL. Our pass blocking this year is TERRIBLE. More times than not Marshawn loses the first guy that touches him, which is crucial when you're running behind a sub-par line like ours. He turns many 1 and 2 yard losses into 2 and 3 yard gains every game. He has also had 4(if I recall correctly) 15+yd runs that have been called back due to penalty.
  3. Not only is this a horrible idea on principle...Adam Jones is not performing very well at all this year. Teams are actually TARGETING him as the weak link their secondary, no joke.
  4. no idea, but I think angelina jolie has the same exact thing....probably some secret girl crap.
  5. wow #10 isnt even top 5 for me... #7 all the way.
  6. My uncles barber played flag football with Trent last night and said he was fine. He was making great decisions and passed for 11 TD's. He did have problems throwing the deep ball though....
  7. Kyle Williams is outplaying Marcus Stroud right now, so I am definitely following that rationale.
  8. Thanks for those optimistic words, I feel great now.
  9. If our team "lacks inspiration" when JP is playing we don't deserve to win anyways. They're professional athletes, they have million dollar paychecks to inspire them. As good as TE has been, he is not a make or break player for us and if we're playoff worthy we'll win anyways.
  10. The Jets handed us a blueprint on how to handle Kurt Warner and the Cardinals. PF chose to ignore that and get dinked and dunked for 40 points. From halftime I pinned this loss on coaching, specifically the defensive gameplan and it's lack of adjustment.
  12. The defense didn't have a single stop in the first half. Tell me what does it matter if the Cards got the ball off a fumble or a kickoff when they casually marched up the field every time they got the ball? Anyone who thinks that we win with Trent playing has no ability to analyze football and their time would be better spent doing something else.
  13. I beg all of you disillusioned idiots blaming JP and crying for Hamdan(Who you claim is so much better than Losman, yet you can't spell his name correctly) to consider liking another team.
  14. We didn't stop them ALL GAME. Whether they get the ball from a fumble or from a kickoff we weren't going to stop them. This is not a winnable game for us, we're not equipped to score 40+ points. Deal with it.
  15. I hope you break both your hands to prevent you from polluting this board in the future.
  16. Im astounded how our defense can make ONE STOP an entire game, give up what looks to be 50+ points and people can still find a way to blame the loss on JP Losman. Get a grip dude.
  17. JP losman has little/nothing to do with this loss. The Bills are not winning any game where the defense casually gives up 40+ points. PF was handed a blueprint on how to beat the cards and ignored it. Loss is 100% on the coaching staff.
  18. Ground caused the fumble. Jauron sleeping at the wheel.
  19. Stupid. Warren Moon and Brett Favre have played and 208 and 261 games respectively. Kurt Warner has played 98. Making that comparison is almost as stupid as comparing Kurt Warner to Brett Fav......oh wait.
  20. My argument wasn't based on stats, I used stats to help prove the WIDELY known fact that Warner is a turnover machine. Kurt Warner had one great year but has spent of rest of his career throwing picks and fumbling, and massing tons of yardage in garbage time.
  21. The achilles heel that prevents him from being anywhere NEAR a top 10 all-time is turnovers. He has thrown 104 interceptions and fumbled 80+ times in only 98 games, while only throwing 160 TD's. Warner almost has more turnovers that TD's on his career - calling that top 10 all time is totally absurd.
  22. It's pretty clear you know very little about NFL football and should probably refrain from posting anything anywhere. Fans like you give educated ones a bad name for franchises everywhere.
  23. The Falcons are 12-23 the past 2+ years, proof enough for me.
  24. That is about as cookie-cutter as it gets....???/ Not sure how/what you made out of that.
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