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Everything posted by GripnRip

  1. T.O. is not "mentoring" anyone, you used that word not me. It was clear from the interview Hardy doesn't need(or want) a mentor, hes needs skilled people around him to show him how to be an NFL receiver. Evans and T.O are two of the best receivers in the league. If I am a young receiver in the league, I am soaking up everything T.O. says and does that pertains to the football field. Regardless of his off the field antics(which I disapprove of just as much as anyone here), he is an all-time great and has model work ethic and preparation.
  2. He did address his injury as well. He said he is ahead of schedule right now and should be in practice by the middle of June.
  3. I am listening to the Late Hits replay this morning and they just had a great interview with James Hardy. Obviously they asked him about the jersey topic and he said the front office just asked him to change and that he didn't care at all. He said he picked 81 because it was Randy Moss' number and that hes going to make a name for himself with his play not his number. They asked him about his "tough" first year and his response was refreshing. He basically explained how none of the routes he ran in Indiana are used in our offense and that is just took him some time to learn dozens of new routes on top of an NFL playbook. He sounded very focused and eager to become an impact player. It was also very clear to me he wasn't "dumb", he sounds like a smart kid and no doubt has the drive to be a very good football player. Anyways, it definitely quelled some of my fears about Hardy. As bad as it may look for him, with Lee Evans and T.O. next to him every day I can't imagine a more beneficial situation for him at this point. As of now I'm still a James Hardy believer.
  4. I've heard Jason Peters called "special" several times on TV. Now I understand.
  5. @ this thread. I'm pretty sure theres about a million threads about things besides TO. You decided to create another to talk about TO and also ask that everyone else stop doing so. I like this.
  6. ...what about a quarterback?
  7. That is exactly why it's a good move. If we don't make some serious waves this year, this team is getting rebuilt anyways.
  8. I want to see TO working out outside in the middle of winter.
  9. If we can get him cheap theres not a huge harm in cutting him after a year or so. I mean theres usually a bit of a honeymoon with TO.....
  10. The question to whether Roy Williams would make sense in Buffalo depends completely on one person: DONTE WHITNER. If he is the real deal he should be able to handle cover 1's on running downs, and compensate for Williams' lack of coverage ability. To be honest though, our zones are so soft I can't imagine him being any worse than Bryan Scott, and would certainly be an upgrade in run support. Like I said, it's up to the coaching staff to evaluate whether Whitner is really a good enough FS to compensate for a liability in coverage at SS. Personally, I say go for it if the price is reasonable. Give Whitner a chance be the player he thinks he is.
  11. GET 'EM. I'm sick of "character" guys that are great influences in the locker room and mediocre on the field. TO scores touchdowns and is still a very serious threat in the NFL. Who would be a better addition to our anemic offense, L. Coles or T. Owens? Will never happen though.
  12. Uhh yeah for me the point is we've sucked for 10 years and I'm ready to start winning. So hire good coaches, sign good players and make OK draft picks. We barely succeed at the latter and haven't done the first 2 in a decade.
  13. I can't believe most of you sound like you wouldn't give ANYTHING for Cutler.... Jay Cutler is a much better QB than Trent Edwards. Period. Jay Cutler would instantly change the dynamic of our offense. I know I'm not the only one that is sick of watching the same unimaginative, repetitive boring failure that has been our O for the better part of a decade. Jay Cutler makes a lot of mistakes, but for about 10 games a year he goes for 300+ yards and throws 25 TDs a year. Trent Edwards makes a lot of mistakes, and at his career best gives for 289yds and has 18 TDS....in his career. Please folks, there is no comparison. If the Broncos are serious about trading Cutler I would no doubt ask them what it would take. Broncos fans would know better than me what we have that they want....Edwards + Jason Peters? Fred Jackson? 1st round? Bottom line.... GET 'EM
  14. GET 'EM
  15. Who cares if he had a gun? He didn't shoot anybody with it, he wasn't waiving it around in public or shooting himself in a nightclub. This event does absolutely nothing to tarnish my image of Marshawn Lynch. It's a sad fact that our country is so proud to own guns, as long as it's white people that own them.
  16. You're crazy. They're both wide receivers and they both have dread locks....thats about it.
  17. How is that sad..... He obviously enjoys taking part in new years for him to still be doing it, regardless of his health. I find it inspiring and courageous....anything but sad.
  18. We might beat the dolphins tomorrow but I guarantee it will have little to do with anything you just said....seriously where did you come from?
  19. Thigpen was in the process of pump faking when mitchell got to him. He was scared of getting a roughing to passer call so he held up at the end. It's sad a day for the NFL when players are scared to do their jobs because of flaghappy refs.
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