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Everything posted by jdubs

  1. I'm getting a wee bit tired of all this drafting Andrew Luck talk when I think we already have our QB. Luck hasn't even thrown an NFL pass yet, let alone that he's coming out for the draft. He could turn out like JaMarcus Russell. He is an unknown at this point. 1. Why take another gamble when it's obvious that Fitz is working for us? QB's are notorious for being hit or miss and we have other holes to fill that can be a "can't miss" pick. 2. Fitzy has "it" - the intangibles, the moxie, the brains, athleticism, and a good arm. The guy is fearless and will take the gamble to make the play. So he's not accurate. Brett Farve wasn't accurate either but will probably be in the hall of fame as arguably the best quarterback of all time. I think Fitz will only get better the more time he gets. Even Drew Brees in SD wasn't that great, look at him now. Fitz is our guy and we should be behind him 110%. He has given us hope and the will to win when we've had nothing but indecisive quarterbacks and losing seasons for as long as I can remember. He may throw some ill timed picks, but he's shown you cannot knock us out. Screw Andrew Luck, let someone else take the gamble.
  2. Anything yet? They HAVE to replay this game.
  3. Missed the game today stuck in Redskin country traveling. Anyone know when or if the game is going to be replayed on NFL Network?
  4. me too pls. i'm in fish country.
  5. its probably a cry baby lions fan seeing their asses getting kicked who's broadcasting the stream
  6. I downloaded and installed the plaug in and it's still telling me to install plugin. Stupid POS.
  7. I apologize if there is already a Bills-Madden 11 thread, I couldn't figure out how to search with the new board Overall, I like this Madden but there's a couple things I can't stand. I constantly find Kyle Williams or Troup offsides when the opposing O is in hurry up. Also the game switching my players before the snap is kinda annoying as well. Changing the buttons for the Defensive alignments and coverages was kinda weak. I kinda like the no turbo button, it makes it easier to control the RB I think, and Spiller just is amazing in the game. I'm constantly busting off huge gains with him. Jackson is pretty good in the game too, very hard to bring down. Edwards is surprisingly accurate on most throws. I have Easley as my #4 and he catches everything thrown at him. Too bad the kid is hurt, I was really excited to see him play this season. Plus I'm originally from CT. Feel free to add me on Xbox Live if anyone plays - sevenw0rds (the 0 is a zero). I call dibs on the Bills. Edit: and now I find the search bar.
  8. I agree, ditch the song. It's outdated. Why not get Buffalo's own Every Time I Die to do the new song? I cannot think of a better band to do it. Definitely the music has balls but the old timers would probably hate them. Plus they love to party and don't take themselves too seriously. Checkout this video for one of their songs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IewQXMJQjvA...e=youtube_gdata 100000000000x better than Disturbed
  9. I'd take Campbell for Whitner any day of the week.
  10. While we're at it, let's grab Kijana Carter too lol
  11. Why does ANYONE want Vick here? Sometimes I wonder where people come up with crap? 1st off the Guy is a d-bag and a horrible passer. 2nd, the Guy ain't a spring chicken no more, and he's not going to be able to rely on his legs for very much longer. Throw in the winter weather, small market team for a big market player and there's why thinking Vicky being a Bill is a ridiculous thought.
  12. I think we keep Parrish now that we have Gailey . If he's good at game planning around personnel like I've heard, he can probably work wonders with Parrish.
  13. I think it's a bit of everything, plus Buffalo probably wouldn't be considered too "happening" as far as night life goes for 20 something millionaires. But I must say, when I visited Buffalo for my only game a couple years ago, (drove 6 hours from CT.) I met the nicest people in the world - from the hotel, to the convience stores, to the stadium. I was floored that people were so nice A big change from the NYC d-bags I used to have to deal with. People may not want to coach/play here, and Buffalo may get the brunt of jokes in the press, but there is no denying the people of WNY are the nicest people in the world and the best fans. If people want to play/coach for a diehard fanbase, this is the place to do it.
  14. I'm at the inlaws house in MD. snowed in with Ravens fans. Where's the stream of today's game?
  15. Whitner stinks. He's the most over rated player on this team (as evidenced by the emergence of Byrdman). I would like to see him traded.
  16. How quickly we forget Buffalo fans. Remember JP Losman?
  17. thanks joey, it's REALLY laggy tho
  18. edit, paste link
  19. download stream torrent and pop this link in, works perfect. st://A0ECgpwEdTkDOQaCoAHIgBZ3JZ16nxT+aDki2LTzu mVtihcHU1Q4OTc1NIphAIpBB2RlZmF1bHSKogZTcG9ydHM=
  20. http://www.justin.tv/rko_nwo_10
  21. http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/7164/kanyec.jpg Just looking for a little humor to lighten the mood guys
  22. This thread has turned into this years best bromantic comedy.
  23. Kia I think your looking for this. Go to NFL.com, click on NFL Anytime, and then Game Rewind
  24. agreed. he does come up with some pretty cookie cutter responses. for once i'd just like to see him answer a question without giving a generic reply.
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