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Everything posted by Sig1Hunter

  1. So, you are running away without providing statistics to back up your assertion? Hmmm...is it because the actual objective statistics dont back up your POV? Nice deflection, though...”this must be a case of cops misbehaving because I believe that cops misbehave”. LMAO. What a joke. Seven times is “absolute overkill”, eh? Yet, the guy isn’t dead....weird.....
  2. Did you not read what I wrote? I’m waiting for evidence to come out before I come to conclusions. You, however, have already appeared to make up your mind based on your predetermined narrative that cops love shooting unarmed black men in the back. See the difference? (That’s another rhetorical question, BTW) And, who the hell let you out of the basement?
  3. It was mostly a rhetorical question anyway. “The narrative must be protected at all costs!”
  4. What if it comes out that he was attempting to take the kids without the consent of the mother, who had custody? What if thats the reason that the cops were there to begin with? And, what if it comes out that he had a knife in hand and and was preparing to flee with the kids (armed kidnapping)? Would that change your viewpoint at all? Just curious..
  5. Ive watched the video. Ive also seen still shots from the video zoomed in that show something in his left hand that appears to be a knife. Add that up with the cops identifying that he has a knife, and I’m willing to wait for more information before coming to my own conclusion. If he did have a knife, and was in a close quarters struggle with the cops, after they gave him multiple verbal commands, fought with him, and tased him, they are absolutely justified in shooting him - in the front, in the side, or in the back. Sorry to burst your bubble. Feel free to draw your conclusions before all the evidence is in. Thats your prerogative. Its idiotic, however.
  6. Unarmed? There are reports that he had a knife. Why don’t you wait for more info before making this proclamation?
  7. In a position to prevent people from violently attacking police officers? Yeah. I wish they would stop doing that.
  8. Seems like a nice change from the previous stance which leaves the door open for fans at future games. Good call.
  9. I love my Jeep GC. But, being able to go from 0 to 60 in it in about 3.2 seconds masks these petty complaints you guys all have.. Yes...that is me behind the wheel..lol
  10. Reports on the Jacob Blake shooting from a witness quoted in this article (you gotta wade through piles of irrelevant trash to find it) say that the officers identified Blake in possession of a knife. Attempts to tase him and control him were unsuccessful. A still shot from the video appears to show something that could be a knife in his left hand as he rounds the front of the car. https://chicago.suntimes.com/metro-state/2020/8/24/21399620/kenosha-shooting-jacob-blake-neighbors-witnesses-protests ‘“One witness, who did not want his name used but said he had an unobstructed view of the events leading to the shooting, said Blake pushed past police and that’s when they struck him with Tasers. “He didn’t even flinch,” the witness said. “He just kept walking.” Blake tried to climb into his car, that’s when a police officer grabbed him, the witness said. “They start to wrestle,” the witness said. “The officer is punching on him. Two officers come to assist. They get him down on the curb behind his vehicle. Somehow he manages to get up. They said he has a knife. All of the officers pull out their guns. ... (One of the officers) tells him, ‘Get out of the car!’ and he starts shooting.”’
  11. I agree. I’m seeing all of these posts from NFL players referencing how the cops outnumbered this guy and they should have just taken him down. Yeah, they probably should have. But, what would these same NFL players be saying when the video of 5 cops pigpiling an unarmed black guy comes to light? Its not so easy to control an adult male that doesnt want to be controlled. Did they hesitate to act because of fear how that would look, and then found themselves in the lose/lose situation that it ultimately ended up being? This is what happens when cops are scared to do what they need to do, when they need to do it.
  12. We dont. Its amazing how calmly he walked to his car when he has multiple officers pointing guns at him and shouting commands at him. If you resist those instructions and open your car door, there is a high likelihood that your intentions are to gain access to a weapon and do me harm. Sorta reminds me of the Dinkheller video. Nutjob goes back to his car, cop doesnt engage, nutjob accesses rifle, cop still doesn’t engage, nutjob begins murdering officer with rifle. If you wait until you are looking at the muzzle of a gun before you decide to act, you are likely already a dead man. Who, in their right mind, acts like this under these circumstances? What was he doing when he got in the car? What was the perspective of the officers? Were they aware that he has a criminal history of possession of a concealed weapon? All important questions to be asked....
  13. I’m just here for the recipes. I’m out of dinner ideas for tonight.
  14. They’re their own worst enemies over there. Am I right?
  15. Well, given that he was at an NBA game and couldnt even have paid attention enough to flop, I think that part of it was likely hatched after the fact.
  16. Eh, maybe? You think he sees this as an opportunity to set this guy up in front of an arena with 15000 witnesses, with a lot of them recording footage? He’s the biggest dummy on Earth, if thats the case. Maybe he is, I guess..
  17. When you watch the “aerial” footage, you see him try to push by the cop before the cop could even get a look at his credentials. Thats where he was boneheaded in this incident, IMO. When he tried to push by the cop, it looks like thats when the cop pushes back.
  18. Is life better when you are “outraged”? I echo above sentiments. Based on this video, looks like a couple boneheads in a power pissing match. Something to be outraged over? Hardly. And, LOL at Shaun King. I’m actually surprised I read past his name.
  19. They had me at Death playing tetherball!
  20. What do you mean by “steadfastly take the sides of the cops”? To me, the issue boils down to this: million dollar athletes kneeling during the anthem to protest systemic racism and police brutality. I disagree that our system is systemically racist, and that police brutality is even in the top 50 things that contribute to the depressed status of many communities of color in this country. To me, it is a bull#### narrative intended to further a victim mentality. It has been co-opted by people that seek to use the narrative to gain personal power. The kneelers are sheepish pawns in the game. The NFL is a disgraceful group of pandering idiots who don’t want to disturb the mob. I agree that the system could be better. I don’t see how any of this garbage going on is going to make it better, and will only take us back 5 or 10 steps.
  21. How am I restricting them? By saying I disagree, and therefore choosing to not spend money on the product that is espousing a message that I disagree with?
  22. I cant discuss my political/personal views in my workplace, while using the benefits of that workplace as a megaphone. Also, they can choose to share them on the teams dime. And, I can choose to tune out. Does my freedom to spend my resources as I choose offend you?
  23. When watching the game causes me more angst than pleasure, ill tune out. Its possibly that it will be kneeling..but honestly if they move on and back to football, and its not shoved in my face constantly, I’ll probably be ok. If I have to look at Michael Brown and Breonna Taylor decals on helmets all season long, I’m out.
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