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Everything posted by Sig1Hunter

  1. Well, obviously, if the police didn’t try to apprehend the murder suspect and instead they just filed a warrant and picked him up later.. maybe when he was more amenable to being arrested and held accountable for his alleged crimes?
  2. Lol. She told the cops she just wanted to explain the dangers of meth. Seems to me like all it takes is one look at that lady to see the dangers. She need not waste her (meth) breath!
  3. Could be keys. Could be a knife. Cops identifying that he had a knife in his possession and shouting for him to drop it, plus the knife being located on the floorboard (after he dropped it after being shot?). 2 + 2 + 2 is looking like it is equaling 6 here, despite a lot of people that for some reason would prefer it equaled 5.
  4. Racism? You think that millionaire ex basketball players are going to enter into a trade for their next employment? I was making a joke about leaving college early, and not having a backup plan (degree) in order to keep up their lifestyles. Geez dude. Is it possible that you are the racist here?
  5. What about them? I’m sure they have marketable skills and will be just fine.
  6. Implying that a lot of the NBA players either left college early, or went straight to the league from high school. Were you not aware of this?
  7. Supposedly the “revolution is gonna be televised”... will it get better ratings than Americas Got Talent, though? ??
  8. Good riddance to the NBA. Now, they can put those college degrees to work. Oh.. wait...
  9. Hey. He had a knife. He was not unarmed. He was tased. He broke free from physical control. And, again, he had a knife - while in close quarters confrontation with cops. Justified, all day..all night. If you want to resist the cops with a knife in your hand, you *will* get shot. While reading through the thread, I read the word “punishment” several times. He wasn’t shot as punishment. Courts are where punishment is meted out. He was shot to eliminate the articulable threat to the cops and others. For some reason, he wouldn’t accept following the cops commands so that he would have his day in court. Now, he will have his day in court while paralyzed. Dummy.
  10. Thanks for sharing this BG. Lots of good info and context in there.
  11. Sums up my feelings exactly!
  12. Ive found my football juices flowing again, and its causing conflict within. I love this time of year. The weather is changing, and football is in the air...I want to enjoy the games so badly!
  13. The last sentence says it all! What has Shaun King ever done in his life other than “community organize”?
  14. I trust the process!
  15. The statement that you attributed to me is a joke. But i do have one question: What does “white” have to do with it?
  16. Please, explain why black men are killing each other - with the vast majority of it occurring in cities controlled by Democratic leadership for DECADES. I’m all ears..
  17. No, I’m saying violent criminals should be dealt with. Where do you see that I am making excuses for murderers? And what does this have to do with Trump? And where have I said anything about him (in any post)? This isn’t about politics. It’s about right and wrong. And it seems you are wrong... since you are obviously out of arguments.
  18. This is a perfect example of what happens when physical control doesn’t work as planned, and the suspect gains access to his car where he retrieves a gun. Facts very similar to Jacob Blake.
  19. You are an especially bright bulb in this dim, dim world.
  20. Cops have a license to protect themselves and others.
  21. Are black males disproportionately responsible for the commission of violent crime? Are black males more likely to violently resist? If both if those are true, would that give context as to why law enforcement is more likely to use force while arresting black males? Do the people that resist lawful detention/arrest have any responsibility when force is then used against them?
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