Being from the Central Florida area, and a law enforcement officer, maybe I can shed some light onto the procedures/protocols in place here. In cases such as these, where self defense is claimed as justification to shoot someone it is protocol to send the investigation to the State Attorney's Office to let them investigate. These cases are typically sent to the grand jury by the SAO for the indictment. This is the exact procedure that has been followed in this case. This case has been blown into the public consciousness for one reason, and one reason only: race. Incidents like this happen all too often, and they are handled in the above manner. We, as the public, rarely hear about them because it isn't of interest to the media unless they can get a frenzy whipped up. The manner in which it is being investigated is the way it should be - heads are rolling now because the public doesn't understand the process. They want Zimmerman arrested yesterday. What about a proper, full blown investigation, that leads to a justice (conviction at trial or exoneration)? That is the goal here. Whether he is arrested a week from now, or a week ago doesn't matter. If there is probable cause to believe he committed a crime, he'll be arrested.