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Everything posted by Sig1Hunter

  1. This guy gets it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpUAFGqwiJY&
  2. Pray for me, brother.
  3. Finally. Now that we have identified the root problem, can't we all just get along?
  4. Oh, the irony!
  5. Go back and read the posts. It's right there in black and white (double entendre intended).
  6. I think the general consensus is to not judge the case by the rhetoric (displayed by both sides), the media's biased reporting, and a lack of facts available to the public. Seems logical to me.
  7. Anyone remember a white girl that Rep Brown stood up for? I live here in Central Florida, and I sure dont! Someone jog my memory, please... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=oxs5Woss__k
  8. If you are referring to the incident classification by the patrol officer taking the report, then you are misguided. First of all, the patrol officer taking the report does not have any kind of say in that matter. That is the duty of the detective in charge of the case. Secondly, the patrol officer has to list a classification for the incident report. At the time, this is what he classified it as - "Manslaughter". It means nothing - but, I can see how it is being blown out of proportion.
  9. By listening to the 911 tapes, it sounds like the shooting occurred contemporaneously with the struggle. There are screams of "help", and gunshot and then the screams cease. The determination of who was screaming is the key. The screams of help show who was in fear for their life. Martin's family claimed it was him. Zimmerman claimed it was him, which was documented in the initial police report. There is a witness who also stated that it was Zimmerman who was screaming.
  10. Him following someone (something he is legally able to do) in no way casts him as an "aggressor". Disregarding instructions of a NON-SWORN member of a police department - e.g. the 911 operator - is something he is within his rights to do. The 911 operator has no legal authority over anyone. That is what a lot of people seem to be missing. It would be different if that operator was a sworn police officer, but in this case it was not. As far as the supposed racial slur, how does someone using their first amendment right amount to prima facie evidence that he is the aggressor? Sure, if that is what he said it would be disgusting. It also may go to his state of mind at the time, but in and of itself it does not make him the aggressor. Otherwise, I am intrigued by your legal analysis.
  11. Being from the Central Florida area, and a law enforcement officer, maybe I can shed some light onto the procedures/protocols in place here. In cases such as these, where self defense is claimed as justification to shoot someone it is protocol to send the investigation to the State Attorney's Office to let them investigate. These cases are typically sent to the grand jury by the SAO for the indictment. This is the exact procedure that has been followed in this case. This case has been blown into the public consciousness for one reason, and one reason only: race. Incidents like this happen all too often, and they are handled in the above manner. We, as the public, rarely hear about them because it isn't of interest to the media unless they can get a frenzy whipped up. The manner in which it is being investigated is the way it should be - heads are rolling now because the public doesn't understand the process. They want Zimmerman arrested yesterday. What about a proper, full blown investigation, that leads to a justice (conviction at trial or exoneration)? That is the goal here. Whether he is arrested a week from now, or a week ago doesn't matter. If there is probable cause to believe he committed a crime, he'll be arrested.
  12. Really? Someone help me out. This has to be sarcasm, right? This guy can't be for real...
  13. It's not? The three women who just vanished off of the face of the earth beg to differ, I'm sure. Oh, and what about the ever increasing murder rate? Orlando IS bad, and it's getting worse. To stick your head in the sand and pretend like its all about the wonderful Mouse House doesn't do anyone any favors. I am telling him like it is. But, what do I know? Regrettably, I live here and I have to deal with the city's fine, upstanding citizens on a daily basis. Job security, I guess...
  14. Welcome to Orlando. Your first order of business should be to get a CCW permit and a gun. "The City Beautiful" has become a cesspool of humanity and the crime rate is out of control. Which gives me another excuse to stay in and watch the games in the peace and serenity of my home!
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoS1MCF8AeI
  16. How do you do this? Initially, I had serious doubts about your artistic talent. After reading this thread, I have come to believe - your skills are undeniable. This thread shouldn't exist, yet...it does....
  17. No one knows who he is? I'd be willing to bet that most Bills fans do know who he is, since this isn't his first rodeo with the team. If that was a joke, I apologize. It's hard to read your intended sarcasm through a (mostly) incoherent sentence.
  18. Crack is whack, yo!
  19. Bruce DeHaven - maybe you should be cut from TSW for your lack of Buffalo Bills knowledge?
  20. Spiller's day looks a lot better if CMac doesn't get flagged for a phantom hold, no?
  21. Since the Pats beat the Jets last night, the Bills are still in control of their own destiny. Just sayin'...
  22. Again, the Bengals kicked on 1st down. Calling timeouts would not have gotten the ball back. Forcing them to run 1 or 2 more plays probably would have given the Bengals a chip shot FG or even a TD with the way our run D was playing.
  23. I think that you are do for a promotion. Your powers of hindsight are, most assuredly, improving.
  24. No, because they kicked on 1st down.
  25. Nah. Murderers and rapists get their own cage. You'd go in a cage with the transvestite prostitutes.
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