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Everything posted by Sig1Hunter

  1. No, I understood the argument perfectly. I don't think you understand my point. You can volunteer to fight for the country, but until you prove that you are responsible enough and have had the requisite training, you aren't doing it. Therefore, the argument that because you can fight for your country you should be able to drink doesn't fly. Its apples and oranges. I think that your point of lowering the age for military personnel may have some merit.
  2. Exactly. Another thing that people who make this tired argument forget is that our servicemen/women get the best training in the world before they are sent into harm's way overseas. The average underage drinker has a hard time correctly spelling the word "responsibility", much less putting it into practice.
  3. Certainly, it was an over generalization. In my mind's eye I had a picture of an 18 year old kid just back from a long day at work who comes home and kisses the wife and kids, and sits down to "enjoy a cold beer". This picture was completely contrary to my personal experiences of 18 year olds drinking beer, which usually involves fighting, vomiting, naked women, and jail (not necessarily in that order).
  4. This phrase is thrown out in abundance when talking about underage drinking. A responsible adult "enjoys a cold beer once in a while" after cutting the grass, or while socializing at a buddy's house, or while taking in a game. An 18 year old enjoys a cold CASE of beer once in a while just for the sake of getting piss drunk.
  5. The ruling on the field was that the ball was touched in the end zone. Beyond that, there was no explanation. It is apparent that their reasoning was not logical....
  6. Exactly. You can watch the games live, and then on demand. Twenty bucks? I'm in!
  7. No, they were game days jerseys. Looked really sweet, except for the missing details.
  8. I saw the ones at the Bills store in person, and they didnt have the wordmark/logo on the jersey. Maybe they've changed them now..but, that was just last week that I saw them in person.
  9. The ones that I saw at the Bills Store were nice, but they didn't have some of the details that I'd like to see - such as missing the "Bills" word mark on the front and the charging buffalo logo on the back. Otherwise, they looked great. Ultimately, I decided against them for the lack of detail though. Why would they leave these things off?
  10. Fing, do you have the case cite on that? I can't open the NYT article, and I'm very interested to hear what the Supremes said.
  11. I think I know more cops than you. 98% are excellent public servants with integrity and a desire to help. There are scumbag cops, no doubt. But the vast majority are fine human beings. Just because you've been arrested umpteen different time by cops doesn't make them racists or crooks. Their job is to arrest criminals. Kinda like when you get my order wrong at the drive thru...it's nothing personal. You're just doing your job, ya know? Funny how assumptions work, isn't it?
  12. What case is this that you speak of? calm, chill, and hungry for human flesh
  13. Maybe you should request to have your 911 phone line rerouted to your local crackhouse, then? Like I said, walk a day in their shoes...heck, I doubt you could walk 5 minutes in their shoes.
  14. What is the problem with the police giving a lawful order? "The bar is closed, time to go". Law enforcement is the last line of defense from anarchy and chaos. He wasn't asking AP to do something illegal or immoral, was he?
  15. Rudely demand? Who cares. Walk a day in the shoes of a police officer, and see why it is that they "rudely demand". They tell you to do something (such as, bar is closed time to go), you do it. It doesn't matter what tone they take with you.
  16. You mean, like asking him TWICE to leave? According to the report, Peterson pushed the police officer first. Where I come from, that is battery on a law enforcement officer (a felony). "Pretty please, Mr Peterson, stop pushing me." In the real world, that doesnt work. Come on... Really? Where did you read that?
  17. Six inches? Mine's AT LEAST eight.
  18. Suspicious doesn't equal illegal. A guy wearing a trench coat in summer is suspicious, but not illegal. Someone walking around on a dark, rainy night in a hooded sweatshirt is also suspicious. It just doesn't look right. Not many people are out walking around in the rain at night with a sweatshirt. Give that person an umbrella or a raincoat, and they don't look suspicious any more. It could well be they got caught in the rain, or some other valid reason. But, at first blush my mind says "what?" followed by "why?".
  19. Let me break it down for you: 1) It is not illegal to not follow a civilian 911 operators request. This was not a sworn law enforcement officer giving GZ a lawful order. 2) it is not illegal to follow someone. GZ had a legal right to be in the place that he was. So did TM. 3) There has been no word that GZ confronted TM. On the contrary, TMs girlfriend stated that TM confronted GZ. 4) it IS illegal to start wailing on a guy merely because he was following you. BTW - your characterization of GZ as a "wannabe cop" is interesting. I don't know GZ any better than you do. But, having someone pay attention to suspicious goings on in my neighborhood would be welcomed by me. And, yes, walking around in the rain with a hoodie is suspicious. This is coming from a "real" cop in FL.
  20. ...and a broken nose. Orlando Sentinel
  21. You guys are down with the track "Lick My Nuts"? I'm sure it's a real hit down unda
  22. It's the same draft order as this year, with a few trades thrown in.
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