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Everything posted by Sig1Hunter

  1. They use the same photo of SJ in this years Madden too. That, AND, the awful toilet seat collar....
  2. And, here I let Damond Talbot dupe me into thinking that landing a Yahoo writing gig was a big deal. Apparently the only qualification is being a longtime fan! Maybe I could be the next JW?
  3. Thanks. I looked em up before I posted. It's still a non criminal charge. If he won't cuff and stuff for the weed, he certainly ain't cuffing and stuffing for a non criminal infraction. Seems more like a POP (making the po po mad) charge if you get mouthy - Officer has the threat of jail in his back pocket. OTOH, I do find it weird that you can get jail time for a non criminal charge. In FL, judges don't give jail time to first (or sometimes second) time DUI offenders!
  4. Again PTR, there has to be evidence of impairment to charge a DUI. The fact that a driver is smoking weed while driving doesn't make a proper DUI arrest. It makes a proper possession arrest / summons. As I tried to explain earlier, and was called crazy on, if you are drinking beer number one while driving - you will not get arrested for DUI. You will get a non criminal cite for having an open container of alcohol. What is so hard to understand about this? I like 99% of your posts, dude. But, dang you are dense!
  5. Incredible, eh? Please explain to me these separate crimes (please refrain from using city ordinances as your reply. Those are about as serious as a parking ticket). And, remember that I am a real dolt when it comes to these kinds of situations. Thank you kindly. That's the beauty of it. It matters not what you consider 'just' and 'unjust'. Unless you are a New York State Legislator, I guess. Dark tinted windows are a safety hazard. Ever try looking out side windows that have 10% tint at night when you are preparing to make a left turn? You probably wouldn't see the kid in the road through the window. Ever walked up on a car with dark tinted windows that you have just pulled over at 12am, having no clue who is inside or what they have in their hands? Yeah, didn't think so. They are illegal, and can / will get you pulled over. Don't like it, call your congressman. Saw a bulletin on it. We've been inundated with the synthetic stuff down here.
  6. Yeah, PTR. That's exactly what I am saying...
  7. I test it every day that I go to work, my friend. Trust me.
  8. More than a citation? Like what? Possession is possession, whether in a little baggie, rolled in a joint, or burning in a pipe. If you are inferring a DUI, there has to be evidence of impairment before that comes in to play - just like drinking a beer while driving doesn't automatically qualify you for the DUI, smoking a fattie behind the wheel doesn't either!
  9. Just so I understand correctly, he was pulled over for having illegally tinted windows, but in actuality it was based on his race? What do you base this on? Just because a person is black, green, yellow, or pink and they happened to get pulled over for a valid, legal reason doesn't mean that the person is being profiled because they are black, green, yellow, or pink. If that was the case, only white folks could ever be pulled over - since we all know white folks can't claim racial profiling....
  10. People keep using the word "profiling" and it makes me laugh. Do you even know that criminal profiling is a completely legitimate/legal tactic used by law enforcement? Besides, how is it profiling (in your negative understanding of the practice) when there is PC to stop based on dark tinted windows? Seems more like a pretextual stop to me. Which is, BTW, another perfectly legitimate tactic.
  11. MJD named his kid Madden?
  12. Free Sunday ticket max and 35 off of my bill for 12 months. Customer retention rep Kevin says "make sure to call in next year so we can offer you another good deal." Yes, sir!
  13. I think I understand why this guy is a FORMER cop.
  14. Interesting. If you watch the video, it appears as if they put some black tape over the patch on his shirt...
  15. Can't explain it. Just a feeling that I got. Maybe it was the Dolphins shirt he was wearing?
  16. The thing that I took away from watching the series was the arrogant douchieness of Joe Philbin.
  17. There weren't any character witnesses for TM because if they put them on, then that would open the door for the defense to bring in all the evidence that they had to go to his character, or lack thereof.
  18. What does Neighborhood Watch have to do with anything? If I am merely a concerned citizen, I should have to post a sign on my car?
  19. That's quite a disingenuous leap of logic there, buddy. White people walking their dogs at 7pm generally aren't considered suspicious because they don't do it on rainy evenings, walking in between houses, and looking in windows. If they did, I'd call the cops on em too. If trayvon had been walking his pup on the sidewalk scooping up poop, he wouldn't have been given a second thought. It's not about racial profiling. It's about keeping an eye out for your innocent neighbors when they have been repeatedly violated by thugs. Thugs come in all colors, btw.
  20. There are laws governing when you can "take a swing at someone". It is not legal to take a swing at someone because they are following you. It is not legal to take a swing at someone because you think that they look "creepy". What is the correct thing to do when you see someone that is acting suspicious or creepy? Call the police. GZ did, TM didn't. He had a phone. It is apparent by GZ's actions that he did not want to take the law into his own hands, and instead wanted to get the authorities involved. TM had the opposite reaction, according to the evidence. You can't "stand your ground" because of someone else's lawful actions. I can walk or drive through my neighborhood and follow behind anyone I damn well choose. I can even say things to them. Heck, I can get out of my car if it strikes my fancy. Ya dig?
  21. So, what you are saying is in NY the fundamental American right of being innocent until proven guilty does not exist? You so crazy.
  22. You're right. I was assuming that the defense was worth its salt and had filed a demand for evidence in the state's possession that is favorable to their client. IF this demand was filed, they are obligated to turn it over. Hence, the discovery violation.
  23. But, as state attorneys office you have an ethical obligation to disclose all evidence in your possession - to include exculpatory evidence. The State cannot just say, "ah, forget we saw that and throw it away". And, when someone comes forward and calls you out on your ethical obligation - you cannot s-can him. This whole situation stinks to high heaven.
  24. Only capital cases (first degree murder) get 12 member juries.
  25. Nope. Just a different jurisdiction. City officers have jurisdiction within their municipality, while the sheriffs office has jurisdiction in the whole county. Mutual aid agreements can give jurisdiction in other places, but you get the gist.
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