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Everything posted by Sig1Hunter

  1. I'd like in. I was in Fluff's league a few years back, but he was trying his best Goodell impression. Banning and imposing fines for everything, including unruly, drunken celebrations in my living room when I took down his "Fun Bags". Hrmph. I'm kidding, of course. Or, am I...?
  2. Beware: Marshawn's badonkadonk is featured. http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/page/bodylynchqa/super-bowl-champ-marshawn-lynch-bares-all-espn-magazine-body-issue
  3. Marshawn so fat...he gave Dracula diabeetus.
  4. Brings new meaning to his screen name, eh? If mrags is actually an overly dramatic menstruating chick, then I vote that she should stay. Heaven knows that this board needs more broads , and we would only have to deal with it for one week outta the month.
  5. Wait - I thought that the board consensus was that we gave up two 1s and a 4 for him?
  6. The synthetic form of marijuana that is marketed under "K2" and "Spice" is an EXTREMELY dangerous form of the drug. It is basically a chemical analog synthesized in a laboratory. The chemical is then sprayed on dried plant matter so that it can be smoked. One of the reasons that it is so dangerous is because the haphazard manner in which it is applied to the dried plant matter. Because of this, you get varying doses of the drug each time you take a hit. Bad, bad stuff. Deadly stuff. Make you go crazy stuff. Upthread a bit, another poster complained that it was deemed illegal through "executive order". The DEA issues emergency orders to illegalize this stuff whenever a new compound comes out. The chemists who are synthesizing this stuff would just make a minor change to the original formula to make it legal. If the DEA didn't get involved, that compound would be legal until the legislature met and voted to make it illegal. Then, the chemists would make another minor change to make it legal again until the legislature met again...and on and on and on...
  7. How long are you gonna hold on to that, EII? I remember having this same (or very similar) debate with you years ago. Maybe it's time to let it go? Until that happens, I doubt that I can convince you that: - The cops aren't out to get you and take food off of your family's table - Traffic safety isn't a scam. Traffic crashes are the number one killers in our country. Speed plays a large role in the majority of those fatal crashes. - Most cops aren't "douchebags" - Laws are written by legislators, and enforced by police - My agency (a large traffic oriented state agency) doesn't see revenues from citations. That money goes into the county. I will certainly admit that there are some "douchebag" cops. And, I will admit that there are some small, municipal agencies that gather much of their revenue through traffic enforcement. As such, they zealously enforce the law. Anyone ever heard of Waldo, Florida? As far as your obvious bitterness as to what you call "professional courtesy", there's this - do I give warnings every day to regular Joe Blow citizens? Yup. Do I give warnings to police officers if I pull them over? Yup. Do I expect it if I ever get pulled over? No. Why does that bug you? When I am fighting a drunk all by myself on the side of the road, who is going to stop to help? Joe Blow? Probably not - he'll get out his cell phone and start recording. I guarantee that off-duty cop will stop, and will help. Now that I've said my piece, I'm out. I read this forum out of enjoyment for the team that we all love to root for. At times, I feel the need to express my professional opinion to help out / educate some of my fellow board members on a topic that most people know little about. I can see that the thread is quickly devolving into a serious level of cop-hate, and I want no part of it. I get enough of it at work.
  8. I know, right! Speed limit signs have to be the biggest scam in the country. Why do they write them in foreign languages so we can't read them? And, to show them how much of a scam they are, I'm going to scam the officer into looking like a liar by delaying the case as long as possible and asking a slew of irrelevant questions!
  9. That information is accessible through the various electronic databases that we have access to in FL. I ask for all three, primarily because my niche in law enforcement involves arresting drunks and finding drugs. Asking for all three documents gives me a longer legal excuse to talk to someone and observe them. The longer I can look and listen, the more chance I have to find something...interesting. Some guys have their niche in writing speeding tickets all day long, so they can get a little lazy with the other stuff. Get the license, go back to the car, write the ticket, and on to the next one. Wham-bam, thank you ma'am.
  10. Not true in Florida. I hear it all the time - "I demand to see your RADAR!". Um, no. You are not going anywhere near my car. Plus, what kind of proof does me showing you my RADAR give? I could clock a car at the beginning of my shift at 88mph and lock the speed in on the display. Then, I go around showing all the folks that demand to see my RADAR the number 88 all day long. You go to court, and I bring my documents for you to inspect there. I assure you that you won't like what you see, though...
  11. If I remember correctly, it was this song:
  12. Khakis. Maybe this is "Jake from State Farm"?
  13. Thad would be snapped up off of our practice squad awfully quick.
  14. No thanks on Mel. I heard he's lost a step (or two).
  15. 5 years / 49 million / 28 million guaranteed / Bills
  16. Endzone seats on sale 3/25 for $54, according to bb.com.
  17. So, the defense is #1, and the offense played like #2?
  18. He played the day after she died. The man bleeds Buffalo Bills Football. That should be unquestioned. Life > football.
  19. What "antics" are you speaking of? Not playing the last two games because his mother died?
  20. You can say that again! The only person who has watched Buffalo Bills football this year and hasnt seen the value of FredEx is Ray Charles. The man is a beast, and has *at least* one more good year in him.
  21. We are blue collar for away games. White collar for home games. Right?
  22. Thanks for the math lesson.
  23. Just curious, does anyone think that the Texans message board has a similar thread? After all, they are still alive for the playoffs! http://nfl.si.com/2013/12/03/houston-texans-nfl-playoffs/
  24. A TBD toga party? That could be....awkward...
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