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Everything posted by Sig1Hunter

  1. Hm, I don't know if it's justified. And, my point is that instead of joining another growing horde of ignorance, we should step back and wait for facts to be revealed before making any kind of judgements. I will tell you that it appears as if his right hand is not secured, and one can easily fire a gun from a supine position. We don't know if there was a gun, and if there was where it was. Taking some hypotheticals...if there was a gun and the dead guy reached for it, are we expecting the Leo to wait for him to grab the gun and point it at him before he is justified to shoot? As far as the "belly to belly suplex", it sounded as if the taser had been deployed to no effect. Which, the next thing is going hands on. That's the way it's done.
  2. You must have seen a different video, because I didn't see where both hands were "pinned". Can you post the video link to the video that you saw?
  3. What happens if you order two girls, but only one cup?
  4. Lights and sirens don't give police carte blanche authority to blow through red lights. Florida law requires that police use due care in these instances. Most agencies have policies that are even more restrictive. My particular agency requires us to come to a full and complete stop at red lights and stops signs when we have lights and sirens activated. Makes it harder to catch the bad guys, but makes pursuits a little bit safer for all involved.
  5. I came away from Batman v Superman feeling like I watched an Avengers flick. Entertaining, cool special effects, but questionable plot. If you go into it expecting it to be anything like The Dark Knight Batman, you will be sorely disappointed. I give it a 6 on a scale of 1-10. I would have enjoyed watching Deadpool (for a fourth time) more.
  6. Batman v Superman should really be called "Superman, with just a dash of some bastardized Batman"... In my humble opinion, of course
  7. Attorney: "Mr. Garçon, we are prepared to make you a settlement offer that we feel is in the best interest of all parties involved. We will offer you unlimited free contest entries for your entire lifetime, and...." Garçon: "I'll take it!" Where's Jackie Chiles?
  8. Wasn't Mojo outed as Dougie or a close relative a few years back?
  9. I don't think it mattered. Since the Pats made their choice to kick, the Jets got the choice to in the direction they go. There is no defer option in OT. Or, at least that's how I understand it.
  10. I wonder..did his claim of self defense come in before, or after, he threw her on the couch full of guns? Either way, she refused to cooperate with the prosecution, as many DV victims do, so he is free from legal judgement. The moral judgement he faces for being a POS, on the other hand..
  11. I think you may be confusing Walt Anderson and Walt Coleman. I don't recall issues with Anderson. Coleman on the other hand...
  12. I third Event Horizon. Still creeps me out.
  13. Plaster pics of her all over the internets for your viewing pleasure? I don't think so! She is a definitive yes, however..trust me.
  14. Officer Forsyth was killed in a tragic training accident last week. Jared was a huge Bills fan. RIP. http://www.clickorlando.com/news/funeral-set-for-ocala-police-officer-accidentally-shot-killed/32258172
  15. Emotion, adrenaline, and a lack of leadership. Horrible. That scumbag isn't worth throwing away your career, guys.
  16. Sure, it wouldn't end it "all", but it certainly would end most of it. Cops are human. Humans make mistakes at higher rates when under high levels of stress. If you wanna fight the police, you run the risk (albeit, a minute risk) that the cop will make a mistake and shoot you. Sure, the cop will go to jail - but, you might not be around see it.
  17. Kinda early to be hitting the sauce, isn't it Gugny?
  18. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/breaking-news/os-shooting-orlando-jeep-20150308-story.html The area that the shooting occurred in is one of the seediest places in the city. South Orange Blossom Trail is known for drugs, strip clubs, and prostitution.
  19. Much of Orlando has become a real hole. Good thing for me is that this involves a healthy dose of job security. Presuming that I live to retirement, job #1 is to GTHO of this place.
  20. You're right. You convinced me. The caller is definitely racist.
  21. Thats weird, OP. A quick search revealed that a caller DID say that he was looking in garages. http://www.policeone.com/use-of-force/articles/8277336-India-disturbed-by-Ala-use-of-force-incident-cop-fired/ Just to keep EII's lunacy in check, I'm not saying it justifies any unlawful use of force, I'm merely saying that it refutes the OP "racism" assertion.
  22. Yes, this case is quite obviously all about racism and brutality. Please. A neighbor who calls in an unfamiliar person looking in garages is the racist and the cops just couldn't wait to brutalize the man - on their own video, mind you. OP is a special kind of stupid.
  23. I am presently engaged in aggressively eating a chicken sandwich. Warrior me!
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