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Everything posted by Sig1Hunter

  1. It seems like the chief is asking for help without the mayor noticing... like when you need help getting out of a bad date and you mouth “help me” to your best friend and hope that your date doesn’t notice..
  2. I’m confused.. am I a douche, or do i have common sense? My own personal limit is 15 over, and even the vast majority of those get warnings. Ain’t nobody got time for traffic court on chickenshit tickets
  3. Hoax. Thats a warning, by law.
  4. Win, place, AND show? Hot damn!!
  5. Coming from an apparent lawyer, your opinion (lightly, or not) means about as much to me as the turd I’m presently squeezing out while on the clock.
  6. I got a link for the actual warrant/PC affidavit today. This is the leftist hero. Disgusting. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/7043323-Jacob-Blake-Criminal-Complaint.html?fbclid=IwAR2RizTfjy8X-lPV0vabjePYaj_35FOMRuWYs0XYgPQYqG8BdJq4hnfORgU
  7. Yeah. Grady Judd... guy had killed had killed Deputy Matt Williams and his K9 partner Diogi. https://www.odmp.org/officer/18528-deputy-sheriff-vernon-matthew-williams Q: why did you shoot him 68 times? A: that’s all the bullets we had. We would have shot him more if we didn’t run out.
  8. What is “community policing” to you?
  9. Yeah thats the video I posted upthread. Crazy
  10. Yeah, I’m pretty sure one of the geniuses in the OTW thread made that argument. Hey Shannon, you know what the difference is? The cop could see his hands (and guess what? It didn’t have a knife in it..). That’s the difference.
  11. Good thing Daytona Beach didnt send social workers in to try to gain compliance from this POS.
  12. That is some horrible stuff, and certainly gives more context to the type of human Blake is. Do you happen to have a link for that info?
  13. Great actor. Way, way too young. RIP sir.
  14. Cool, thanks The irony in his post is that he gets upset over one person making these statements online, while the cities are literally burning, and people are getting hurt and dying because of violent left wing mobs...why wouldn’t the actual violence piss him off more than someone just saying things on the internet?
  15. Hey, no issue with that charge if that’s the law. It will be interesting to see how they handcuff Mr Spaghetti Arm for his felony of being a felon in possession of a firearm. Any response to my other post about use of control? Curious to hear your thoughts since it seems we can have a reasonable debate.
  16. Was that from last years Hard Knocks? House mouse.. classic!
  17. I don’t need proof. I can use common sense to make that assessment. Are you saying that they were just out for a midnight stroll during the middle of the riot? Three felons, just minding their own business? You need proof for a criminal complaint. There’s no criminal complaint cuz they are no longer among the living. The witness statements you quote are certainly persuasive, if true. However, with all the video floating around at these events, it’s interesting that there’s no video of this part of the incident. Another thing that makes it hard to believe is this: if someone shoots 3 rounds at me, am I going to then charge that person? I know... I’m using common sense here... and it has no place with you. Just the facts! Unfortunately, uncorroborated (and likely biased) witness statements aren’t considered facts either. If these three rounds were fired, I’m sure they will find the shell casings. So, I’ll end with saying I’ll wait for corroborating evidence before coming to your side of things.
  18. What did these eyewitnesses say? If these church going kitten breeders were out rioting, burning, and destroying other peoples property and attacked someone defending that property, i would have the same opinion. I might have a little more empathy because they weren’t the dregs of society, but they still win Darwin awards for attacking a man with a loaded rifle.
  19. I wasnt there. I dont see any gross negligence, however. I see an interaction’s outcome that was 100% controlled by Blake. The thing is, this has already been hashed out by the United States Supreme Court and the use of control standard is well established case law. Graham v Conner is the big case that jumps to mind. The standard is “objective reasonableness”...and that standard isnt what Joe Blow cop hater (not you, but some pushing the narrative are firmly in that boat) thinks after the fact. Its what an objective officer on the scene would see as reasonable. Things that go into this are things like: what does the officer know? Does the suspect pose a threat to others? Has there been resistance or flight? Is it objectively reasonable to believe that a man with a felony warrant, who has already physically fought with police, been tased with no effect, and is now armed with a knife, refusing verbal commands and entering a vehicle with children in it, and then engages in a second physical confrontation at the vehicle is a threat? My opinion is a resounding yes.
  20. But if he had a knife and was fighting with the cops, it would be ok for the cops to defend themselves..right?
  21. Innocent until proven guilty, you say? Is this a message of convenience, or does it also apply to your boogeyman Kyle?
  22. No you don’t. If you did, we wouldn’t be having this debate. What damning evidence? Jauronimo couldnt answer that one either.
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