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Everything posted by Sig1Hunter

  1. Yes, that's been a common denominator in mass shooting events in history. You sir, are a genius.
  2. Geez... I'm not saying video games made him do it. Dude was evil. The evil came from a virulent stew of influences. Who's up for a good nature vs nurture debate?
  3. I'm not saying that it is 100 percent causal in these situations. I do believe it does play a role, and I believe the science backs that up. Not everyone who plays call of duty for 30 hours a week is going to shoot up a school. A very small percentage will. I'm willing to bet that most of these types of suspects have certain traits and habits that tend towards committing these acts, with one of them being immersed in the culture where the brain is desensitized to killing. I'm no expert, but I've done reading and have some relevant real life experience. I also stayed at a holiday inn express last night.
  4. Semantics, I suppose. My point is still that the games are plenty realistic enough to damage the brains of adolescents that immerse themselves in it for hours, upon hours daily.
  5. At risk of running off on a tangent, I would ask if you have played any of the new generation of FPS video games (non sci fi shooters)? Companies spend a lot of money making them look as realistic as possible. Virtual reality is becoming more mainstream, so it's only going to get worse (or, better?). Pretty much the only thing that is missing is the smell of gunpowder and the iron in the blood. I'm sure smell-o-vision isn't too far off though.
  6. Do I see anything wrong with the assertion that normal, well adjusted humans (not psychopaths) are averse to killing other humans? I'm not saying that when under threat, we can't/won't do it. Certain people still won't. Certain people are sheep, and are terrified to paralysis at the moment of truth. Check out this link for a fantastic, if not simplistic view, on this. https://www.killology.com/sheep-wolves-and-sheepdogs You seem to be confusing what I was saying initially though. I'm talking about the school shooters in these situations, and the question was asked whether violent video games could play a part in getting them to that point. I'm not talking about humans not being able to defend themselves by killing another human that threatens them. Though, the averseness to it will show up in feelings of guilt and other similar emotions even when someone legally and morally takes another's life. So, no. I don't necessarily see anything wrong with arming and training certain teachers. There are sheepdogs in all walks of life. There are teachers that are sheepdogs, and unfortunately some cops turn out to be sheep. A badge, or a gun doesn't make one a sheepdog.
  7. No. (Thanks for an easy post count bump)
  8. I know it entertains us. Those examples of typical adolescent male game playing are much different than the repeated visual depiction of shooting a ultra realistic looking human in the head and watching his brain explode out of it...over and over and over. That densensitizes your brain to it. Its the same reason that when I do my yearly firearms qualifications they have us shooting a target that looks human, instead of a bullseye style target that they used to use back a couple decades ago. It is natural to have some sort of curiosity towards death and destruction. It isn't natural to want to be the one that inflicts that on another human being.
  9. Do you even have a point, or were you born obtuse?
  10. So, you are saying we should ban cars? I mean, they are the weapon that a criminal uses to kill and maim innocent people by the tens of thousands every year, right? Think of the lives that will be saved.
  11. Play any part? Certainly they do. I suggest reading "On Killing" authored by Lt. Col. (Ret.) Dave Grossman. The vast majority of well adjusted humans have built into our brains safeguards that shield us from the desire to kill another human. Most species have an innate avoidance of killing their own kind. The nation's military understands this, and it has been documented over and over in wars of bygone eras. To combat this, the military has become extremely effective at indoctrinating recruits and retraining their brains to widdle down this safeguard. One of the most effective ways at retraining the brain is to view violent, realistic death... over and over and over.. with no negative consequence. Violent video games, and to a lesser extent violent movies and tv, do this to a "T". Players are actually rewarded with higher scores for killing other players, so not only is there no negative consequence for killing, but there is positive reinforcement. Video games have evolved so much in graphics and realism, that the human mind begins to be retrained. The line between what is real and what is fake begins to blur. For an adult, it isn't so much of a big deal. But, for a 12 year old boy that plays these games for 6 hours a day (or more), there is certainly an effect. https://www.killology.com/teaching-kids-to-kill He touches on a lot of stuff in the link above, but reading "On Killing" is highly recommended. BTW, I enjoy my first person shooter games as much as the next guy and play an hour or three a week.
  12. What if the results for the Bengals and Ravens games were the same, but the order of the games played was different? Would you say that they relied upon the Bengals beating the Ravens in week 8 to "back into the playoffs"? Of course not. The standings are the same. The Bills made the playoffs.
  13. DUI is an every man's crime. This is one of the reasons why it is litigated so hard. Lots of people that are otherwise law abiding citizens get busted for it. Those people are willing to dole out thousands upon thousands of dollars to get out of the case. High dollar lawyers that specialize in DUI Defense + inexperienced prosecutors fresh out of law school + cops making arrests on what they "believe" (and then being ineffective at testifying why they came to they conclusion) = lots of drunks beating their cases = lots of recidivism in the crime = people getting hurt and killed = politicians placing impotent laws in place that do little to help the problem.
  14. Parking diagonally has two benefits. It can help in the event of a rear end collision, but it also provides more cover for the officer in case of a sudden gun fight. As far as getting people out of cars and having them wait a distance away from the roadway, it's an interesting thought. Personally, I don't think it will be a standard way of doing things because cops like to be able to keep an eye on their violators as best they can. If I get them out, and there is a guardrail, I have had them stand on the other side of the guardrail. If they stay in their car, it is a relatively safe place for them in the event of a collision, too. The way cops handle their traffic stops are generally left up to the individual officer. My agency doesn't force us into one particular method. Every traffic stop is different.
  15. I make a living by finding and arresting impaired drivers, yes. The ones that frequently cuss me for arresting them, instead of the ones committing "real" crimes.
  16. The ironic part, is it looks like Jackson made this responsible choice... he is dead now due to someone else's selfishness and stupidity. Stories like this really suck. Unfortunately, they happen every night in every state, in many cities and towns. It reinforces my chosen career path, though. Having the opportunity to stop these nightly tragedies by putting these irresponsible idiots in jail is very satisfying.
  17. Official...i don't think you know what this word means.
  18. 1) sounds like a handler needs to work on obedience and control. 2) a better story would have been if a dog dropped a Boston steamer at midfield, and Brady slipped in it and sprained an ankle.
  19. Haushka and Schmidt both had fantastic years. Coverage teams seemed good. KR team sucked.
  20. I wish these trolls would be lopped off at the base, so as to keep copycats away and the board clear of this garbage. If you title your thread by basically quoting a source, and you are determined to be a fraud, there should be some form of TSW death penalty. A public hanging would work..
  21. Read the article posted by GBiD
  22. Yeah, you can take a cell phone charger by threat from an uber driver and no one should worry about it. Seems legit.
  23. Early discoverer that the Shake Weight style exercise can actually have health benefits. Began "trials" of his discovery in the early to mid 1970s.
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