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Everything posted by Sig1Hunter

  1. You never go full retard!
  2. It's scheduled for Monday, according to the Yahoo app. Maybe if you throw the commish few bones, he'll help you out?
  3. As of now, it's Monday at 7:45 pm
  4. I don't recall that, but if I got whipped at the end of the season it's cuz I was resting my starters.
  5. Ohhhhh I'm an idiot. But, I still came in 2nd place, whilst Joe came in DFL!
  6. I guarantee you will miss.
  7. I don't like your jerk off name. I don't like your jerk off face. I don't like your jerk off behavior. And, I don't like you...jerk off.
  8. You Peterman'd last year's draft.. there's no denying that. Think of it like this, though. It's a new year. New opportunities to muck up the draft and reach even higher levels of suckitude! Cheering you on, BRO!
  9. I'll make either day work. No worries. I'm not sure why Joe thinks it's gonna make a difference, anyway. It seems like he gets his fantasy advice from CNN. He'd prob have a better team if he just let it autodraft.
  10. Guess I'll be drafting from the shoulder of an interstate somewhere.. "Sir, can you hurry up and write the ticket?" "Hold your damn horses! I'm on the clock!"
  11. So that you can continue to brow beat and talk down to me like you do with anyone else who shares a non-negative opinion about Peterman? Here's my opinion: Peterman has looked pretty darn good in the preseason. The best out of all three QBs. I believe he's shown significant growth from his rookie year. He probably should start. I'd throw out his preseason stats, but others have already done that in other threads and you immediately dismiss it with "it's just preseason". I don't really feel like debating with a wall. So, I'll just leave my opinion at that.
  12. No. I'm all for you, me, and anyone with an opinion expressing that. It's tiresome to hear certain posters (not you) repeat the same thing in every thread. And, not just once in the thread.... but polluting each thread with 10 or 15 posts.
  13. What is the definition of a crusade? Is it injecting your (well known, already) beliefs in every discussion about Peterman so that it ruins the possibility of any positive discourse in the thread? We get it. You don't think he's a good QB.
  14. But, why? Why hate on a guy who is a member of your favorite team? Dude's had a very good preseason, and if he is named the starter it's because he's earned it. 26CB has redeeming qualities as a poster, but he's showing himself to be a close minded hater. Not many worse things than that, as a message board poster, IMO. BTW- that throw to Reilly in between three defenders was a thing of beauty. Nate has, at the very least, shown the ability to learn and improve.
  15. Who's this Davis fella at WR4?
  16. So, im just scrolling through this thread and now I have my playlist for the weekend. Thanks dudes!
  17. It's interesting, you can tell when someone is toast on the show, seemingly before they realize it. When they start talking about missing home / family, you know they are done for. The mind is the bigger battle.
  18. Let's get it!
  19. If anyone lived in the central Florida area in the late 80s, early 90s, you had to remember the Family Auto Mart commercials. Classics, for sure. Watching them now, as an adult, I'm sure that fat man had to be hitting them white lines.
  20. I'm deeply offended by his socks.
  21. Who cares? Maybe he just sucks. You beat the same horse in any thread that you can. It's dead. The maggots are dead. From dust to dust, man.
  22. It was pop when I was a kid growing up in the southern tier of NY. Moved down south, and now it's soda.
  23. BK fries have been the worst. I haven't been in several years, so maybe they've changed.... but the main reason they don't get my business is their fries (and the ghettoness of BK in general). Chick Fil A will always be my guilty pleasure!
  24. Rest in Peace, Gray Rider. We have the watch from here. OP, cool story. Thank you for sharing the Bills connection.
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