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Everything posted by Sig1Hunter

  1. The Thin Blue Line brotherhood is much more than just that. A buddy of mine that works with me down here in Florida recently had his young daughter diagnosed with childhood cancer. He recently went up to Philly with her for treatment. Yesterday, a group of officers from a local Philly area PD brought his kids boatloads of gifts. All purchased out of their own wallets. They don't even know the guy, other than he is a brother in blue, and his family is going through a very trying time this Christmas. I understand your sentiment about the negative applications of the brotherhood. From my perspective, that side of it is not as prominent as it once was. If I stop an off duty cop, or immediate family, speeding or something non criminal - yeah they are getting a warning. Criminal stuff, though? Sorry bud. Your mistakes aren't costing me my career and pension.
  2. Great story.... welcome to the Bills bandwagon, Super Cade! I have a feeling that your buddy Josh is bringing great things for all of us!
  3. Many are, yes. The planet we are on is called Earth, aka "the real world".
  4. Dang...too bad you couldn't get hired. I bet i know why, and it isn't because you admitted to toking a little weed back in the day....
  5. You apparently don't know jackschit about being decisive. It's easy to pull a trigger on someone 350 yards away in a "third world shithole" where "Hajis" are seen as some subhuman form of life by you. Being decisive is making a split second decision to control a situation before it escalates, knowing full well that everyone and their brother is recording it and every dumbass and douchebag on the internet will judge you for your actions, even if they are legal and proper.
  6. Uh... what? Cops have to identify a deadly threat before using deadly force. Again, i missed the part where deadly force was used. This was a simple take down. It's funny that you watch a 4 second video and presume that's where the incident started.
  7. Oh, i. missed the part where the cop killed the 14 year old thief. The video only showed him taking him to the ground. Couldn't tase him, that would be excessive force to you. Cant hit him with a baton, excessive force again to you. Cant take him down either, i guess. Cops just gotta say "pretty please let me handcuff you and take you to jail", and hope for compliance. When it isn't gained, i guess they just walk away? It's interesting that implicit in your rambling nonsense of a post upthread, is one certain fact: That 13 year old boys are capable of causing violence / death to other people. In this case the thief didn't have much time to decide and act upon that. The officer doesn't know if the kid has a knife/gun/etc. The moment physical resistance is encountered, swift and decisive control becomes necessary. Whether or not you understand this is irrelevant. Its not your legal obligation to make that decision from your perch upon a steaming pile of ignorance. NEWSFLASH: putting a full size human that doesn't want to go in handcuffs, in handcuffs, can be difficult and dirty work.
  8. So, 13 year olds are cool to kill overseas as long as they are in "3rd world shitholes", but 14 year old criminals that are physically resistant to uniformed police don't need to be taken to the ground and handcuffed? And any cop that would dare do that is a POS to you? Am i getting this right? And, why are you referring to yourself in the third person?
  9. The broad brush you use to paint on your canvas of ignorance is amazingly disgusting.
  10. It was kind of you to cut your scrubs so they could "latch on with a contender". You are a true gentleman.
  11. Oh, I'm coming. You bezz belee dat. In the interest of fairness, I'm going with the biatches that brought me to the dance.
  12. Bend over Commish... it's body cavity search time! The 4thers are taking the title this year! Who's with me?!
  13. Are Gugny and stevestojan the same person?? The OP is some crazy stevestojan!
  14. He threw it where he wanted it to go. Miscommunication aside, it's not inaccurate if it went where he intended.... right?
  15. Excited to be there in person!! Amalie is a great arena to watch hockey.
  16. Dang, we are on our way to becoming the Buffalo Phils!
  17. Is Barry Melrose dead? He's ESPNs hockey coverage.
  18. Job security, baby!
  19. He answers that question in the description "FAQ"
  20. probably a street crimes unit
  21. I dont think so...i think they win vs the Vikings will sink our playoff shot, in the end.
  22. Does Todd Bowles pull a a Vontae at halftime?
  23. They actually talked about this exact scenario in my academy training. Its really just good, common sense. Glad it saved your life!
  24. Ok, then we can compromise... Will you kindly explain to her why it is that I flipped her off when I went by in the right lane? Thanks a bunch! - The Rest of Us
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