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Everything posted by Sig1Hunter

  1. I’ve waited all offseason to say this.. WGAS
  2. I’ll hang his jersey in my closet next to that Dri Archer I bought a few years back.
  3. I think he’s saying you knew the airport was there when you decided to live there..but, I could be wrong.
  4. She looks like she should be in middle school...as a student.
  5. Segment is coming back on right now, if you missed it the first time. ESPN News
  6. Buddy of mine that is a Gators season ticket holder said “he lays people out. But, he also misses a lot of tackles. All or nothing.”
  7. Didn’t the Ravens grab AJ Brown in the first? Maybe I dreamt that?
  8. I haven’t decided..is she from Orlando? Or Newark? Living in Orlando, you see these types all day, e’ryday. And, no. Way. In. Hell.
  9. Likely because 6 qualified for the pre trial diversion program. I.e. little to no criminal history
  10. To all of those that are upset about perceived preferential treatment for Bobby Kraft: This kind of thing is standard operating procedure for misdemeanor crimes in Florida. It's called "pre-trial diversion", and exists for any of us that get arrested for certain misdemeanor crimes (presuming we aren't recidivist). The state attorneys office drops the charges when certain conditions are met. Those conditions usually involve treatment, community service, and sometimes things like letters of apology. I hate Kraft, but this has nothing to do with who he is, who he knows, or how much money he has.
  11. https://video.foxnews.com/v/6010245740001 Whip it!
  12. You know what they say... The quickest way to a man's heart is through his anu.... wait ... that isn't right..
  13. We get it. You've recently been to Jax, and stayed at a swanky resort. You think that means it's a great place. I disagree with you. To each their own.
  14. Apparently, you haven't. Jax a sewer of humanity. To each their own, i guess.
  15. 75 degrees in the off season? Have you ever been to Jacksonville?! It's a miserable, disgusting city, that turns into a miserable, disgusting, sweatbox in March. I live in Orlando, which is another miserable city to live in (but for different reasons). If a career wasnt locking me in here, i would have been gone yesterday.
  16. Just imagine how fast you could have run if you weren't a stoner! Not to mention the money saved on Cheetos and Funjuns
  17. Uphill, both ways??
  18. No mention of Fury, yet?
  19. Wow. That slope sure is slippery.
  20. "You play to win the game. Hello?!" -Squirmin Herman Edwards
  21. Uh... yes i do. I give warnings all of the time. It's called discretion. And, when it comes to non -criminal violations, I am allowed to use it how I see fit. That power is given to me both by my agency, and by the legal system. Do you *really* want cops to be heartless robots that write tickets for every single BS violation in the interest of the completely objective enforcement of law? Or, would you prefer that cops have hearts (admittedly, some bigger than others) that have the power to dole out warnings? I give warnings to cops, cops family, firemen, nurses, doctors, veterans, old ladies, guys who cry, and most people who get the point without a ticket. I give tickets to jackasses, douchebags, and drunks. I'm not talking about arrestable offenses. I thought i articulated that pretty well in my original post on this offshoot. Edit: if anyone in category A, shows themself to also be in category B during the course of the stop, the warning goes out the window.
  22. Because i don't give warnings to plenty of other people too?
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